[bold]Do you recommend any type of shrinking program? Thanks Again.... [/bold] sirenia, Ultra 6 has recode 2, it is a shrinking/reauthoring program. As I said with ultra you can do just about anything with this one package. One thing tho, Nero will not rip without assistance, you can use decrypter or shrink for this by ripping your movie to your HD with either and then using those files in recode-both decrypter and shrink are free and can be found in AD. (you can also rip, edit, reauthor with shrink and then burn with nero or decrypter.) I like a handy little program called AnyDVD, it will enable recode to rip your movie, then while still in recode you can shrink your movie, edit your movie, and burn your movie-all in this one program. With the new quality settings your copies will turn out very good. Anydvd has a free trial of 30 days, then you must buy it for 39.00- but you never have to operate it, it does everything on it's own, totally self automated and runs in the background. As you can see, with just these programs mentioned, you have a variety of ways to backup your DVDs, all have good quality, in fact, shrink and recode have just improved both their versions. I think that's probably enough to swallow for one setting, us heroes don't like to overwhelm our subjects with too much info the 1st time out. LOL BTW, there are guides for everything I just told you, yep you guessed it, here in AD. _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SO[/small]
Hello, well i tried to burn a dvd i downloaded disk shrink and disk decryptor. On disk shrink it kept giving an error that my system was fat32 and it couldnt hold the file.. and then on disk decryptor i was told to save as iso file and i uploaded the dvd to hard drive but it would not save it as an iso file, i was told that maybe i need to reformat my system and set it up as n something or other instead of fat 32,,, any thoughts, thanks for all the help i know i am a pain in the @$$ but i appreciate all the help.... sirenia
Oh noooooo, you're outta luck.. Just kidding. You need to partition your drive to NTFS(not reformat). FAT 32 will only handle 4g files, and NTFS will handle 10g's. It is not hard to do, XP will walk you thru it or you can use partition magic 8(free version will work). Your other option is to burn on the fly, which you can do with shrink, you will only need a temporary folder for this which FAT32 will handle. Or if you have Anydvd you can use nero's recode. Either way you don't need decrypter for this. Do you know how to use shrink or recode? Above all, don't freak out, we'll get ya there. How big is your HD and what is your OS?(oops, I see your OS is XP pro). _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SO[/small]
sirenia, I noticed your system is XP pro, to repartition your HD go to control panel > performance and maintenance > administrative tools > computer management > disk management > right click on your disc and partition it for NTFS. If you reformat you could lose everything, but by partitioning it, you can leave part of it FAT32 and part NTFS. If your HD is small, like 40g, you might want to consider adding a HD to it. You can get a 80g seagate for about 35.00 right now after rebate at Best Buy. There are other deals out there. If you do add a HD, make sure you format it to NTFS before continuing. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SO[/small]
if it would help my computers performance, i wouldnt mind formatting i could save everything to cd that i wanted to keep, with my hd as small as it is 40mg would i have enough space if i partitioned it or should i just install a new hd and if i do that i would lose everything anyway right??? Maybe someday i will actually get this dvd burnt lol.... thanks so much for everything that you have been doing for me, i appreciate it. Sirenia
40gig isn't very much, I use a 120gig just for video work. A movie in RB/CCE can take up 15g's easy,do it in batch mode with 3 or 4 movies and you're looking at 60g's easy. If you reformat you're still going to have limited space cos your OS is working off of it too. You can burn on the fly and get by with what you have, but I think the best solution is to add another HD-80g's is plenty and not too expensive-40 to 80 bucks depending on what you get. You could even get an external drive and just plug it in one of your USB 2.0 or firewire ports(depending what you have). example- I just bought a Seagate internal 80g HD for 35.00 (with rebate)at Best Buys. I then bought an external USB 2.0 casing for 20.00 which I put the HD in and voila, an external 80g HD for 55.00! Like I said you can always burn on the fly til you get another HD. I can PM you a guide for shrink 3.2 and/or Nero recode that I wrote to help newbies get started using the "on the fly" method if you like. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SO[/small]
Even on FAT 32 partitions, the new version of Shrink can save .MDS images, breaking the VOB files into 1gb portions. Decryptor recognizes .MDS as an image file and can burn to blank DVD. I have tried this on WinME system/FAT 32 HD and it worked well. Make sure Decryptor settings under the Tools, Settings, Registry tab has the check mark in the MDS box. Set Shrink to save as image and use Decryptor to burn.