ok the specs is as follows:asus 64bit skt754 k8v se deluxe ,64 bit amd athlon 3400,2x 80 gig maxtor,256 ddr radeon 9800 all in wonder from radeon,3xpioneer 107 flashed with1.2 12x rip speed 4x media @ 8+ burn.software dvdshrink,nero 6,dvdclone 2.8.4,pinnicle instant copy, movie factory 3 all on xp, pro broadband 1mg do alot of d/l from www.suprnova.org(movies)bittorent.looking at these specs configured properly i ripp and burn easly,most are still on 32 bit,thats y it is possible for me to do wat i already have said.by the way pc is home made cheers ppl
Ronan, All-In-Wonder cards only go up to 128MB. And there is only one 9800 .... AIW 9800 Pro. http://ati.com/products/radeon9800/aiw9800pro/index.html
Besides the fact that the video card has absolutely nothing to do with rip and burn speeds. Bollocks. You haven't done anything you've claimed. I admire your capacity for fantasy but in case you haven't noticed we're not a bunch of ignorant twelve year olds easily impressed by big talk.
this is becoming a habbit in here lol.ok miss print i meant 128 srry all.yes i have prof that i did wat i claim also im not child at 12?im 37 dudes on september also the memory is 2x32700 400ddr dual branded kingston.ok u want prof email me <no emails> i can attach the time picture i got from harry potter a bit blurry the pic but readable so u can eat ya words and be jelous as i think this particular form can be.ok good luck i await your mails
You may not be 12, but your grammer and punctuation sure looks like a 12 year old wrote it. sumot that.
ronan Don't you think it's time to give this up? Hell Nephilium was closer to the truth when he stated that he was going to rip using ESP and then burn the disc with the Laser beams from his eyes. If you're going to talk a good story then maybe you ought to research it before you make it public. BTW exatly where did you buy this elusive and currently unreleased, 256 meg ATI 9800 Pro AIW? If you want to play people for stupid then you'd better be sure they're stupid or you might find yourself staring at your own reflection.
we all cant be smart 24/7 after a hard days work child anyway email me i send u the proof as your mouth seems 2 b the biggest so far?ok just cloned football factory?time 4:11 took a photo off ma phone wanna see that too i send it no problem just to kill your curiosity,ok
anyway i have the proof here wether u believe or anyone is to believe i have the so called pictures u think i dont have.anyway it sounds like jelousy or they just wanna fight ,i guess i let them stick to there method use there dvds as coaster for ma tea to sit on?mind send your email adress i send ma side of the bargain thats a fair deal piece ppl
1. All good fun aside, you managed to miss the forum rule about no email addresses. 2. Nobody really cares for "proof" because well, even if you did it, it's not gonna get me a pay raise or anything. 'sides, I have proof I burned over 45,000 TB in less than zero time. 3. Let's just assume he did do his burn in 3:14 .... okay fine, let's assume that. Now let's also assume that 3:14 is the DVD being burned at 8x nontstop from beginning to finish (CLV style). Okay fine. He ripped the disc in 5-6 minutes and for argument's sake, let's say it took 5 minutes, which we will also take to be a 12x CLV rip. So what whe have is a case of 12x being 35% slower than 8x. Now if that doesn't scream bullshit then I think we all need to get our mental hearing checked out. This was all fun and games until someone decide to take things too far. Bravado and boasts prove nothing as I've said before and ... jealousy?? LOL -- you go right ahead and burn your DVDs that fast ... damn what's with all the n00bs nowadays who think "fast is the way to go". And as for the coaster thing, you really wanna ship tea all the away around the world? Or was that just your mouth again? 4. Forum rules expressly forbit email addys in posts. BOOM.
ronan Did you go to school in an English speaking country? And your pictures would prove nothing. If you want us to listen then download Belarc Adviser or some equivalent and then upload your systems specs. http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html
Must admit, it was funny. I was a noob not too long ago ... I hope I didn't sound that bad. I tried a computer with ddr ram, even upgraded to 2GB of DDR Ram, and it didn't match 512MB of Rambus RAM. And not to knock ddr ram, but I think Rambus is better. And be more specific 2x... could mean 256total.
I've been burning and ripping DVD's for over a year, tried all sorts of free and (shudder) pay for programs, but, when I want perfect quality and ease of use, I keep coming back to the place I started . That being, the various versions of X-Copy Xpress that 321 has put out. Fact is, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about with the DVD, "Return of the Kings" so I timed the duplication process about an hour ago. Using the RF version of the "Platinum Version" in conjunction with DVD43 and the "bouducon.dll" from the original version, it took 32 Minutes to read the disk to file, and 28 minutes to write it back clean. Absolutely NO LOSS of quality (picture or sound) on the duplicated version; none! Personally, I can't see any reason for any other tools for the foreseeable future. Although, I really, really like DVD Decrypter for picking out the files that I really want when I make short versions. I have a couple of "Mad Dog" 8X burners that work like champs on even crappy media, but since there's a Tiger Direct outlet store about 10 minutes from the house, I can get the good stuff for $14.00 per 25 pack. That does help....
smsmike I'm curious could you run Nero infotool or some other Disc identifier and post the manufacturer's ID number. I would like to know what you are getting for $.60 a disc. I'm always looking for better deals. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]
The company is (KHypermedia) and they put out both -R and +R disks. I'll run the Nero ID just to be sure though. Hang on while I dual task this puppy. Yup, that's about all I get. If you want the specs, try http://www.KHypermedia.com/ It's just a general purpose single layer (version 5) disk 4.7GB at 4X. I have been using them for the last 6 months with no problems noted. Mike
Ugh, I've heard bad things about those puppies. smsmike, You can get ritekG04's at Meritline for .69-.71 ea. About a thin dime more than what you're paying. That's with free shipping. You're discs may be fine now, but how about 4-5 years down the line? Verbatim and ritek seem to be the preferred choice, but each to his own...
At one point or another I have heard "Bad Things" about every darn disk on the market. It's a matter of "Which" bad thing you actually believe. Since KHypermedia also puts out a full line of burners for both CD and DVD, I have serious doubts that they are selling less than industry standard disks. Of course, I drive a Ford Truck, so I might not be the one to ask!! If you want to compare prices, try this link http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=172510&Sku=K51-1044 Mike
If I ruffled your feathers, didn't mean to, I apologize. But if you read thru the forum you will see that ritek and verbatim are the overwhelming choice for media. Like I said each to his own. I also have a Ford truck. PS- I checked your link, I like Sophocles, am always looking for a better deal. Unfortunately they do not carry Ritek _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
I agree with bigorange, I think that Hypermedia's discs are made by CMC and not a good sign, often they aren't given an ID number at all. I also like Ritek Go3 and Go4 media. I'm using Verbatim 4X+R which are made by Mitusubishi ID# MCC 002, but you have to keep an eye on Verbatim too because they've used CNC to manufacture their media before. I also like media made by Ricoh. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]