I will help for people that dont know much about mods

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by EvilModda, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. cearel

    cearel Guest

    its not linking up whats your setup?? do you have a router??
  2. hello222

    hello222 Guest

    I need help with dot halo, i dont know how to do anything with it at all, plus once i get all my files on FlashFXP i dont see my new maps like warlock, all i get is the old maps
  3. hmp007

    hmp007 Guest

    hello222 all you need to do is if you have xbox live then you can go to content donwload and get all those new maps

    mike- i also need help with dothalo....i downloaded it but idk if u install it or wat to do with it and yes i have a router but i can fix it...all i need to no is wat to to with dothalo
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2006
  4. hmp007

    hmp007 Guest

    and one more question...i have flashfxp and i hear all this stuff about mirc...do i need that or do i only need flashfxp???
  5. spehawk22

    spehawk22 Guest

    u need mirc to run flash
  6. supamikel

    supamikel Guest

    no you dont need it. you only need it if you are trying to get files from xbins or something like that. but otherwise if you are just tying to connect to your xbox to mod you only need flash fxp.
  7. Raven0011

    Raven0011 Member

    Jun 25, 2006
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    Please take a look at the way I modded my xbox and tell me what I can do to fix the problem. I use Krayzie_SC-NTSC_UXE_Installer_Dutch-English_v2.8 to mod my xbox. Everything went ok during the installation, but now I am unable to get on xbox live please help. I got the download from http://www.freewebs.com/h2mupload/programs.htm for splinter cell. I used the directions they had after the download to install it, but it still does not work. I sent the creater a message but hes an ass hole and won't help. the dash board that I installed is Evoluion X so I don't under stand the problem besides the fact that in the directions the creater gave it says The virtual C will be unmodded so the MSdashboard can be used
    afterwards. The exploit can be switched off or on by a simple gamesave exploit switch. When turned off the xbox should be
    safe to have full live access and access to the online dashboard.

    Please check into this matter and give me some directions to solve the problem. If I need to uninstall the dash board can u provide details on how to do that because it says:

    Restore xbox:

    Since the installer might not function properly when there are leftovers or other messed up hd files on the hd you can use this
    option to restore the xbox to it's original state. You'll need a slayers auto installer disc to do so.

    Thanks again and please email me i'manidiot.net edited by ddp
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2006
  8. cearel

    cearel Guest

    @hmp007 if you sre going through a router go into your dashboard network settings and make sure you have dhcp turned on and try to connect
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    Raven0011, read the forum rules above about posting & emails. post edited
  10. hmp007

    hmp007 Guest

    ceareal---i fixed my conection(exactly like u told me)all i was askin is about mirc and flashfxp cause all im tryin to do is get dvd2xbox onto my xbox.....but now i no that it has to be burned to a cd then put into ur xbox ....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2006
  11. cearel

    cearel Guest

    it dosent actually have to be on a cd you can ftp it over. If you dont have it this is what you would do get mirc and flashfxp log on to a server with mirc then for the channel type #xbins and some info will come up then type the message to get the list and it will give you a user name and password write them down and put the info into flashfxp and log on oh yea for the ip it will be the xbins.org thing you should see it on mirc
  12. HEFTY

    HEFTY Guest

    I need help does anyone know if i need modded maps to use like the super run or the auto aim mods can some one please reply
  13. hmp007

    hmp007 Guest

    no cause my friends did it on terminal
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2006
  14. cearel

    cearel Guest

    yes you need modded maps if your friend did this then he had a modded map
  15. supamikel

    supamikel Guest

    i used to not be able to get on live but then i went to the original blue dashboard that you start out with and turned my xbox off then waited like 5 secs turned it back on with the small button and halo 2 automatically loaded and i tried going onlive and it worked i dunno if that will work for u u should try it tho
  16. cearel

    cearel Guest

    yea thats kinda old and dosent always work
  17. hmp007

    hmp007 Guest

    does anyone know a website where i cxan get AIO V2, without me googling it
  18. mx833

    mx833 Member

    Jul 29, 2006
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    Hey, i just downloaded dothalo. It came up in a folder once i downloaded it, and i dont know what to do. I was wondering how to start up the program but i dont know where to do that at. Help? Thanks.
  19. Kl36

    Kl36 Member

    Jul 29, 2006
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    hey where can u find ur multiplayer maps when ur FTPing halo 2 to ur pc b/c i can find the old maps but not the new ones and when i look on xbl i have them downloaded and yes my xbox s soft modded
  20. backupguy

    backupguy Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    if anyone needs the linux softmod files, or info on where to get mods or how to softmod then go to my site http://backupguy.proboards99.com and there is loads of info and guides.

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