How to make your own Memory Card Exploit using the Independence Installer

Discussion in 'User submitted guides' started by L-Burna, Sep 17, 2004.

  1. jonjakjam

    jonjakjam Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    Yea Doormar I used the Max media software from codejunkies.
    I didnt have a problem installing it so l cant really suggest anything?
    Did you get an error message or something?
  2. Doodmar

    Doodmar Member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    Yes, heres what the window looks like:
    16 Bit Windows Subsystem
    C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is
    not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows
    applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.

    [Close] [Ignore]

    Whether I choose close OR Ignore, nothing happens.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2004
  3. kujima

    kujima Member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    Welll I used the guide that you made on the very first page. But I also deleted boot.elf and replaced with ps2menu.elf(naming this boot.elf) and then placing ps2menu.elf in the files folder. I did this because I saw directly under your guide you said you had a problem with the L3 and R3 buttons. And as far as the titledb I actually used the titleman program that makes the titledb for you. I then used nero express to burn it per your instructions in the guide. I think I cant use this demo disc. Does the ps1exploit work for all ps1 games? Also since I have a ps1gs2v2 disc can I use that to trigger it? Jeez all I wanted to do was play sega on ps2 =(. What is the easiest way to install the exploit and pgen to the memory card?
  4. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Alright I think I see where your problem is man.You are going to need to compile it with cdgen before burning it with Nero.If you pop the files in Nero,it will get all out of whack the files I am saying.If you use the cdgen utility put the files in there in order from the beginning of the guide.Then click on file,and where it says create cd that is what you need man.It will give you the .bin and .cue file to burn it with Nero.Then just open up Nero,and select your .cue file and you should have it working.When you compile your sega genesis roms,this you will need something different than cdgen.It has something to do with the pgen on the memory card.I have no clue why cdgen doesn't work with it,but I have tried to compile with cdgen for sega genesis roms and it never is successfull.The best bet is to use a iso builder or something that is better made,can't really help you out getting the best one,but winimage is one you can use to compile the pgen disc to launch off the memory card also.
  5. Ataxonu

    Ataxonu Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    Yo guys, I think I got some free time now lol... Been looking for help as to why ps2os is not detecting the usb pen drives... (LOOKS AS IF THIS EFFECTS ALOT OF PPL) I have heard rumors that when launched from a memory card the ps2os cannot use usb... In the readme it said to copy the usbd.irx file into the directory which I did, but to still no avail I can't get it to see it... Yo if you have ps2os working and can access your usb flash drives from ps2os please post what you have done...

    On another note I would like to know what the ps2menu v2.6 looks like... Is it like the ps2menu-k 3.1 in which it has a black background and green letters (see the guide in this link:
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2004
  6. jonjakjam

    jonjakjam Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    It works with almost all ps1 games.
    I cant see what your doing wrong?
    GS2 is the easiest way to install the exploit. You can use the ps1 GS disc to trigger it kujima.

    L-Burna Ive sucessfully made a ROM disc with Cd-Gen
    Quite simple actually =)
    What I do is compile it as a ps1 disc by adding a slus and sys to cdgen then just chuck whatever roms and exploits I want into cdgen, create the image and burn with Alcohol. Its that easy!
    Now, since I have a ps1 mod and the exploit installed with the same slus, when l put the burnt disk in my ps2 I can boot pgen without having to swap disks and everything works fine, all my ROMS load off the ps1 disk!

    What you would need to do is create a ps1 disk as stated above, boot ps2menu with an original ps1 disk then 'fliptop' for the burnt disk, press L1 choose cdfs>pgen.elf. It should boot Pgen and you can play whatever roms you want =)
  7. jonjakjam

    jonjakjam Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    Ataxonu, Ps2menu 2.6 (the one I sent you) looks much better and is not like the old black and green 1.3version!
    In 2.6 you can customise the background and text colours to whatever you want! =)
  8. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    66 your saying you got the disc to launch off pgen on the memory card using cdgen jonjakjam.I have tried cdgen compiling with it to work with the pgen V2.5 booting it up from the memory card,and it doesn't work for me.It might be my version I have or something to do with my boot sequence.I have to make the extra swaps though jonjakjam,maybe that is why it doesn't work for me man.It does work for me using a different program though.It should work flawless with mods,but flippy method is different.The reason I use this method though is if I ever go over the limit of 700MB discs.I know I can exceed that limit to go even further jonjakjam.You can get to Gigs of roms if you want,and have it work doing the pgen off memory card method.I know the Snes station all you do is press the select button,and it tells you to swap to your disc.Then use the eject button,and put the swap magic dvd in.After this it should load the swap magic disc up,and you can use fliptop method to swap for your rom disc.I know this method very well,this is running it as a PS2 disc though.Making a PS1 disc will only allow you to get to the 700MB limit man is what I am saying.
  9. Ataxonu

    Ataxonu Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    Does 2.6 have hdd support, and thanks for sending it to me... I didn't relize that was 1.3 I thought it was 3.1 lol Kinda confusing cuz "ps2menu -k V1_3.1
  10. kujima

    kujima Member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    Oh thats the onse step I left out. I did use cdgen (remember I said I foloowed your guide =). I just think that you cant use a ps1demo disc. Btw did I do the ps2menu the right way? You know replace boot.elf with ps2menu.elf and also put ps2menu.elf in the files folder? Like I said all I wanna do is put pgen and the exploit on the memory card and thats it. =)
  11. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Hey Ataxonu the PS2Menu V2.6 has hdd support man ;).Instead of putting the mc0 in the kl.dat file when you configure your files to the buttons.All you have to do is put hdd0,something like this.I am sure someone will come along and tell more on this man.Kujima I have no clue man,you said earlier that the install file was only 5k.I think this is a weird flaw man.It could be the version PS2 you have man,I am not sure what all versions work.I did hear that some will not work from the memory card,mainly newer versions like V11 and up consoles.If you have a version below this,it is something else then.Another thing kujima what version of pgen did you put on there.I used the version PGEN_V2.5 mainly a demo version of the newest release.They called it a demo version,but have never came out with the newest one yet.I heard the source code to it is released also,so there will be somebody working on a better release soon I hope.I am thinking it is not the actual PS1 demo disc,but the actual install to be honest kujima.I might be wrong on this,but that can't be right to have it at 5k man.When I installed the exploit it was either 4mb or a little over that.It might be your PS2 man,the memory card exploit still has some flaws in it I bet that makes it not work on some consoles.
  12. phatylhit

    phatylhit Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    im having trouble runnin the exploit itself, i got the exploit to install and say installation complete, but when i try and run it with a trigger cd...using either tekken 2 or star wars: master of tres just loads the game i doin something wrong or dont these games work with the exploit
  13. jonjakjam

    jonjakjam Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    Whats the size of your sys config file?
    And what version Ps2?
  14. phatylhit

    phatylhit Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i figured it out i was using a bad kl.dat file, it didnt have the auto line
  15. a_l_e_x

    a_l_e_x Regular member

    Sep 17, 2003
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  16. Ataxonu

    Ataxonu Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    Yo guys... I need to know if it is possible to put sub directories under the FILES directory and have them get installed aswell (would like to keep all the faplink, naplink, and the other ftp stuff in its own sub folder...) I made a disk and it goes to install... (I also have one extra sub directory that is named EXTRA PROGRAMS and it hangs on that 1st and foremost saying it can't load the extra programs folder...) So I wouldn't know for sure if subdirectories are permitted... ALL IN ALL does the exploit only know how to install the FILES folder and NOT sub directories beneath it??? Does it burp if I have an emtpy sub directory??? Any detailed help would be appreciated thanks!
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2004
  17. Doodmar

    Doodmar Member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    I finally got this to work =P

    I just went out and bought a codebreaker and used my USB card to transfer the exploit! =)

    Thanks for all the help guys!
  18. jonjakjam

    jonjakjam Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    Ataxonu I dont think you can do that man. Ive tried a few times to add directories but it never works for me, just a waste of cd-r. Someone might find a way but for now youll just have to put everything in the FILES folder.

    Recently Ive been messing around with ARMAX and the new save builder...been tryin to get AR Max Memory to load off the MC, havent had any luck yet but it will be great once I get it to work...since loading from the cd is a pain!

    Doodmar glad to hear you finally got it working man =)

    Does anyone know if the exploit boots on a Satin Silver Ps2 or even the new PsTwo??
  19. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Not sure yet jonjakjam,but I will be sure to check out that system when I can get my hands on one.The system is already been preordered from so many people that have wanted it for a long time now,and they are still trying to give those people there systems before anybody else.My friend Jdilla has talked to some people at Toys-R-Us and EBgames stores like this that would definately carry the system in bulk stock.They all told him that they would be back ordered,and the next available shipment will be at Christmas time.I think it is going to be hard to get one of these systems for right now,since everybody is buying them up.If you can get your hands on one though,you are pretty lucky and had to preorder it since everywhere selling the pstwo is backordered.It should work the exploit jonjakjam since the swap magic discs can pick up on the system,but I have no clue man.The satin silver PS2 looks cool,and that would work with the exploit right.I think all it is really is just the case is painted,but everything inside of it is pretty much the same thing as any normal PS2.Glad to hear you got it to work also Doodmar.If the exploit doesn't work from swap magic jonjakjam,it will work with DMS4 modchip or Crystal modchip booting from the memory card managers they have I bet.
  20. Ataxonu

    Ataxonu Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    Yo has any1 gotten the damn USB cards to be seen by ps2os??? I use my ARMAX and it sees all 4 of them just fine, but ps2os doesn't want to... I do have the usbd.irx in the directory like it said in the readme, but no luck... Burma, have you been able to get your usb pen drives to be seen, if so, by what program... I know AR Max EVO works just fine, but that damn ps2os is pissing me off...

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