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How to Softmod with SID 4.0! Tells how to get on XBL too!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by azzidrain, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. yo123456

    yo123456 Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    hello dude i really need to know i have to go to soccer practise
  2. 5qv12237

    5qv12237 Guest

    ok ok plz just edit your message and ask questions with less "???'s" and be clearer with what you need u only have to download stuff for modding Halo 2 witch will not be discussed in this forum what is your softmodding question?
  3. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    please pm ppl insted of asking on threads [bold]ESPECIALLY[/bold]when it doesnt involve with the thread. man its just keeps on getting filterd with crap....
  4. BobOtis

    BobOtis Member

    Jun 25, 2006
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    Thanks Gus...right before I read your respone I read the back of the Splinter Cell box and it said NTSC..I felt like such a n00b. :p
  5. yo123456

    yo123456 Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    yo your right i do feel like such a noob i never saw that NTSC !
  6. yo123456

    yo123456 Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    hey is anyone there?im really bored
  7. yo123456

    yo123456 Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    my halo2 xboxlive lets me logg in but then it just says do you have a dirty disk check for dammages and i unsoftmodded it and it let me in! whats wrong with it?
  8. PLowran

    PLowran Member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    Hey Every1
    Have no fear Flappz Is here...
    I used this tutorial myself, I read it time after time to make sure I didnt screw up my Xbox. I can offer help but I myself need some help also.

    If I unplug my xbox for longer than 10 Min, It looses the Soft-Mod Settings. When I try and redo the soft mod it always just goes back to the MS Dash. Sometimes it gives me a Xbox Live Connection Error.
    Anybody figure out why it does this? If I try 100 times it will finally work but then if I ever have to move it again im outta luck.
  9. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    the internal memory chip on the xbox doesnt have the compacity to have lifetime control over time and date . so basicly if you leave it unplug for more then 3-4 hrs + it will ask for time and date.


    1)power it on SET CORRECT TIME AND DATE. then go to settings >clock on the ms dash double check the time and date . and TOGGLE off on the dst ... and press A then toggle the dst to on and save it . then power it off and power it back on .

    if that doesnt work then do all i mentioned to the point before powering off .. insted click and hold these buttons

    LEFT TRIGER+RIGHT TRIGER+black button+start button.

    this is called igr = in game reset. it should load up your hacked dash. then go to the settings>clock and set it ....

  10. PLowran

    PLowran Member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    I have never Been told that before, I will have to try that this weekend!
    Thanks for the speedy reply.
    I am currently getting the new Nknave Installer 6.6.6 Final and the newest version of AID 3.03. I thought maybe Nknave had a flaw or something but I will try your idea first.

    Oh, When it goes to the M$ Dash, I can still load Backups, so I load the copy of AID 3 that I have and tell it to boot the dashboard and it goes to UnleashX like its supposed to in the first place. Just thought I would mention that!
  11. stilts07

    stilts07 Member

    Jun 3, 2005
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    do i have to unzip the files in the auto installer like apps, evox, patch, unleashx, etc, to copy it to my xbox memory card? yes or no?
  12. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    you burn aid 3 . not ftp ! not copy files on mem card... only burn to a cdr dvd r ... depending on your xbox dvd drive
  13. PLowran

    PLowran Member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    I Know...
    Im not a newbie, I just couldnt figure that out.
    If that makes me a newbie oh well. but you jsut gave me the secret so now I rule...
    I need to hit the lotto so I can buy a X360 so I can learn how to mod those.
  14. stilts07

    stilts07 Member

    Jun 3, 2005
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    oh, i FTP'd the 4541000d files for AUF to my xbox at E:\UDATA, then went to MS dash and copied the save to my memory card. does that mean i messed up?
  15. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    im not sure.

  16. gus738

    gus738 Guest

  17. PLowran

    PLowran Member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    Yo Yo Yo....
    Your The Man!
    Making sure the DST was on was exactly the problem!
    As soon as I restarted the XboX it Kicked right into the UnleashX Dash.
    Thanks Man!
  18. yo123456

    yo123456 Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    im still trying to get into my xboxlive on halo2, i can go into campain but not xboxlive it`s so stuiped anyone have any ideas because i have one 2 month i think should i make a new file?because im really pissed off
  19. yo123456

    yo123456 Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    Man,when i try to go on the internet with my xbox on (Like im trying to do something but i need some help to mod ) It would cut off my connection on the internet! Its so annoying.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2006
  20. yo123456

    yo123456 Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    Newest Microsoft Dashboard: Click Here for more details. You can aquire the newest Microsoft Dashboard by either going on Xbox Live and getting the updates or getting the Halo 2 Expansion disc and installing the update. Action Replay:

    Buy it HERE! Must own 1 of these 3 games: mecassult,OO7AUL,or splintercell steath action redefined

    SID (Softmod Installer Deluxe) 4.0 aka Softmod/Linux files (Each download contains all files for all 3 games):
    Mirror 1
    Mirror 2
    NOTE: After you download this file, go to the file location, double click it and extract it. Do NOT extract any more files! When you try to transfer the game save over and you get an INVALID GAMESAVE error, then you did not read this note.

    Xbox Live Gamertag - If you do not have one right now and want to get on Live, then you must create one before you install this softmod. Once installed, you cannot create a new gamertag. If you want to make a new one after this softmod is installed, then you must uninstall the softmod, make the account, and then reinstall the softmod.


    Step 1: Install the software that came with your Action Replay (will be referred as AR from now on). If you are confused at what this means, a disc comes with AR, put that in and install it.

    Step 2: Plug in your AR USB adapter into your USB port on your computer. Make sure your memory card is in the adapter now.

    Step 3: Bring up the AR program. It should look like this:

    Step 4: Take the SID4.NK.Launcher file from your folder you saved it to and drag it to the Memory Card (MC) slot on your AR software. It should look like this:

    Step 5: Now, there are 4 files left for each game that I stated above in the requirements (2 for Splinter Cell). Take the file that is associated with the game you are going to use. NOTE: Splinter Cell has PAL and NTSC, please choose the appropriate file. If you do not know what to chose, please ask someone from the site for assistance.
    Depending on which game you use, this is about what it should look like (this is exactly what Splinter Cell users should see):

    Step 6: Once you have both files on your MC, remove it from the AR adapter and bring it over to your Xbox. Plug it into your controller and boot up your Xbox without a game in the drive.

    Step 7: Transfer the files onto your hard drive (hdd). To do this go to the "Memory" screen from the main standard MS Dashboard. When you get into the memory menu, click on the memory card (by pressing left on the D-Pad) and select it by pressing A. When you get into your memory card and find the file, you might have to press the right button on your D-Pad to select the file and then choose copy. Do this for BOTH files or else the installation will not work/start.

    Step 8: Now that the files have been transfered to the Xbox, put the game in that you are going to use to softmod with (Splinter Cell, Mechassault, 007:AUF). Each game is different when it comes to how to load linux. Here's the break down:

    Splinter Cell: Go to Start Game, click LINUX, and you wont see any check points, but still press A for the Check Points twice. Then the installer should load up. Pics of the process:

    Mechassault: Go to Campaign, click Run Linux and that should load the installer. Mechassualt is known to be harder to get the installer loading since it requires a certain edition. Please be sure that when you have 'Run Linux' highlighted, the files description is as follows:
    Controls: Normal
    Difficulty: Regular
    Current Level: Going Down Hard
    If that does not show up, then you will have to get a different version or get Splinter Cell or 007. Pics of the process:

    007: Go to Load Mission, then select the Xbox Hard Disk option and that should load the installer. Pics of the process:

    This is what Softmod Installer Deluxe 4's menu should look like:

    Step 9: This is a KEY step! Now that the installer has loaded, go to 'CREATE MS BACKUP'. This is incase you want to unmod your Xbox for any reason/technical reason.

    Step 10: This is another essential step! Go to 'CREATE EEPROM BACKUP'. If you do not do this step, the installer will NOT let you move on. After you click that, a new menu will come up. In that menu, click 'CREATE EEPROM BACKUP'. When that is done, click 'BACK TO MAIN MENU'.

    Step 11: Once you are back to the Main Menu, scroll down to 'Install Softmod'. Here's what you should be choosing for each menu (this goes in order):
    a) Click Dual Boot for NTSC or PAL (which ever one is for you, if you do not know, please contact someone for assistance)
    b) Click Knaves Ndure, Open tray = Retail
    c) Choose either the Installation for EvolutionX or UnleashX. For a Novice, I would suggest UnleashX.

    Step 12: Three messages will pop up. After reading and understanding each, Press A. On the 3rd message, you will get this message: "All requirements pass. Continue Install?" Click Yes.

    Step 13: After the installation is complete, you will get this message:
    "Softmod successfully installed, your virtual eeprom must be patched, after eeprom, now you'll boot to installer"
    That sentence did not make sense to me, so just press OK. Now a new message pops up:
    "The installer will now boot to patching system after it is completed, please turn off Xbox and power back on without game disc to finish install."
    Click YES.

    Step 14: Press eject and take out your disc and then close the tray. Turn it off. Once off, turn it back on by pressing the power button. When it boots up, UnleashX will appear with a "Softmod Successful" message. It says that it needs 1 more step to finish the install. PRESS A.

    After it is finished installing everything, your Xbox will automatically reboot and your UnleashX dashboard should appear. Congratulations! You have just successfully softmodded your Xbox!

    How to get on LIVE!
    Step 1: Hit Eject.
    Step 2: Put the game in you wish to play on LIVE!
    Step 3: Sign in to Xbox LIVE!
    Step 4: Play and ENJOY!
    NOTE: I've been told that you may have to change your IP to DHCP (aka automatic IP) to access LIVE!

    NOTE: This tutorial is to get you on LIVE! without them detecting your soft(ware) mod(ifications). This is also a warning. If you go on LIVE! with any Halo 2 modded material (maps in particular) you WILL be banned from matchmaking. There is no way to play on XBL without getting banned from modded maps (yet).

    If you are having trouble with this tutorial, we offer to Softmod your Xbox for you. Contact me for more information.

    Other Useful Tutorials/Links:
    How to FTP
    FTP to your Halo 2 Maps
    How to Mod Halo 2 for Beginners
    How to Burn Games
    Emulator Downloads


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