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HOW TO: Upgrade your Xbox HDD (Super Tutorial)

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by chunkhead, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. F3nri5

    F3nri5 Member

    Jan 20, 2008
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    hi chunkhead

    you mentioned chimps early on in this tut.
    i have downloaded it and unzipped it and,
    following the tut for it, have structured
    it as you see in the pic. the files in green
    had to be moved out of the folder 62D6xxxxxx
    so that folder is now empty and the files
    have moved up the file tree. i have done this
    correctly have i? if i have i will FTP the
    UDATA folder to clone my original drive.



  2. xJelly

    xJelly Member

    Dec 25, 2007
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    That's correct.
  3. liopord

    liopord Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    Hello everyone!

    I followed the steps on the tutorial with no problems. I'm using a 30Gb Maxtor drive and had no problem with locking/unlocking.

    I created a new Xbox hd but the thing is that when i set up Evox or any dashboard, it shows me the F partition with 0 space. When creating the drive with xbox hdm, it showed aroun 22Gigs of space.

    Oh and I cant FTP into F drive...

    Any ideas on this topic??

    Thanks, Liopord
  4. Delmorte

    Delmorte Guest

    Hey Chunk head!

    I'm getting this error after the second screen where it says on the tut to "press 1 again 'Build a new HD from scratch'"

    Looking for CD-ROM in /dev/hdt....
    Mount: Mounting /dev/det/hdt on /xboxhdm failed: No such device or address.

    No Linux disc was found.

    Everything went so smooth till this point.

    What could the problem be? A bad CD-RW?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2008
  5. Delmorte

    Delmorte Guest

    Made a new CD and it does the same damn thing!

    Im useing a seagate 160g, my PC's main cables for its drives are SATA but I do have one IDE that I hook the HDD I wanna use into. Could this be some sort of problem? I have also switched the jumper, but it looks to be the files I used themself and nothing hardware related.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2008
  6. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    i have a question ... is unleash x dash board in anyway a linux distrobution? or does it use linux in any way ??? i saw on the aid installed it used unix installer... plz help me ... its part of my college asssignment ! thankz
  7. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    how do i get the v1.6 to hotswsp all i can get is an error 11 ... its the xbox with the plastic encasing ... *bleep* is there another way?
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2008
  8. audogstar

    audogstar Member

    Nov 10, 2007
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    Just done a HDD upgrade to a 200 WD.

    all looks fine except for there is only about 130gb accounted for.
    Tried to format "G drive" with UnleashX but nothing shows up..

    I eventually figured out that the "password was wrong" due to me not using a capital "X" ie Xbox as per the tut..

    still not space on G:

    What am I doing wrong please ??
  9. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    sorry the v1.6 had plastic casinh on the out side of the hard drive . is there any other way to get an errror code? 11 is the best i can get ... i have gat an error code 21 when i unplug the hd when i see the microsoft logo. if im gonna try the mech assult trick do i have to make a usb reader for my xbox/? and load the game save that way ?
  10. Delmorte

    Delmorte Guest

    Dude what the hell are you talking about? What exactly do you want to do? Hot swap and upgrade or softmod with mechassult?
  11. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    i wasnt to do what ever i can to install unleash x on this xbox! like i said this is the second 1 that i have found to have a differnet looking hard drive... the corners are incased in plastic.... and when i unplug the dvd drive IDE cable and power i get an error code 11 .... so what am i left to do ? i need the eeprom to make a new hd right ? i just wanna get to the point where the xbox can read the AID disk !!!!plz help question is the xbox that im talking about the 1.6 ????
  12. Delmorte

    Delmorte Guest

    Wow that made less sense than the last post.

    Ok to get the AID disc to work you need to softmod the XBOX or get a chip. Get a Copy of the first Splinter Cell ( not a burned copy ) then get a memory card and ask these questions in the softmods forums!

    Tip: If you have a friend with a modded XBOX then you can DL the installer files and FTP them to the memory card you need to use with it in his XBOX controller.

    Another TIP: READ THE SOFTMOD TOPICS!!!!!!!! You will get alot further that way!
  13. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    ok that makes sense ! i have a modded xbox ! so i just need to find that gamesave and ftp it to the xbox ...ive had trouble in the past with copying game saves to the memory card ... i have unleash x dash.... i will look for the game save ! thankz .... ill get back to u with the results !
  14. Delmorte

    Delmorte Guest

    Please do, I am so interested to decipher what the hell this all meant when its over!
  15. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    by any chance do u know of any good links where i can find info on linux dashboard? gimme shit if im not allowed to say this shit !!!
  16. corn

    corn Guest

    Ok, saying "shit" isn't a good idea. When you softmod, you can choose between the EvoX dashboard, and the UnleashX.
  17. alecuba

    alecuba Member

    Aug 9, 2007
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    hi, im trying to upgrade the hdd in my xbox...now, when i go to the e:/udata/2xxxxxxxxx/00000000000/ there isnt a folder called backup, instead theres one that is named blank and inside is backup/epprom/ and inside eprom theres a file named sid4 or something....is this right? cuz i havent been able to access the e:/udata/2xxxxxxx/ trough flashfxp cuz it doesnt appear, however when i go to file explorer once the unleashx has booted i can see the folder/files...in case my eeproom is not good, what can i do???
    thank you
  18. audogstar

    audogstar Member

    Nov 10, 2007
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    If you open that EEPROM & compair it with the serial number on the base of your console.. they should be the same.

    IF it is , then thats the eeprom you need , IF NOT look again till you find the correct 1 that matches..
    Then build a disk to make a new hdd & unlock your old 1 so you can use it for something else.
  19. audogstar

    audogstar Member

    Nov 10, 2007
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    Anyone able to help me with this problem ???

    Just did a dualboot softmod to a console & when i try to boot to the M$ dash via DVD button from startup, it goes to the SIDS menu...

    its never done this before...

    WHY did it do it & how do i get it to go to the M$ dash properly ???
  20. Delmorte

    Delmorte Guest

    Check C: and let us know what is in it.

    How did you upgrade the HDD? Did you use HDmaker? You should have done F: with that. Did you chek the jumper on the back of the HDD? One setting limits the space.

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