How To Upgrade HDD On Softmod Xbox And How To Upgrade HDD On Hardmod Xbox.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by TheReturn, Jul 16, 2006.

  1. jeezy103

    jeezy103 Guest

    in your E: drive theres a "cache" folder....
    delete EVERYTHING in it..
    it should play fine.
  2. infnte

    infnte Member

    Dec 6, 2006
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    Hey guys, I have an xbox that has stopped turning on for whatever reason and inside that xbox is an upgraded hd with lots of stuff on it. I tried buying a new xbox and just put the old hd in it, but that doesn't seem to work. I have a feeling that the eeproms don't match up or something. I was just wondering if anyone knows how to fix this problem. I really don't want to format the hd and lose my stuff. Thanks
  3. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    You can't use the old hdd on new xbox.

    I just wonder if the old is locked or unlocked. If it is unlocked, you need the eeprom of new xbox and use it to lock the old hdd.

    If it is locked, you need to unlock it. then do the same as above.
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Does it play original games or games which backup in DVD-R?

    well basically, your xbox load unleash dash. It should play everything.
  5. infnte

    infnte Member

    Dec 6, 2006
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    so if i do the linux unlock thing on the hard drive and lock it back with the new eeprom it should work? will i be able to keep the rest of the data that's on the hd? thanks for your help return
  6. robstp

    robstp Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    Hi I deleted the files in the chache folder and that worked.
  7. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I hope that you still have the old eeprom for the old hdd. Then use xboxhdm to unlock the old hdd. This is the proper way to unlock the old hdd.

    When done, use xboxhdm and new xbox eeprom to lock the old hdd. It will work on the new xbox. Your old data still in hdd.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2007
  8. jeezy103

    jeezy103 Guest

    all the more peace on earth robstp,,,,all the more... :)
    so answer me this, theReturn.... im currently using this ingenius tutorial in modifying a samsung sd 616t pc drive , so it works on an xbox,,,(given my thompson drive just plain sucks)'s the link
    but apparently, ill need to flash it with the sdg-605 firmware; which,, is practically non-existent..(believe me, i've looked)....
    thus, have all my efforts come to a sudden halt......i need that firmware,,,,,,
    Care to help..?? cheers :)
  9. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    well, I can give you that firmware if you are actually doing this mod.
  10. jeezy103

    jeezy103 Guest

    o that'll be swell..ill pm you in a sec..
  11. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    well get Yahoo messenger. When ready, goto my page to get my Yahoo ID. and let me know here so I sign on. Then give you the file.

    Or email me. I send it to you. Subject "SDG-605 firmware"
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2007
  12. infnte

    infnte Member

    Dec 6, 2006
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    hmm, it doesn't quite seem to work for me, i even tried reformatting the c partition, do you know of any way that i can back up my game saves and stuff off the old hd so that i can just reformat the whole thing and start from scratch?
  13. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    First, unlock it. Then put it into PC as the 2nd hdd. download xplorer360 open it. It will read the old hdd. backup everything to PC.
  14. xbizzy

    xbizzy Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    So heres my deal. I know how to softmod and have done it a few times now and i understand how to upgrade the harddrive through xbhdm right. well i went through the steps, hooked up cleen hd to primary, loaded xbhdm, formated/patitioned it, rebuilt C and E drives first with the copy i had from the original drive, then a second time with a cop from my second softmodded xbox, when that finished i rebooted, chose optiion 3, locked the hd with my eeprom backup file, rebooted, checked it was in fact locked with atapwd and then shutdown, threw it in my xbox, pluged it all in, and after a bit of dorkin with my dvd power cable (dunno whats up with it, it has to be in PERFECT. conciquence of taking your xbox apart 100 times maybe?) got it to boot w/o the error 12 and when the splash screen finishes and it goes to the xbox logo it just stays and doesnt get to the part where it pops the little microsoft at the bottom and then loads up. then after sittin a bit i get an error 16, which from llamma's site says its a specific dash error so thats why i tried the copy from my other box because its working as i speak, running XBMC. So i am at the mercy of the xbox fixing gods as what to do with this problem, i really hope its just some stupid thing i forgot cause i really want this to work... cpntact me any way you want, its all on the profile.
  15. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Rebuild it with clean files!

    My tutorials show you how and also give you the files!
  16. spamadee

    spamadee Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Hey, n00b here, having problems with hdd upgrade...

    I did textbook's ndure softmod, and I had no problems.

    Next, to do the hdd upgrade, I did the following:

    1) I went into the unleash X dashboard, did Backup/Restore > Backup EEPROM,
    2) then I FTP'd the EEPROM (renamed to eeprom.bin & the C and E drives to my PC and put them in the respective folders in xboxhdm,
    3) burned the ISO,
    4) connected the new HDD to my PC's primary master,
    5) went into xboxhd and formatted a new HD from scratch,
    6) went into xbox linux and did lockhd -a to lock it,

    But when I connected the new hdd to the xbox and booted up, I got the error screen...

    Did I miss anything?
  17. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    which error code?
    did you copy files to new xbox's hdd?
  18. spamadee

    spamadee Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    That's the strange part... there is no error code in the top left corner. Just the "Your xbox requires service" message. I get a red / green blinking light on the eject button.

    I copied the files to my new HDD by putting them in the appropriate places in xboxhdm.
  19. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  20. spamadee

    spamadee Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    I got it fixed... it was the strangest thing ever... I spent a week combing through every modding trouble-shooting thread ever, with no success. Finally, while staring at my non-working xbox, I thought to myself "I wonder what will happen if I switch the IDE cables to the DVD drive and the HDD?"... so I did, and magically, it was working! I have no clue or hypothesis as to why this worked, but sure enough it did. Thanks for the suggestions!

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