How to Softmod with SID 4.0! Tells how to get on XBL too!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by azzidrain, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. MrBc

    MrBc Guest

    thinking of doing the softmod with sid 4.0 i have read that unplugging your power cord will make your xbox break or fail to load is this true?
  2. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    MrBc da ppl that said dat was on crack ... it just loads ms dash n tells u 2 add time n date again and then save it and it loads back the hacked dash
  3. MrBc

    MrBc Guest

    Well sounds good, now just have to find a halo 2 map disc to update my dash :)no xbox live thanks gus738
  4. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    na dont wory about it ... pop halo 2 try to connect to live and it should work regardless of connected to live or not ... try installing the softmod even tho
  5. kashman

    kashman Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    Thanks for the quick Reply previously Gus. So I was wondering if i have Halo 2, but no Live subscription, and i go into Live it should automatically update my Dash regardless of the fact that i'm not connected. If not is there some way of updating the Dash without me having to connect to Live, because i'm afraid M$ might have made a new Dash which prevents the Softmod and all the money spent on the AR and Splinter Cell would go to waste.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2006
  6. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    you think i or xbox hq would waste our time for someting that would be render useless???? this is it beyond this ms wont do anyting due to 360.... dont be scared once modded new opertunitys appear as far as making a brand new xbox hard drive to playing old skool games.... so try to connect to live even tho u dont have it ( try to have it pluged if you have cables) and see what happens . if not try to load the linux and install the softmod if you cant install the softmod then during linux ftp a fresh ms dash new build 5960 from xbox hq ( extract it ) and replace everytin on C...

    but most likely you can pop the saves on xbox and run the game and softmod it ! try that ... thats first easiest
  7. MrBc

    MrBc Guest

    Back once more for advice :) my dash is 5659 does anyone know if that dash will work with sid 4.0 instaler?.tried to update dash with halo 2 but still reads the same.
  8. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    hey dude yea well this softmod does work with all ms dashses HOWEVER if you want to use NDURE TO PLAY xbox live then you 5960 BUT you can LOAD THE LINUX once on the linux you have TEMPORARLY ftp acess FTP A fresh ms dash 5960 from xbox-hq or from somewhere , of course you would ftp it to C overwriting the files there. OR if you dont want to use xbox live and you just want to softmod it then softmod it dude ,,

    bottom line noting will happen to your xbox regardless of ms dash ,,, its either it softmods it or it doesnt . then from their we can try things out
  9. dirtybum

    dirtybum Member

    Jul 20, 2006
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    when i get the black screen the light sumtimes stays green but slot times it goes orange
  10. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    @dirty bum... theirs 3 problems that can cause this...

    1 > you dont have the latest ms dash 5960

    2 > your ar mem card is 1 of the few that currpts the saves

    3 > you have the platinum edition of the game and OR the wrong files OR gamesaves of taht game
  11. dirtybum

    dirtybum Member

    Jul 20, 2006
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    well my dash is 5960 its not plat and i tried many files. so it must be the mem card
  12. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    non plaium many files hmm>>>>> thats not good and so try borrowing a difrent mem card or exchange it and say it doesnt work ( witin ur 30 return / exchange policy should work) or borrow a mem card and use the adapter and transfer

    sid 4 game of chioce and the linux 2 files total
  13. dirtybum

    dirtybum Member

    Jul 20, 2006
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    will any xbox mem card work??
  14. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    yes any card works as long as the files get transferd , its just that ar was needed so that you can plug the mem card to pc and transfer files
  15. hmp007

    hmp007 Guest

    i have downloaded .netframework(and installed it) and dothalo and h2x but i cant open/run any of them..wat do i do???!?!?!?!???
  16. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    [bold]DO YOU WANT TO GET BANNED?[/bold]
  17. wrightyo

    wrightyo Member

    Jul 24, 2006
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    hey man that tutorial is great.I am a complete noob when it comes to modding. Im gonna try the splinter cell way cause thats the only game i have. The only thing is the links you gave wont let me put the file on my pc database with the ar so i dont know if you can send another link or maybe im not doing something but like i said i am a complete noob so any help is apreciated thanks.
  18. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    hey srrry i know how this works but i dont have control over this page However try mirror 1 or 2 not download .
  19. SpUd11

    SpUd11 Guest

    Hey guys im new to the softmodding scene but i have been doin A LOT of research, like a whole LOT.. But on every forum i read i keep gettin mixed reviews. I want to softmod my xbox but i dnt know whic installer i should use. I know how to do everything, i have seen all the tutorials and read almost every one but, i dont kno which to use. I have heard that krayzies ndure installer is the best and sid sucks and so do other installers. But other people said that aid and sid work fine 4 them. All i kno is that i will be using the splinter cell exploit. I also dnt kno what dash to pick(evox or unleashedx?) which is good 4 beginners?
  20. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    ok unleash x rules evox completely sucks no matter what way you look at it , 2 ) krazies ndure is ok BUT sid 4 rules noting will ever match it and no it doesnt suck ( ppl sad to break their xbox consider this is .001 possiblies so they blame the mods for their dumbasses )

    basicly theirs 2 sid files the linux and the game of choice , that simple and they are both here on page 1

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