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I will help for people that dont know much about mods

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by EvilModda, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. dannnnnnn

    dannnnnnn Guest

    can i have a little help here, my unleashed dash will [bold]not[/bold] let me put my xbox live back online, and also, how do you put the games/ profiles you had on the original dash on 2 the modded one
  2. EvilModda

    EvilModda Regular member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    STOP SPAMMING!!!! jesus h. christ

    First: Warlock failed to load because it is a new map so you will have to get an EDATA or TDATA signing program.

    Second:Stop quadraple posting your making my bro's thread seem like whore house

    Third: Dannnnnn learn how to spell, write, and use proper grammar.. I dunno WTF you are talkin about

    OH AND YEAH EVILMODDA (my bro) should be back today since his trip was cut short
  3. NorthFall

    NorthFall Member

    Oct 9, 2005
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    I can play games on Xbox Live with my softmodded Xbox...For example, I just put in Halo 2...then restart my Xbox with the disc in it...then when I sign in it works...easy as that. Any game that I wanna play live on...I just boot my Xbox with the game disc in...and wala..it works...

    Oh and about modding on Xbox Live...you can 100%...that is (to do it my way)...you must have a custom HD for your xbox...one that can fit the entire game disc of Halo 2...then you should be able to run the game like normal even with modded maps...Because as it stands...with a normal HD from the Microsoft closest (the 10 gig ones)...that leaves about 4 gigs of free HD space on which to put games...however, Halo 2 is about 5 or 6 gigs big...so to have it on a normal Xbox...you can only put the normal multiplayer maps...and the font files...etc....you can't have the intro...or the xbox live features...or even the campaign maps on a normal HD...
  4. dannnnnnn

    dannnnnnn Guest

    as long as i have the multiplayer maps im fine with it, but i cant sign in because wen i put the new dashboard on it go rid of my xbox live, but i did make a back up and am now on the original dashboard
  5. xvisionx

    xvisionx Guest

    nvm thanks i found out how to make it w/ serenity
  6. dannnnnnn

    dannnnnnn Guest

    so how do i put the xbox live back on to my xbox
  7. NorthFall

    NorthFall Member

    Oct 9, 2005
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    Sorry, I don't know...you're in a strange predicament...when I soft modded my xbox...I never took it off...so I don't know how to get it back on :(...You might try restoring your MS Backup though...
  8. dannnnnnn

    dannnnnnn Guest

    hey im back on my ms dashboard, i never took the xbox live subscription off, so how do i put the subscription onto the new dashboard for future referance
  9. birddawg

    birddawg Member

    Oct 16, 2005
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    dude i am about to buy an action replay to down load the soft mod programs for my x box i just wish i knew what to do after i take the damn thing out of the package. if some one could give me like an exact step by step (in an easy to under stand way i am not really hip to the computer scene yet)..thank you so much in advance
  10. dannnnnnn

    dannnnnnn Guest

    hey evilmodda part 1)i need help FTPing the original maps over
    part 2)how do i play with the modded maps if i dont
    have the game on my harddrive
    part 3)how do i go back online when ive modded my
  11. EvilModda

    EvilModda Regular member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    Wow ur lucky I am back from FLORIDA!!! :p

    First you cant play the ORIGINAL MODDED maps from the disc to play the old maps you need to copy the game to the HD

    Then IF you have FTP access and SINCE you dont have the game on the HD to mod the old maps you need to go into E; TDATA (or UDATA); and find the right one

    Then just drag and drop
  12. EvilModda

    EvilModda Regular member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    Oh and to turn off the softmodd just do the same thing like you did installing it.......load up the profile throught the game you used to softmod and there should be an option to turn it off
  13. sum42

    sum42 Guest

    hey evilmodda, considering u know twice as much as anyone here, i am kinda confused. i modded containment, then i fixed the encryption and then i ran is through samesig2 to sign the map. it then made a file called containment.map.map. I remember reading something about i had to do something with it to make it into a regular .map file. can u tell me? i would really appreciate it.
  14. EvilModda

    EvilModda Regular member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    lol just rename it to containment.map
  15. dannnnnnn

    dannnnnnn Guest

    do i need the modded dashboard once ive FTPed of can i go back to the ms dashboard
  16. sum42

    sum42 Guest

    thank u so much, because i tried to do it with the smaesig2 thing and it still didnt work. i keep following these tuts and they arent helping. thanx evilmodda my aim is executioner2313 and my gamertage is executioner231. just send me a message or send me a private message of ur aim.
  17. birddawg

    birddawg Member

    Oct 16, 2005
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    hey evil i need your help when you get done helping dan on softmodding an xbox i have downloaded my irc ftp and winrar i just do not know how to make them work together to get this phoney mechwarrior save to my memory card
    pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeee help me
  18. NorthFall

    NorthFall Member

    Oct 9, 2005
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    Depending on how you mod your xbox, like, say if you softmod it...then you have a variety to choose from...my personal favorite is the EVOX dash...

    /Comfort EvilModda--LoL; never thought we'd have this many questions huh Evil? =D...
  19. sum42

    sum42 Guest

    northfall, if u know a lot about modding, can u help me. i have modded my maps and i ran into the typical problem "You failed to load the map". I must have looked over about 7 tuts over the past few days trying to figure out y it wont work. the conclusion i ran into was that i had to fix the encryption and then sign it with samesig2 or this other program. i have done this and it still doesnt work. can u help me?
  20. mods06

    mods06 Guest

    how do you download the maps to your computer

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