so everything, literally EVERYTHING went perfectly well. BUT when i test the final softmodded product i get the red ring of death and just goes to the MS DASH and tells me "if you connect you Xbox to the internet....." i have tried turning it on with both buttons and nothing changes. was wondering if there is something that i need to be doing differently. i have also tried it doing this process over and over and over. even tried to do just the single boot install. and also tried both evo and unleash. what should i do?
hey im new at this but i had a softmoded xbox on evox everything was going great i was playing a game with my mate wasnt connected 2 da net and he decided 2 click on xboxlive and it tried 2 connect but i wasnt connected so it came up on the screen that i wasnt connectedand then it when 2 the old xbox dashboard and is nw just a regular xbox can i use this tutorial 2 get it back i have the xbox 2 usb adaptor and splinter cell game plz help
omg! I am having the same exact problem!! I installed it all perfect, everything went well then on the last press "a" prompt (very last) where is rebooted, i turn xbox on (with power button) and it loads ms dash with a red ring around power, and says ....connect your xbox to the internet....."
Boys, you're obviously doing SOMETHING wrong. Read the tutorial VERY carefully, there is obviously something you've missed! I wrote this with as much detail as I possibly could and I know, as do countless others that this process is flawless! Read it over, get a good grasp and don't rush! Oh, and HOLD the power button in for 3 seconds to turn on console!
I tried this tut over and over and over and had ZERO Success... any ways i tried a diff tut. that had its own files for gamesave, etc. and i installed evoX perfectly no problem, and without doing all the stuff, no need to turn off console then eject take out disc, etc.