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How to Softmod with SID 4.0! Tells how to get on XBL too!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by azzidrain, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. JiffyLube

    JiffyLube Member

    Jul 27, 2006
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    you have a great walkthrough.

    i followed it step by step EXACTLY how you said it, i read each instruction twice.

    but when i click create MS Backup it says

    [bold]"Batch process failed. The last item was: FOUND MODDED FILES. Action: Rename"[/bold]

    i deleted every single modded file from my xbox. deleted the halo maps and haven't downloaded them again yet. deleted linux files from previous tutorials. and tried everything i could. can you please help me. any help would be really great

    thanks, and again good walkthrough.

  2. JiffyLube

    JiffyLube Member

    Jul 27, 2006
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    oh yea and i forgot to mention i did some softmodding about a year ago then uninstalled it. and just yesterday i used SID 3 and today i decided to switch to 4 and got this message

    could that be part of the problem?

    any help would be great thanks agaaaaaain
  3. UB3RG33K

    UB3RG33K Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    so now i have a bigger problem...i went out of town and my xbox somehow got the power to it turned off...so now instead of error 13 i get error 16...what can i do to fix this?
  4. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    for error 16 only solution is to do a " hotswap w/out an eeprom" fellow the tut under my sig, no other way ......

    as for the guy with the found modded files ,,, this is an easy easy fix /..... when you load linux just ftp a FRESH ms dash RETAIL i mean ... on xbox hq theirs a member called pirrup he has the latest ms dash...

    you would need to ftp to C and OVERwrite evertying in there... BEWARE if you turn it off and dont have a ms dash on C your xbox will boot with error 21 .

    to get ur ip on linux look 4 da menu settings and alter ur ip
  5. cakes227

    cakes227 Guest

    hey, i have a few questions. i made this adaptor that converts an xbox controller port to usb so i can hook a flash drive up to my xbox so could i just use windows explorer instead of action replay to put the linux files onto the flash drive and use the flash drive to put it on my xbox? if nout could i find the action replay program to put the file on my flash drive without the ar memory card? and will i still get banned from halo 2 matchmaking if i only use mods in custom games?
  6. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    as long as you get your hacks to the xbox then any method is fine , as for the mods its either RETAIL or banned... the word retail means noting mods or maps or hacks or explotis... retail ! good luck :)
  7. cakes227

    cakes227 Guest

    ok, so should i unrar SID[1].4.0.NKnave.Edition.Xbox-Hq and drag SID4.NK.Launcher and SID4.NK.Loader.007AUF to my flash drive?
  8. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    usualy you dont un zip the laucher or the game save .... but like i said if it fits ( cuz once uncompressed is bigger!) and you can transfer it .. from their the rest is cake . but its better to have rar both files. of course the first main root must be opend to acess the other 2 files
  9. cakes227

    cakes227 Guest

    k thanks :)
  10. john5

    john5 Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    hey gus im back, but this time its a legit help!
    i have a WD OEM xbox HD. ftp-ed to pc.made isowin cd.
    open up my MAXTOR HD (250)(i read on some site my HD wont lock)(my model is 5A250J00803R2)anyways i went into HDMAKER and went straight to option 1 building a hd from scratch (no i didnt unlock it first)then i built my C drive E drive, even an F drive.k
    so i rebooted, tried to lock it, but said, something like "this device does not support ATA secruity spec. and all the options were no. like security enabled-no, locked-no, etc, i think there were like 5.

    anywho i pop this baby into the xbox and gives me error 5. and i read about it, i need to lock my HD,BUT I CANT! from this site: http://xboxdrives.x-pec.com/?p=list...ffersize=&v_locking=No&v_version=&v_postedby=
    can u guys help me

    ps everything was a success, i just hope the only problem is trying to lock the HD. thanks
  11. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    if a hard drive is not lockable then its not lockable period , hence the error 05 for having an unlocked hard drive . Just buy or exchnage it for maxtor as these are most lockable . other choice is to buy a modchip .

    ur not screwd yet since you have ur oem hard drive and ur keys and all so give it a try agian ;)
  12. john5

    john5 Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    also, one more thing, using xbodhdm, i used my friends ISO linux and tried to copy his hd and placed it on my OEM hd. it loads to X and microsoft. then keeps restarting,makes a noise too.dont know why.can u help me.
  13. cakes227

    cakes227 Guest

    will platinum hits splinter cell stealth action redifined work?
  14. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    some say yes most say no , its not worth my time so i just buy non platinum ... used are cheap dont return it u'll need it in the future And no backups are not good
  15. halopro

    halopro Guest

    omg Thanks fer the easy tutorial it was so easy, i completed the softmod stuff and my x box is now soft modded but should it like slow ur x box down ALOT? and when i sighn on to live and try matchmaking it says either i failed to load the map or it will say i need a map that it requires i already have all the map pack maps,(i bought the disc. And when i try to play a split-screen game it sayd i failed to load the map i really would like my x box back to normal but with the softmod on it plz help
  16. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    hmm this is indeed very weird ur the first to say that its slowing down the maps or failing them... try uninstalling the softmod and play game and live to see if its the softmod and or remod it , apart from that i can think of anyting else
  17. Halogod93

    Halogod93 Guest

    ok ill try it
  18. Halogod93

    Halogod93 Guest

    and by any chance do u know how to mod halo 2 maps from step 1 or itleast download mods and then get them on ur x box, i have a ethernet cable if its needed. And i would really like to know the software i need to download for doing this.
  19. azzidrain

    azzidrain Regular member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    For modding Halo 2, check out http://www.se7ensins.com/
    We just moved to a new server so if your DNS has not yet resolved, you may get a temporary fix.

    Also, about the slowing down the maps or failing to load, it might have something to do with your Cache. Did you delete any content in your X,Y,Z folders?

    That's all I could think of. Once you load the map once, it should load much quicker from then on. I know I just had that problem on a crappy Xbox, I would sit for like 3 minutes for the map to load, then when I went to load the same map again, it took 3 secs. So thats why I think it has something to do with your cache. Did you try using the file explorer or cache editor...if you did, then that was problem where it went wrong.
  20. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    i'm glad your back :) man why didnt i think of that .... E/cache and x y z duh ! lmao

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