who are you talking about sljusevi. americas schools have alot of metal detectors in our schools. 3-4 kids got expelled for selling drugs in my school. somr kid also got expelled for holding up a knife up to a kids face.
the reson am asking is becuse in sweden people think in america you can get excpelled for having a pepsi t-shirt becuse the school are sponsored by coca-cola or a 9 year old kid gets excpelled for pointing at his friend and saying bang bang. the reson whe think this is becuse evrybody reads mikael moore. am youst wondering if its true.
some kid got a handjo* at lunch. some kid also got stabed in the shoulder while selling crack in the bathrooms.
hi im jus wonderin, i brought my ds yesterday, and was awondering what the picto chat range was, cos my friend has 1 aswell, and i wanna know how long it can reach
The range is about 100 feet w/ no building or trees or anything like that in the way, and about 60 feet with things in the way. If your friend doesnt live next door you're not going to be able to catch him on it. I used it with my friend inside his house and sometimes the connection got messed up...
Dont be hating completely on the ds fool. The DS has some good things. When online comes out that range might be a lot longer. Try sending drawings to friends online with a PSP.
neolance, dont be hating, im not calling you a fool so dont call me that. i forgot how fun it is to send pictures to your friends. the DS is mostly based for children under 10. im not calling neolance a baby, neolance is cool.
wayyyy too big, solargame. i can't see'em, but i went through the links to, and if you make those work, Neph will ride your ass pretty hard. resize them if you must keep them. also, remember that the sig testing thread is there for a reason. some people get pretty irritated when threads go too far off topic, so try to keep that in mind.