i am geting the same thing as far as pop up"s the hsb and the trane, i am using ie7 and have the pop up blocker set to the highest setting and it is still not stoping the popups, any help would be nice, thanks
I've contacted our ad networks to block these. They typically respond within 2 business days, so lets hope we get rid of these before the weekend.
Or "free labor" -- want to volunteer, always need a free helping hand here, say, for 5 days a week, 8 hours a day?-) We aren't AOL, MS or Google. We need income from advertisements to pay for our servers and to pay to our staff.
Not to be picky, but just to add this one to the list. Sprint has got a pop-out currently as well. Here's a shot.
LOL! Not to be picky? From what I understand they aren't suppose to even be there! Way to go 7th, kill the ad Nazi's.
Lol. One ad Nazi at a time 'Swipe. Doesn't matter at home, as i run the same thing you do. Here at work it's just annoying.
Dang! I'm not getting any of these. I guess my Comcast popup blocker must be doing too good of a job.
Haven't gotten any Circt City ones... Only the HSBC, Trane, and Sprint ones... HAHAHA I posted this and when it came back to the page, there was the Circut City one...
Lucky you. Here at my work PC they'll show up even with the aD window minimized. At home i run FireFox with APB and it's not a problem at all.
i installed firefox on my laptop and no popup ads, but my desk top has ie7, so i guess i will install the fox on the desktop.thanks
It's nuts...all of a sudden everything was a popout ad. Jeez. Thank goodness i'm back at home on my pc. @Rdmercer...i don't think you'll be disappointed at all. The Fox will be good to you.
Spoke too my friend (as did I in my previous post). as they say in the movie Poltergist, "They're Backkk !!!!!"
Guess i spoke too soon also, about to write an article and this is what i get..using FF 2.0, no adblockplus