You can use nero to burn with shrink, or nero and img tool, or decrypter to burn with shrink or decrypter on it's own, if movie doesn't excede size limit. Everything you have will back-up a dvd. Unfortunately any reauthoring with shrink will destroy menu function. Really need more info, don't know what you're doing wrong with the info you gave. Did you try sophocles method with shrink? Do you even care about a working menu?
Is the playback skipping on just your standalone or in your PC as well? It may be that your particular player doesn't like DVDR's.
With Shrink, lose the Imgtool and Decrypter, even the Shrink website lists Decrypter as a backup burner. Here is a good one. Download the new trial version of Nero, minus the InCD portion of course, and see how that works with the latest version of Shrink. Try a short movie just to make sure things are working right. I never have had a problem out of Shrink and Nero 6 (except with larger movies). It isn't the best, but it is dependable. Nero has one of the best burning ROMs on the market. The Recode2 that comes with the retail pack is also a good piece of software for DVD recording (Decrypter is good for decryption here). I never heard mention of your PC specs or how much free HD space you have. Those play into the equation as well. All the questions are valid, so give the CPU, RAM, OS and HD specs and do some checking. I got Roxio with my PC and I decided to go to Nero 6. There is enough difference to think about upgrading (especially with all the upgrades and the Recode2). You should at least check out the Nero website. Remember, no InCD.
noinsults Didn't mean to leave you but I decided to take a night away from AD. All of the advice you were given is good and you check them all out. If you don't have the latest version of Nero you can go to their web site and give them you current serial number and they'll let you upgrade to the new Ultra version for $49.00. If that's to steep for you than you can get the Nero Express version which is available all over the web, delivered for under $10 and it will work just fine with DVD Shrink. In the meatnitme borbears recommendation to start with a download of the Nero trial version is a good start.
I'm going to have to change my name if you keep hitting that o before the r. Looks like the right side is outrunning the left. I know I get a bit verbose, but I have good intentions, except maybe for that big orange monster. 8~P Does that look bug eyed and tongue in cheek enough? Look out big o, notice the color of the bear's shirt, I have split loyalties; Big Orange football and UK basketball. Look under the name. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]
brobear My left hand is more agile than my right hand because it is so well trained in playng those fast guitar riffs. Now I'm trying to train them to work in sequence. I take it you are ignoring my new status or you just didn't see it which is no big deal since bigorange noticed it before I did. Come to think of it he noticed Vurbal's promotion before he did too. Oh well! That's bigorange, always status conscious. Hmm! borbear LOL
I'm going to have to change my name if you keep hitting that o before the r. Looks like the right side is outrunning the left. I know I get a bit verbose, but I have good intentions, except maybe for that big orange monster. 8~P Does that look bug eyed and tongue in cheek enough? Look out big o, notice the color of the bear's shirt, I have split loyalties; Big Orange football and UK basketball. Wish the pants were UK instead of Carolina blue. Look under the name on the left. Oh, I forgot, yea Nero. Had to get back to the subject somewhere.
You all think I'm not listening, but I am, i'm a lurker. brobear, unfortunately I have to root for their basketball team also, and I do mean unfortunately. The cats always have a good b-ball team, not so the Vols. Sophocles, perhaps I am desperate for the need to belong or for attention, I've never had High status anything, well I did play college football, no, come to think of it, our best year was 7-4. At least I spell brobear correctly, right sofeklies?
We all are lurkers, and we all know it, that's why we, borbear and I do it. come to think of it that's why you do it too. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]
Who was that little bear lurking in the bushes? I'm trying to learn hoe to unnspeel. Lit my se, sofickles, soflycles, or sofcycles? I may get if rit sum da. Rit Bik P? 8~P _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]
Okay Sir Sophocles, I was starting to have fun there. Yea Nero; all you need is a decrypter with the Recode2. 8~)
HiRezHead, We know, that's part of what we were kidding around about. Yea, Nero burning ROM and DVDShrink, another twobie proposition. I'm sticking to the thread good now.
It's about ----ing time. Did you get my nessage in the other thread? I would say it but i don't want to double post.
Thanks for all the advise, I am going to try shrink with mero. My spec are 2.7mhz, 120gb, 1gb mb, win 2000..... still have about 60gb of free space. Mostly when i see the skip, it is on a stand alone dvd, usually i watch from there and hardly the pc... One stand alone is a Toshiba and the other portable is a samsung. (dont have the model # on hand)
noinsults, What brand of media are you using? Also noticed your running Windows 2000... are you using FAT32 or NTFS?
Flip, im using Ritekg04, window 2000 NTFS.. Is it better to copy dvd to hd as a files or is it better to do as an image?