HOW TO: Upgrade your Xbox HDD (Super Tutorial)

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by chunkhead, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. flash7272

    flash7272 Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    need help ok i folllowed every single step got everything right and also locked drive on the lst step followed everything correctly thne when i go to install it in my xbox it comes up with the error screen #06 what else do i need to door am i doing something wrong or missing a step i did folllow all the steps
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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  3. flash7272

    flash7272 Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    ok i know what the error codes mean i have the same list but what i cant figure out is i havent moded the xbox i have a western digital hard drive that i bought new i did follow the steps on the tutorial but on the error codes it list to tun off the chip what chip then it asked to boot it up with a slayer disc got me what is that i mean i followed al the steps on the tutorial with my new harddrive and then when done went to install it on my xbox like the tutorial said and it should have booted but it stead gave me the error 06 lost please help dont understand the error 06 code
  4. kaos_king

    kaos_king Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    I just have a couple of simple questions.

    I got my xbox years ago already modded with a chip (i dont know which one, but it has a switch on the side to enable/disable it - but if all chips do this then that wont help) anyway that shouldnt matter. Ive started having problems with games and i suspect its my HDD, so i wanna format it and start again. If i follow this tutorial to format and put files on there and lock it etc etc, can i then throw it back into my xbox and install evoX and other apps? Am i missing steps?

    Ive searched but cant find what im looking for... TIA
  5. corn

    corn Guest

    Yup, after it is formatted, it will act as a new Xbox, no other work. Except for locking it, like you metioned.
  6. kaos_king

    kaos_king Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    Cheers corn - doing it at the mo...will post how it goes
  7. evilbulb

    evilbulb Member

    Nov 25, 2007
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    ok, 3rd modded drive im trying, first 2 went great. this one, not so much. im using a different computer from the first 2. made the linux disc, i didnt use nero used an iso burner. it recognizes the drive and all so i dont think my bios is the problem, but it say something like, bad kernal, tried to kill init? any ideas?
  8. jgdrag

    jgdrag Guest

    Must say thanks, C. I used your option of formating G through the Unleash dash and it worked like a charm. 320 gig at my fingertips, Thanks

  9. NoMustard

    NoMustard Guest

    Hello everyone, I did a softmod today and used sid 5.01 and chunkheads softmod guide to ftp the files over. It looks like the softmod went well unleashx shows up when I turn on the xbox. Now I am trying to use this guide to toss in a bigger drive. My problem is that I cant find my eproom. I am using the following steps.

    * Once you successfully FTP the console, you'll need to find the eeprom file. It's located in E:\Udata\2xxxxxxxxxx\0000000000000\Backup.

    But when I look under E:\udata I only the following folders, 45410058, 9e115330 and a something that looks like paper that says NICKNAME.XBN.

    Am I in the right spot ? did I screw up on the softmod ? thx for any hep.
  10. silent714

    silent714 Regular member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    I dont think you backed up your eeprom. You can do it in the sid menu.You can do it in a evolution x dash. You might be able to use your dash (unleash x) but i don't know because I dont use that dash.
  11. NoMustard

    NoMustard Guest

    Ok I fixed it. The I did a reinstall and this time i clicked backup on E and it was there when i looked. Thx silent for the fast response. Lets hope I can finish this up =)
  12. jgdrag

    jgdrag Guest

    To tell you the truth, I re-started my soft mod and only selected the back up eeprom option and it indicated to me where it was saving my eeprom. In the UDATA folder and then in the E\Backup folder, So that is the one I transfered from. I also found it benificial to do a clean install onto the new HDD. Mine is a 320 gig WD. So I used Slayers C: drive with my eeprom and just added the UDATA,TDATA and Cache folders empty to the E\ drive in Xboxhdm and it was great!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2008
  13. NoMustard

    NoMustard Guest

    I am still a bit confused, I have FTP the folder in E:UDATA that starts with 2 and also the C folder. I cant seem to find anything that says "LiveInfo" can anyone point me in the right direction ?
  14. jgdrag

    jgdrag Guest

    Personaly, I have never used Liveinfo, As far as UDATA, you need to ftp the eeprom file to the eeprom folder in Xboxhdm if that is the way you are going.There is a small tut in Xboxhdm for this process.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2008
  15. NoMustard

    NoMustard Guest

    So I got the eeprom thing figured out and everything went smooth until the locking step of the tutorial. When I got the the step where I type 'lockhd' I get the following message.

    Drive on primary is frozen.Cannot change the security status of a frozen drive! Try to disable 'automatic detection' on the primary ide channel in your pc bios and reboot.

    The comp i am using is a dell and I do not see anyplace in the bios for automatic detection , i read on a different forum that some people got around this by plugging in the drive after they get to the xboxhdm menu but when i do that it wont see the drive. Can anyone help me out ?
  16. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    the key here is to not have the drive attached when you're booting up the pc; plug in the drive when you get to the xboxhdm menu, wait long enough for the drive to spin up, only then fire up xboxhdm (hint- what i always do is - when xboxhdm menu appears, i select option 3 but don't actually hit enter yet, this stops xboxhdm auto-starting so it gives you chance to attach the drive; attach the drive, listen to it spin up, then hit enter for the option you want).
  17. NoMustard

    NoMustard Guest

    Just tried it twice and when I type "lockhd -a" it says No drive found on primary master.Shutdown attach and try again.
  18. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    it's a pain in the backside; i had the same problem the other day, except with trying to unlock a drive; i spent ages on it, was close to bouncing the drive and the pc down the stairs, but in the end i tried a different pc and it worked first time
  19. NoMustard

    NoMustard Guest

    The pc I am using now is the only desktop in the house, is there a way to try this with a laptop ?
  20. silent714

    silent714 Regular member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    I have a compaq. I had to start xbox hdm with my pc hdd then I switched to the one I wanted to use with the xbox when xbox hdm started. If you can use a different computer.

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