How to make your own Memory Card Exploit using the Independence Installer

Discussion in 'User submitted guides' started by L-Burna, Sep 17, 2004.

  1. Ataxonu

    Ataxonu Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    Sure does dude, thanks... But... A good point to make is that depending on how windows is setup the icon for the system.cfg file will be a "shortcut" called SpeedDial (A MS fax/phone client built into windows XP) It is only after I slid it into the cdgenps2 that it would then allow to select edit and put in the LBA number

    2.You can edit the System.cnf with notepad.

    Is very interesting... But it seems as though not directly...

    The next problem I'm not clear on is what Burna said about how he fixed the L3 and R3 buttons... Could you please reword or rephrase that paragraph because I don't understand the following sentance:

    "If you replace the KL.DAT file which should be renamed BOOT.ELF file with PS2MENU.ELF (changing this to BOOT.ELF and replacing the already existed one)...

    I don't understand that...could you rephrase?
  2. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Alright jonjakjam since you say it doesn't work.I will drop what I know and say no it doesn't work.Yes it does,and you are wrong man.The breaker pro disc is not dvd,but it isn't a PS1 disc.It is software for the PS2,and it works using the memory card exploit.I have a demo disc,and am gonna try it out and prove that works also.You probably messed up when you created the Title.db is all.The main thing with the Title.db is that you have to extract the slus from the system.cnf file in the actual disc you getting it from.


    You don't have proof that it doesn't work,and probably didn't create the title.db right.

    The breaker pro is a PS2 format disc that is why it boots,in the same since you can boot the gameshark V2.What was the game you couldn't get the exploit to launch with.I have heard people use the cheating devices to launch the exploit also.It isn't just PS1 games,whoever told you that is wrong for real.

  3. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Yeah Ataxonu the KL file is just the file in the keylauncher that is named BOOT.ELF .What you want to do is download the PS2Menu V2.6 and grab the PS2Menu.ELF file from it.Then rename the PS2MENU.ELF file to BOOT.ELF,and replace it with the keylauncher KL.ELF file.I am saying replace the already existing BOOT.ELF with the PS2MENU.ELF,because that one is better.Hey I also noticed something in my list of .ELF files that I had SNES_EMU.ELF that one will not be in the keylauncher.That was one I additionally added.Oh and Ataxonu keep the actual KL.DAT file in there,because that file is what you configure your apps with.
  4. jonjakjam

    jonjakjam Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    L-Burna IF Breaker pro is a PS2 format disk, could you explain to me why it works with the PS1?

    I would prefer the exploit to boot from a dvd game and Ive tried it with several PS2 Dvd games, Gran Turismo3, Vice City, Second sight, MGS2... all of which do not boot the exploit? Strange huh?

    All my PS1 disks work and boot the exploit fine. I know how to edit the title.db, Ive never made an exploit that doesnt work =)
  5. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Alright the Breaker Pro is a compiled software disc for the PS2 and has a PS1 game in it.The only reason I said it is not the same as PS1 is the fact that it is actually different.I will see what I can do for you jonjakjam on those games you mentioned.I am sure you know how to make a Title.db file,it is probably the method you used.I have the title.db already made for minmao also,if you want the title.db file minmao send me a PM with your email address alright.Alright gotta start getting ready for class right now jonjakjam,but when I come back I will start working on it alright man.
  6. jonjakjam

    jonjakjam Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    Ok man, let me know when youve finished workin on it.
    I just hope it works =)
  7. minmao

    minmao Guest

    L-Burna, thank you. how could I get the files you made for me?
  8. Ataxonu

    Ataxonu Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    KL.ELF is not there...???

    Oh lol... the KL.ELF is already pre-renamed to BOOT.ELF lol...'

    And the SNES emulator you used, was that the "SNES STATION"???

    And I was wondering if it is in anyway possible or needed or a like to have a ELF for Swap Magic Disk... I have Swap Magic Disk and would like to stop using my pressed disk and somehow use it off this exploit as my final button...

    Are HDDAdvance and HDLoader both patched with support for larger than 120 GB HDD???
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2004
  9. minmao

    minmao Guest

    I got a ps1 game working. Thanks for the terrific are really awesome, L-Burna.

    I will try to get ps2 game working this energy now.

  10. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    I guess you are right jonjakjam I tried a couple of methods of getting it to boot PS2 Dvd game,Demo,and even the GameShark2V2,but they all don't work.I guess it was only meant for PS1 games,well that sucks.Glad you pointed that out,but was hoping to find a better way around the PS1 game method.I am gonna keep trying and hopefully something might pop up out the blue.Sorry to say this minmao,but jonjakjam has made a proven statement that the exploit is only able to trigger off the PS1 games for the moment.Yeah Ataxonu the KL.ELF file was renamed to BOOT.ELF pretty much the keylauncher file,but glad you saw that.The SNES_EMU.ELF file I used was the SNES Station pretty nice to use,and can boot dvd compiled SNES station discs.I recently put the PGEN V1.2.5 on my memory card also,so I am good on the emulator issues.The HDDLoader and HDDAdvance I think are not patched.I think they are just the originals with no patch to them,but I can't confirm this since I don't have a harddrive.If you can install the hddloader or hdadvance and maybe connect to it.Then upload the patch from there,and run it.That might work,but I can't really say since I don't have a harddrive.Sorry I can't really help you there man.
  11. Ataxonu

    Ataxonu Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    I have a general question about installing apps... If possible is there away to install the apps via a device like action replay onto the memory card instead of having to burn the app to a disk and then some how cause the app to be streamed off it and onto the memory card???
  12. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Nah it is not possible Ataxonu for this technique.That is probably why the Action Replay Max with the pen drive is better I am thinking.I just realized there is no way of upgrading it or adding more apps,unless making another compiled disc.I guess this exploit isn't that bad,but probably should look into the ARMax EVO edition.I actually have the ARMax EVO edition,but just haven't messed with it yet.I guess I can look into it and see what it is like.If I see anything usefull I will let you all know.The independence exploit is not that bad for just starting out.
  13. jonjakjam

    jonjakjam Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    I knew id prove you wrong sooner or later L-burna =)
    I tried using a dvd game when I first got the MCexploit, to see if it would work but no luck.
    This also proves that breaker pro is a ps1 disk man and not some "magic" PS2 software disk like you said.

    I dont think youll find a way to use a ps2 dvd with this exploit, like I said before this exploit takes advantage of a small flaw in the boot sequence for ps1 games only!
    I guess il just have to stick with my custom made exploit disk(my ps2 boots ps1 backups).
  14. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Yeah man it has the PS1 driver inside it only.I think if we give it time though someone might release a version with the PS2 drivers.I just thought this one might have it,but yeah you was right.The reason the breaker pro I wouldn't consider a PS1 game,as some people call it is the fact that it can play dvd-rips using swap magic.It is actually a PS2 software disc,but like you said it contains a PS1 game.I am working on messing with the ARMax EVO pen drive exploit right now.It isn't bad to be honest,you can save discs in the long wrong.It also lets you add more elfs I think.I am gonna keep reading up on it and see what else it can do.The pen drive is the way to go if you use the exploit alot,and upgrade it with more elfs or beta elfs all the time.
  15. Ataxonu

    Ataxonu Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    Well, I gave it a shot though as usual there is a problem... For somereason the black instal screen can't even find the title.dat file... Now what is the most interesting is that it miss spells it to tile.dat so wtf is up with that shizzit!
  16. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    You lost me,Ataxonu I can't figure out what happened man.I was wondering did you fix your KL.DAT file man.I know I said to delete the KL file that was named BOOT.ELF thing and replace it with PS2Menu mainly just renaming the PS2Menu to BOOT.ELF,but if you delete the actual KL.DAT file then you are gonna have to get it again.Then go into it with notepad or wordpad whatever you prefer,and fix it to look like this:


    It should look something like this man.Everytime you add an .ELF file to your cd right.You have to go into this file and look at one of those buttons and type in the sequence man.I was wondering what kind of region PS2 do you have also man.I am just trying to find out as much info about the prob as possible.
  17. trych0t

    trych0t Guest

    sweet setup L-Burna, this thread helped a lot. I appreciate all the help you've given. If you don't mind to give some more I had 2 questions.

    1) What's the purpose of editing the LBA number on the System.cnf file?

    this one is big, so I'll take it slowly

    2)How does the install of this go?

    I'm using GameShark v2 for ps1 discs. Burnt the image with the change in LBA on system.cnf. Followed your helpful guide to a 'T'. Turn on PS2, put in GameShark. Let it load through all its crap, and then hit 'Start Game', Then 'Without Codes', then it asks for me to insert game discs. I insert the burnt MC exploit disc and hit 'X' to continue, screen freezes a bit and says "loading please wait", I hit 'X' again. Whole screen goes blank.

    my question to all this is in parts.

    a) do I really need use a slide card at this for the gameshark booting, even if it asks for a disk at that point?

    b) if I have to use the slidecard...I use it at that screen "when it ask for inserting discs" and everything should be ok?

    c) do I use the actual PS1 discs I have instead of the burnt cd I made from the first post you had posted, or is that after I have successfully installed the mc exploit? because i remember you mentioned that acts like a trigger.

    sorry but I haven't been able to find any solutions with anyone using gameshark v2. many ppl using cdloader or swap magic.

    i appreciate any info and help you can give.
  18. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Yeah trych0t I can help you out man.The system.cnf LBA is tooken from the swap magic cd disc,normally alot of discs made use this LBA to boot the discs.It acts like a reflection code for the disc you boot it with.If you are using a modchip the LBA is not needed,but it is a trick to swap users.The GameShark booting the exploit I have no clue man.I think if you get the swap magic discs they will benefit more,it is not bad to have the gameshark as a boot discs.It is really just the fact that normally after awhile you start to get read errors,saying insert PS2 format disc.It gradually increases after awhile,and mainly the swap magic discs seem to be on top man as for swap users go.The rest of the questions I would answer like this man:

    (a)Although you are very happy with gameshark.I would suggest investing in the swap magic discs.I promise you that you will benefit from those discs more than you will the gameshark or even better the hdd exploit.I am not real familiar with the gameshark method,but I do have it and can work from it if needed.The slidecard is not the way to go man.If you are planning on getting a better setup go with the fliptop or harddrive man.

    (b)The slidecard is the one you should focus on man.It is not as good as the fliptop or harddrive in being a safe method.Your PS2 will soon start to fatigue over time man,and laser and tray will start to wear n tear.

    (c)You should go with either a PS1 game or Breaker Pro V1.1 either one will work.If you use the breaker pro it will not effect it since it acts as a TOC refresh disc anyways,and if you go with a PS1 game make sure it is something you don't play man.The discs I mentioned should be original man,if it is burned it will not boot to the exploit at all everytime you plug that disc in.What the trigger does is boot to the exploit off the memory card everytime you plug that trigger disc in.The step right here is pretty important,making sure you get a disc that self boots is the main factor.If you invest in the swap magic discs the breaker pro discs would be perfect for this.

    I think the main thing is that I am not trying to make you go out and buy it.The thing is that I am just saying you should probably get the swap magic discs with a flippy lid or something like that.If you are running a mod or something like that.The swap magic discs will not matter since mod boots everything almost,except the messiah chip.I heard that chip has the most problems running this exploit.I think the mod is alright,not making it look bad.I am just saying this is not something to have if you are running this exploit also.

    The gameshark can't boot the exploit that I know of.I am sure it is possible,but from what I have seen.It hasn't succeeded,sorry to tell you that man.I know that probably got your hopes down for using the gameshark with it.I am sorry man,but I can't really help you out with the gameshark method.Wish I could,but have no clue on the gameshark method man.
  19. Ataxonu

    Ataxonu Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    Well, I "think" the problem was because I had no memory card inserted, so I will try putting one in next... (Wanted to see if program would boot before using a mem card)

    Also, have you made any advancement into if a usb pen drive (max evo) would work as well...
  20. jonjakjam

    jonjakjam Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    Wrong again L-burna, GS2 or AR2 v2 or less work with the exploit, just dont change the LBA of the system.cnf.

    Why do you say that L-B?

    trych0t, the PS1 Gameshark cd wont work, you need to use the PS2 version to install the exploit, if you dont have it you might wanna concider gettin ARMAX...its better for exploits, I found that you can even use a digital camera or flash pen instead of that expensive Max drive thing to load and boot any exploit you want =)
    SMD are pointless once you have the exploit installed L-B.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Dell 8300, Pentium 4 2.80GHz x2
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    Last edited: Oct 9, 2004

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