hey buddy your not going to be able to anywase because it has a protection form on the itunes store and u cant copy it to the ipod
Hey lanndy94.... After all that advice from everyone it worked fin you should read this forum more carfully and you will find that it works great. -Jan123
?~Can't copy what exactly~? I have a lot of songs which I have acquired from Limewire and they play perfectly on my iPod. That's not the case at all..
lanndy94-- i wasn't even talking about putting pics on the ipod. if you have nuthing good to post, spend your time more wisely and do something else.
Lethal, is there anyway that a virus (or something that could screw up my ipod) could be stored in a song from limewire. I have used Limewire for a very long time, but i have neaver trusted it to my ipod.
Well, obviously I can't make any guarantees, but let's put it this way.. I have downloaded in excess of 5000 songs from limewire and transferred them to & from various iPods without so much as a hiccup. it is extremely unlikely that you will ever get a virus from a music track..
with that being said... I'm guessing I can't add cd cover art to ipod for p2p songs. sorry.. I'm slow.
I'm glad you asked about the virus thing. I has asked the same sort of question in another post. I did have a computer to crash a few years back, I was using a p2p program called audiogalaxy (which I don't know if exists anymore) and Napster (back before you had to pay for it). I came in my room and my screensaver was frozen and when I rebooted it said hardrive not found. I did phone tech support, the whole 9-yard. I never found the source of the problem b/c, ironically, my house burned after that! It's funny now.
Ophelia_X-- you can add a cd cover picture for p2p songs. go to the song in itunes and right click-->get info-->artwork. then, go online and find the picture you want and copy and paset it into that.
Hello, I'm having the same Limewire Problem as before. I've tried redirecting the music to another directory (C:\Documents and Settings\IcyCool\My Documents\My Music\Downloaded) and the playlist is still there. I can't copy any songs from the playlist, I can only play them. However, I can drag and drop them from the Library in Limewire, but that's getting annoying considering I have like 2000 songs in there alone. Any other solutions you guys can think of?
I found the solution to this whole LimeWire problem In iTunes, go to Edit Preferences Sharing Uncheck "Look for shared music" Zang zabam! The LimeWire list is gone and now you can just add the folder to the library manually.
I don't understand what IcyCool means by adding the folder manually can someone please clarify? - Jan 123
Going 'File'-->'Add Folder To Library' is more efficient than dragging songs in one by one, as some people do..