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I suggest that AfterDawn Addict’s and Moderator’s should have a private (LOUNGE}

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by ireland, Dec 11, 2005.

  1. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    no problem with most.
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Ddp and Lethal_B , remember this is just a idea.

    Quote geestar20
    I like that idea, sorta a reward.

    I say it should not be auto to get in the new lounge As a AfterDawn Addict’
    You must prove your worth by not only your post count and should be the quality of your posts to be allowed in.
    There should be a guide and a check list to follow by the mods.to allow a AfterDawn Addict In. (screening process}
    also if misconduct the said person can be removed from the lounge
    By a majority of the mods and AfterDawn Addict who are already installed in the new Lounge..

    There should be a vote to have one mod to head this lounge and have the only removal button to remove a mod or a AfterDawn Addict after a vote of misconduct.
    The head mod will hold this position for (1) year..
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2005
  3. mkaseatgb

    mkaseatgb Regular member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Wow, its almost our own little mini-government on Afterdawn :)
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i know it is an idea but time will tell if becomes fact. you're talking about a master of arms, aren't you?
  5. Glitched

    Glitched Guest

    Or you could make another topic like (Moderators and Addicts) and you can post your stuff there and no other pll bsides mods and addictz, its easier and efective - just my opinon:)
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    this'd probably be a good idea as i've never been able to get the blessed IRC/java/ad buddies/chat/whatever it's called/thing to work even once :)
  7. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    I brought this idea up over a year ago, way back when addicts were still hand picked. there used to be a time where the addicts and seniors were the direct link between us and the members, i used to get 20 PM's a day from seniors and addicts alerting me to this or that. I'm afraid with the auto promote feature, a private lounge might develop into just another forum room since anyone can achieve senior or addict now, and not be a place where the ones who "rise above the rest" can relax and discuss things only they would relate too. It's a good idea yes, but would it work? thats the question.
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    that's my concern too darth, if anything it would make some ppl post more just to have access, ie like backstage passes
  9. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    as ireland stated,
    i think ireland's "screening process" would be the most effective way to see who is "actually worthy" of joining the "lounge"...a vote by "majority rules" of the mods and ADAs would be a "fair" and viable option...

    i know many people CAN or HAVE attained Addict Status simply due to the auto-promote thing, however, this is where the "screening process" mentioned above would definitely come into play...

    me, for example, i'm almost solely dedicated to the dvd media forums where i feel my strengths/experience in that field are helpful and useful to newbies/members alike... i try my best to really see "both" sides of the situation when recommending media/burning...i take into consideration the thousands i personally have burned successfully, add that to the newbie who is just getting started and is on a budget, my recommendations usually cater to his/her best interest based on what they can afford to purchase and their experience level in the burning game...

    while i admit i have had my "flame wars" with a few in particular because their "reasoning" was totally out in left-field, not only to myself but by a general consensus of the people in that particular thread...some "claims" are simply ridiculous and deserve to be "put-down" ASAP as the newbies get it into their heads and often times heed incorrect information or pure absurdity in some cases...then they go out, buy this or that, burn at this or that speed, only to find themselves BACK AT SQUARE ONE with a HUGE dent in their wallets...why? because they read and FOLLOWED incorrect/inaccurate information provided by someone who is just a "sheep" and just repeats/mimic's what everyone else has said in the past...

    also, i personally feel Ireland's screening process would prove VERY useful in sorting out the TRULY deserving Addicts from the ones that got their addict status by posting endlessly in the safety valve. after reading darth's statement in the safety valve regarding post counts and useless crap, i have restrained myself to posting MAYBE a dozen posts or so in the safety valve in the last 6 months, unlike some people who's "safety valve" posts almost DOUBLE or TRIPLE their actual "helpful" posts in all other forums/areas~ :)

    as darth mentioned awhile ago, AfterDawn is NOT a CHAT FORUM, while sometimes it's fun/enjoyable to quickly reply to a friend/collegue and wish them good luck or to thank them for their assistance, even throw in some humor that takes a thread totally off topic, i am guilty of this too; but before when the "i agree" statements were totally out of control, that's when the mods at the time became very irritated if i am not mistaken...

    anyways, im babbling now and i apologize in advance for that...but, i PERSONALLY feel very strongly with Ireland's idea of a "lounge" as well as his idea of a "screening process" agreed and voted upon by the mods and the other AfterDawn Addicts...majority rules in this case...no tolerance policy should be enforced as well, if majority rules that a particular addict SHOULD NOT be allowed to join, so be it, no whining and crying like a lil bi$ch just cause YOU think you are worthy...let darth's gavel and neph's thunder be brought down at this point...even if this Addict is MYSELF, and i am voted out..i will bow out gracefully and know what help/ or lack thereof i have contributed in the time it took to become an Addict~ (as should ANY/ALL addicts that are not voted "in" the lounge) let your actions/posts speak for themselves, if it's all a bunch of crap, or mostly in the safety valve, i for one will cast MY vote AGAINST that addict as i'm sure the others will too :)

    whether or not this "lounge" is ever started or remains mearly an "idea," i have added MY opinion on the matter..

    everyone is entitled to their own opinions on a topic, but that DOES NOT mean your opinion is RIGHT~ :)

  10. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    ...and if anyone gets past darth or Neph, l'il ole creaky will be just out of view behind the door with a tripwire or a frown :)

    doc666 i am certainly glad of your influence/presence in the DVD media forum, there's a little too much advice being banded about re stupidly high burn speeds etc at the moment, shame we can't screen those ppl in the same way!. [bold]a lot of us are here to help ppl get burning consistently without costing them money caused by ill-advice from the ill-informed few who like to live on the edge.[/bold]. Sorry but that kind of thing really gets my goat more than most things. Good advice costs nothing, crap advice causes nothing but extra threads and confusion.

    But seriously that's the only way the lounge idea could work, if a zero tolerance door policy is adhered to. Whining babies from what i can gather, is the very reason for the whole auto-promote problem (before my time i think), which i didn't know existed/even thought about when i made Addict myself.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2005
  11. scf_au

    scf_au Regular member

    Sep 12, 2004
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    Hmm, first the 'banning button', then the 'private lounge'...... not sure if I like the idea.

    Personally, I think a forum should be as open as possible. Right or wrong, like or dislike, it should be a place for sharing knowledge and ideas.

  12. dude845

    dude845 Regular member

    Jan 6, 2005
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    intresting maybe a sub forum that only addicts annd mods can see?
  13. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    I am split on the idea a little.

    On the one hand, for sure, it is a great chance for the mature, experienced and knowledgeable to be able to share their views on the forum and gain themselves a thoroughly deserved priviledge.

    On the other hand, however, I cannot help but feel that there could be some ill feeling around here.

    I myself am still a fairly long way off addict status both in posts and by the fact that I still have a lot of helping to do before I should be priviledged to be spoken of in same breath as some of the great Afterdawn Addicts that we have around here. I would hope that If and when I do make that status that my help offered around here would be enough to get me into the special forum.

    But If I were not invited, I could easily just accept and move on. But I cannot help but feel that people will be left 'singled out' or 'isolated' because all of the other Addicts are allowed in bar this one person ~ do you see what I mean?

    I suppose the only way for this place to work successfully would be for the old mechanism of status to be re-applied, i.e. people getting their status by merit rather than by posts... Aside that, I cannot see this idea making everyone happy. (Though it is hard to make everyone happy :)

    Anyhow, peace.

  14. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    I kind of see it as Lethal does. The whining and complaining of not being selected was the whole reason the rank selections were dropped in the first place. So another area that requires selection of who should and shouldn't will most definitely cause the same ill feelings of before.
  15. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    hmmm, methinks you're right actually.
  16. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    i do share many of the same feelings as you Lethal, i think you made a VERY valid point...the reason for my lengthy post yesterday was due to some inner angst that i just had to get out in some way or another...i did not imply or mean to direct it at YOU (or anyone else for that matter), as i've seen some of your posts in various threads and i for one would "vote you in" if i had any say in it~ :)

    i just tried to take a "non-biased" approach to it, using myself as an example if i were to be "voted out"...fair don't you think?

    anyways, with so much disagreement whether this "lounge" would be "fair" or not, i don't think much will come of this proposed idea. while indeed a good idea, don't think it will ever get off the ground due to what zippyd stated,

    i agree with that point completely, can't please everyone...and with some cry babies up in here, to be excluded from said "lounge" would probably cause some MAJOR resentment from them...but people can't ALWAYS have it their way :) that's life, it's a bi%ch~ :)

    as the old saying goes, "there are always exceptions to every rule," however, too much animosity would probably come of this "lounge" if it were to ever come about...oh well, brainstorming is fun no? LOL


  17. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    Hehe, I didn't take any of it personally at all doc :) I just used myself as an example so no one would be unintentionally offended.

    Exactly as I did :)

    Thanks docTY - really appreciate it bud. And same to you (Though it is unlikely I would/will ever be in any position to :) - I tend to remember things like this ;)

    On a footnote, the long & short of the situation is, this Addict/Mod lounge [bold]can[/bold] happen if and when we get a Karma system around here. Then the admission to the lounge could be say 'all mods & addicts with a Karma level of `(X)` will be invited in'.

    That way, and only that way will there be

    [bold]No[/bold] Exceptions
    [bold]No[/bold] Excuses
    [bold]No-one[/bold] Cruising through the ranks

    ...and, [bold]No[/bold] justification for bitching and whingeing :D


  18. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    couldnt we make it simpler and go back to the original way as being elitest will be what every one who doesnt get in will be complaining about next ..................

    Well dish out the pics neph and we'll have a vote .........

    Awwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhh doc you pointing fingers i aint been starting any more ridiculous threads in there in the last 10 months.

  19. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    buddy, that post was DEFiNIteLY [bold]NOT[/bold] directed at you~!!

    i have had a few "quarrels/flame wars" with a specific few people on AfterDawn as of late, nothing to keep me awake at night, but they have aggravated me to the point of getting VERY rude w/ them ;)

    they have NOT gone as far as PM me any "nasty" remarks or anything of that sort, but rather, have publicly (subtly i might add) insulted ME and ONLY ME over and over again in various threads.

    my rant above was not intentionally directed at ANY of the current addicts or soon to be addicts, i just had to vent a lil as i wish this one member would "be a man" and face me rather than hide behind his computer/words on here~ :)

    in the past, i've had MANY MANY caring members (arniebear, mort81, bbmayo, creaky, ddp, andmerr-yes u buddy-, and even neph) CONVINCE me to stay here even after i felt like seriously leaving and never turning back; the guys i mentioned above are NOW all addicts/moderators and i have the world of respect for their sincerity...

    i guess over time, since i now consider AfterDawn my "online home/place of refuge," i've become a little too comfortable here...with the annoyance of a FEW members that i wish i could take my gun out on for simply ruining my otherwise pleasant day (i don't take to personal attacks, whether verbally or physically, lightly... and if you've known me long enough, if in person, i get violent and have committed quite a few people into the building where i currently work -hospital- for those that don't know me)~ :)

    so, before i condemn myself any further, just wanted to make it clear that it was NOT meant/directed at you andmerr, you are one of the guys that i seriously consider a "friend" on here and i THANK YOU for helping me feel welcome when i first started...

    have a good one buddy...Happy Holidays


    Last edited: Dec 14, 2005
  20. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    Everyone has made valid points. Reasons for it would be to have decent discussions with fellow addicts and mods. But as the point was made not everyone will be pleased if it was hand picked entry. There would be unnecessary arguments created and this would cause a lot of bother. Everyone needs to agree on the terms and conditions if the idea was chosen.

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