Since Original XBOX is now part of Archived Posts that I cannot reply to I am starting a thread here. I have tried Filezilla and FlashFXP. When I have the XBOX on DHCP it does show it is on the internet. I am able to ping the XBOX but when I try to connect it says Connection Established waiting for hello. Then it says connection timed out and then tries to reconnect. I have tried other websites for the answer to no avail. Would a crossover cable make it easier? My configuration is modem to Router and then to switch which has both the XBOX and computer hooked into the switch. Is there a step by step guide that is foolproof. The XBOX is softmodded with Unleashed X. I have the username password set at xbox xbox. Any ideas? Thanks.
Double check network settings are set to dhcp. enable ftp server. reset user & password to xbox then make sure you SAVE it before closing. next up reboot & install xbmc to hdd,now boot into it & do the same again set network to dhcp & set pass word & user to xbox then reboot the console.get back to xbmc the auto dhcp should now show your ip config. For file transferring i use skin project mayhem III SE,tho on later versions of xbmc say from xbmc4xbox it could do with updating (the skin the is not xbmc itself) filezilla should be set to binary transfer,now try again. Networking issues can be a pain as it usually means a wrong setting however i've found the odd version of xbmc can be stuffed.When in doubt install a copy of xbmc from the AID disc or x-wizard,those versions of xbmc are quite stable.So long as the disc & hard drive have no bad sectors If worse comes to worse try the crossover method,however again i'd use xbmc. lastly all things xbox is still going strong here.
I tried the crossover cable method using the tutorial on isozone. I used Flash FTP and I get connection failed (no route to host). I have the firewall and anti-virus both disabled.
I can see the rss feed when I set it to DHCP. How do I figure out the ip address when the XBOX is set to Automatic DHCP?
You should see it after a reboot in network in settings,either in the boot dash or xbmc.Failing that change the skin in xbmc to project mayhem III SE (place it in the skins folder in xbmc,then use appearance to change skin) ,it will display the ip when you scroll to system info on bottom left of the home screen or it's always displayed i can't remember which,it'll be displayed on the right side lower corner of home screen skin download here!TVEWzSZQ!JsNDiJ0PQKk-7aFTCAaKmA The good news is the ethernet of the xbox is fine
Ok these are my current settings. When I try to use Filezilla and put as the host. Username and password are both xbox. I get Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server And then it keeps trying to retry. Something in the settings that is not setup right?
You don't need UPNP or HTTP enabled,if your not streaming etc Have you setup Auto Detection,you need to tick all 3 including setting user name to xbox then reboot whats the pc ip address.Open a command prompt window & type the word or copy/paste ipconfig & hit enter key
I am now getting. Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Could not connect to server
You haven't got xbox as user name in auto detection,once you've scrolled to & changed it you most probably will be able to ftp got to go to work i'll check back later
Whatever ftp program you use set it to binary transfer. The xbox will only allow up to 42 character length for file name excluding the extension,in some cases it may be shorter,so if you intend to store movies you may have to shorten the naming,this includes removing any weird symbols
also you discover after puzzling over emulator rom sets that things like ! [ ] { } ~ aren't allowed in filenames either .. rather like trying to have a username containing 00 in ANY javascript based chat client.. always a puzzle when you encounter "illegal" characters in an operating system for the first time.. took me ages to suss that out back when