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I will help for people that dont know much about mods

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by EvilModda, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. NorthFall

    NorthFall Member

    Oct 9, 2005
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    OMG OMG!! This has happened to me so many times...those 6 words are a Map modders nightmare...At least they are for me...In most scenarios, this means that when you were modding the map, you did something invalid...in otherwords, you changed a value or tried to import something that the game files can't and WON'T recognize...I usually have to get the original map back on my comp, then mod it all over again...so for now, I'm just sticking to the tags and variables that I know...but if you do it right in DOTHalo, the maps should load like a charm if you didn't do something invalid...

    And about maps onto the Xbox, you have to FTP...just look through all the pages of UBER chat, you should find some references to it...let me know if you still need help after that...
  2. sum42

    sum42 Guest

    but even sometimes ill download .ppf's and put them on the maps. and they still wont work. i would really apperciate it if evilmodda did the final stuff for me because i sure as hell cant.
  3. sum42

    sum42 Guest

    i also had another question. how do u actually use the trainers from evox dashboard?
  4. EvilModda

    EvilModda Regular member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    Okay how bout you tell me what you want done in like a list......I will do them........:( maybe skinning depending on my mood.....and I will make a ppf for it.......AND IF YOU WANT TO FLY on a map I am the MAN to make you fly......

    What I will do later on is make PPFS for all the old maps, and new so you have Fly OR superjump and Autoaim :) <----------cheaters dream

    It will take me a day because jesus h. christ there is a lot of values to put in for flyin lol

    And something very sad will happen very soon.....I can't reveal it *sob sob sob* I WILL BE LEAVING AFTERDAWN *sob sob cry* I am serious
    I've decided to take up a new hobby........yes I have joined football....very very sad

  5. EvilModda

    EvilModda Regular member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    My lil bro will take this up and help you all out......yes he is mean as the devil but he is helpful...... he actaully made a program by his self but since he thought it was too tough to figure out for n00b modders he never released it........it was a program made to Not to change the projectile but the speed and crap like that..... I actually could never figure the program either he decided to call it the HexorHaxorex

    The name sounds wierd and all but the HEx editor built in the program was very easy to understand but since most modders dont use Hex Edtiing well..........

    xLILMILX Member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    read my thread below yours and i got unleashX it wont let get 2 XB live i want remove /??????
  7. dannnnnnn

    dannnnnnn Guest

    i need help with working dothalo, i dont no how to use it, could i get a step by step
  8. sum42

    sum42 Guest

    yo evilmodda send me ur aim in a private message. i only want autoaimi 360, super jumping, super speed, flying warthog, and switching proj for weapons (doesnt matter which). if u do this 4 me i will really appreciate it.
  9. dannnnnnn

    dannnnnnn Guest

    which folder would the map 05a_deltaapproach.map be in
  10. reas11

    reas11 Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    i've got a probblem

    I can FTP into my xbox and have it connected with an crossover cable but i can't get SMB Network Sharing to work i've read loads of turirials and none of them work.

    my main problem is after i've edited the XML file and transferr it i keep on being asked for a username and password.

    i'm using a USB modem and have my xbox connected with the slot on my computer.

    thats the thread i made if anyone wants to post in there
  11. NorthFall

    NorthFall Member

    Oct 9, 2005
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    AHEM! Trainers don't work...at least I haven't been able to figure them out...and it's too much stress to do it...

    About all this modding stuff...I'm am getting to busy to continue support of the modding community...I'm am deep in college work...my job...girl...etc...I'm sorry...but good luck to you all

    If I ever make a ppf patch or anything, I'll be sure to log on here and give yall the site...but it'll take me a LONG time to make em...since I have like no time for games anymore =(
  12. playhalo2

    playhalo2 Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    I am a newbie modder and i hardly understand anything about modding. i have dothalo and all the other halomaps.com tools, but how do i get the maps from halo2 onto my computer so i can mess with them? Plz explain in the easiest way possible. :) ty
  13. sum42

    sum42 Guest

    first off u need to know your xbox IP address it should display it in ur modded dashboard under system and then network connections (make sure it is set to auto detect).

    then get either FlashFXP (thats wat i use), or someother one. u have to buy FlashFXP for the full version, but i have the trial and it still works fine.

    then type in ur xbox's ip address into the connect in watever ftp program u are using then press connect. i had realized that to connect ur xbox must be on and sitting in the dashboard.

    if u connect right u should see the folders: C, D (if u have a disc in the drive), E, F (F may not always be there), then X, Y, and Z

    then u can access all ur files in there.

    and by the way the halo 2 maps are in the E: folder, go to TDATA then go to the folder with 64 at the end, then $c, then those three folders have the 9 maps in them.

    if u have anymore questions playhalo2 then send me an im at executioner2313 or send me a friend request on xbox live my gamertag is executioner231
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2005
  14. birddawg

    birddawg Member

    Oct 16, 2005
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    i have a question if any one in here is smart enuf to help a newb connect his modded x box to his pc? thank you in advance
  15. birddawg

    birddawg Member

    Oct 16, 2005
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    why wont any one even notice my thread? is it my name? i ask some one a question and all i get is...well nothing... not even a f*ck u!! could some one please help me with learning this evo x and i also need to learn how to restore my dash so i can go back on x box live. please help me.............................
  16. birddawg

    birddawg Member

    Oct 16, 2005
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    why wont any one even notice my thread? is it my name? i ask some one a question and all i get is...well nothing... not even a f*ck u!! could some one please help me with learning this evo x and i also need to learn how to restore my dash so i can go back on x box live. please help me.............................
  17. sum42

    sum42 Guest

    u should be able to get on xbox live with a modded xbox, just make sure ur ip address is right, and put in ur disc turn off ur xbox then turn it back on (with the disc still in the drive) and u SHOULD be able to sign onto xbox live. for connectin to ur pc just follow wat i had posted up there.
  18. reas11

    reas11 Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    I'm in need of some serous help.

    I sortmodded my xbox last week using the splinter cell and action replay method i made a backup of my ms dashboard but not my emprom.

    And today i downloaded the auto installer v2.11 burn't it to a disc and ran it in my xbox. Choose the dashboard option and clicked install MS dash board i then rebooted by xbox and i get the "error 21 - service required"

    Now i deleted my linux installers and have no way of FTPing into my xbox and the autoinstaller disc won't run.

    so what do i do i've read guides on hot swapping but i don't really know how to do it and don't have a backup of my epromm or my MS dash any more.

    please tell me this isn't the end of my xbox modding days :(
  19. birddawg

    birddawg Member

    Oct 16, 2005
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    oh ok...thank you so much for the helpful information. i thought i would get banned if i go to xbox live with a soft modded x box
  20. birddawg

    birddawg Member

    Oct 16, 2005
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    ok i see i got an error 21 service required screen when loading up rainbow 3 black arrows online mode ummm was that supposed to happen or what>?

    is my account banned now??? help me man

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