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If God exists?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by retro78, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    "When your burrowed in the trench and bullets are flying inches from your helmet; WHO will you call for? ( your mother doesn't count)"

    You can't say something, then say that your mother does not count, that is a futile argument. You can't set the rules. That is for the playground.


    "If we evolved from apes, why aren't any apes still evolving into humans?"

    If you had ANY knowledge about evolution, you would know that it takes hundreds of thousands of years (even millions) for evolution to take place. We have been around for a miniscule amount of time, compared to other creatures. So that blows that argument out of the water. Unless you are a christian & believe that the earth was created a few thousand years ago. Ever heard of carbon dating?, dinosaurs, Neanderthal man?


    "Some religions have been circumsizing all male offspring. This has been going on for over 4000 years. So why don't the genes learn to be born circumsized?"

    4000 years, how long is that in the scheme of things? I refer you to the above arguement, anyway circumcision is a ghastly & abhorrent form of religious control. Brought about by, guess who? Man!! That arguement is SO amazingly futile I cannot believe it has been brought up. I really thought that the intelligence of people here far surpassed such butchery & infantile discussion. I am quite astounded that I am even having to type this out!!

    As for luck, well I am not sure. Some people are luckier than others. In the UK, a convicted rapist, whilst on parole, won several million pounds on the lottery? If there was a God why would he reward someone so evil with so much money?

    Luck & number 7 is purely superstition. In Europe an 8mm bolt has a 13mm spanner size. In Japan the same bolt has a 12mm spanner size. Purely because of luck, the number 13 is considered unlucky.
    Please do not attempt to argue that point, I was a Mechanical Engineer for 17 years!

    Just because I do not believe in God does not make me non-spiritual, I am quite the contrary. As another one of our learned colleagues said before, karma is the key. I believe what goes around comes around.

    Religious people have expressed their view point on this forum on many occassions. They all fade away because they ALWAYS lose the arguement. They have NO answers, except that God works in mysterious ways. That is an argument that a child would use. Just think about it, God moves in mysterious ways, what the hell does that mean? How does that bring comfort to a mother who has lost a baby through illness or accident?

    A few weeks ago, a young mother had broken down on the motorway (UK) she was taking her 4 week old baby out of the car to get to safety. She had a car hit her, her baby was killed instantly, she died a few hours later in hospital.
    Now, just imagine this, you are that babys' father. You are sat at home thinking "Well my wife & child will be home soon, I wonder what we will do this afternoon?" The next thing you know, a knock at the door. A policeman is there, he asks to come inside & that he has some bad news. What at that moment is going through your head? Then he tells you that your wife & son were killed in a car accident.
    I would REALLY like to know how your faith could comfort you.
    Please explain it to me. Excuse my ignorance, but how could ANYTHING comfort you? Then & ever?

    To say that "God moves in mysterious ways" would just not do it for me. How about you?

    Please, if you are going to make a point, then at least make one that has a tiny, tiny shred of validity to it!

    Last edited: Apr 17, 2005
  2. retro78

    retro78 Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    I would have liked to have given you my opinion on this matter, but other then to ad: " that it seems to me, when a war scenario like that apears, you call out for your buddies",pulsar has made THE point very comprihensive, wouldn't you agree, weycraze ?

  3. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Always nice to see that I am not the only one with my viewpoint, cheers retro78!!

    BTW, If nobody has already said "Welcome to Afterdawn!, then welcome to Afterdawn. I would like to extend that welcome to Weycraze also! All view points are welcome on ANY subject!

    Kind regards, to all, always

  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    on the point about man evolving from apes more likely we both came from the same line til a fork in the road of time appeared whereas humaniods(which we are part of) went down 1 line of the fork & apes went down the other line of the fork. the ape's genes is about 95 to 98% the same as us humans
  5. malcdogg

    malcdogg Regular member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    I always wonder what religious people have against apes. Seriously why do they get so damn angry at the thought that they could, in some distant way, be related to apes?

    I've never heard of an ape murdering millions of other apes. Apes raise and love their children the same as we do. They have 2 eyes, 2 ears, etc. And they can even speak sign language.

    Is it easier to believe in magical glowing people with bird wings flying around doing good deeds(angels), then the possibility you could be decended from a simpler kind of creature? I find the way religious people view things to be, for the main part, conceited.

    Don't take that as an attack though, some of the nicest, down to earth people i've ever met were religious.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2005
  6. Weycraze

    Weycraze Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    LOL...excellent reply pulsar, but what about some feedback on Dr. Ivan Panin and the number 7
  7. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Weycraze, .

    As I said about the No7, pure superstition. Like black cats crossing your path, if you wish to believe in that, fine! I really don't know how to argue against superstition! I will give it a shot.....

    Witches, (is there such a thing?) were burnt because of superstition. this was purely down to fear, perpetuated by the religious folk. (It gave something for the masses to concentrate on & take their minds off other socio-economic problems)

    In the UK we had the Witchfinder General (1645-47, Matthew Hopkins was his name).


    He basically rode around England, having women killed (usually snaggle toothed crones) at the drop of a hat. Just because they led a different lifestyle, or had a black cat!. It was hate bred through fear. The masses were not too intelligent & were easily led. I can see certain parallels in todays life. The establishment used the threat of going to hell if you did not conform.
    If you lead a different lifestyle you are persecuted. This has been used throughout the ages. It will continue to be used. Fortunately, religion does not have such a stranglehold on people, people have access to more information.
    When the bible was to be converted to English, rather than Latin, it was vigorously opposed, by the church folk, because it meant that people could make their own interpretations. Hence the birth of protestantism.
    I note that you do not take any of my arguements up. Why?

    So there you have it, the number 7 is pure superstition, no more no less.

    Please give me something to tax my brain with next time......LOL....


    In an argumentative mood.

    For a change.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2005
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    rumble, rumble!!!!
  9. Weycraze

    Weycraze Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Pulsar, the death of them is not amusing to me, that is definetely a tragic event.

    The same could happen to me tomorrow.

    There isn't a whole lot that pulls a person through that situation.

    I've lost 4 first and second family members this year to cancer, consider the shortness of our human lives as compared to the age of all things (which is debatable of course). Wouldn't it be good to know that when my short lived life here is over, I'll see them again?

    But anyways, I not much the arguing type.

    If you really like to argue, read 'The Seal of God' by F.C. Payne, it's a composite of Panin's work.

    It's points of arguement are clear and well defined, they have been challenged by many world bodies with no recourse.(ie, could not be contested)

    I just about fell over after reading this, it isn't for the faint of heart.

    I always thought I might be about 10% in the smarts area. More like .001 % X 10 -1000000000000000.

    Panin's work is rather quite remarkable, and from your replies I know it hasn't been googled on your PC.

    Have a Great Day mate!

    BTW, your points are well written.

  10. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    I consider myself the luckiest person in the world. I have friends who love me & I love them. My closest friend got cancer a few years ago. Thankfully they are OK.
    My friends are the most important thing to me. Money means nothing. As long as I have food in my stomach, a roof over my head & a nice warm bed, I cannot complain. I am very lucky as I also lots of "toys" (2 PCs that is) to play with! That to me is a bonus, not a right.
    Too many people concentrate on having material goods & "keeping up with the Joneses" attitude.

    I have never read Panins' work. I may venture a "Google" on it!

    There are no words that can express how you must feel through your loss of family members. I cannot begin to understand the range of emotions that you must have gone & are going through.

    I truly believe that religion is one thing I will NEVER get on with or choose to understand. It is a very personal thing. I do believe that anyone has the right to believe in what they like. Just don't put it on me, or try to convert me. I treat people the way I expect to be treated myself. I do not steal, or do anything that would affect anyone else. I expect to be treated with the same respect. I have edited some parts of my last post. I think it is for the best & out of respect for you.

    Take care my friend,

    Last edited: Apr 17, 2005
  11. Weycraze

    Weycraze Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Gee, and I thought I was the luckiest person in the world.
    Guess I'm not alone!!

    Your points are well written and taken. Thank-You.

    You Take Care My Friend as well.

  12. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Not very often I get complimented on my points of view! Or my sentence structure for that matter! LOL

    Cheers mate.

  13. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

    Well their has to be "something living" that controls this Universe...I say that their is a "god" that is here... Maybe this is a game, like a game in a deminsion or something...And maybe the 10 commandments where "Rules"???
  14. ashroy01

    ashroy01 Regular member

    Dec 23, 2004
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    To find out what's controlling the Earth look no further than the periodic table. It's the elements and the way they react with one another is really what decides our fate.

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