Flip, its set to DMA What is the compression setting to fit a movie on one dvd.... mine is set to 4360, is that correct?
noinsults, Sorry, didn't mean to confuse you. 4360 is fine, you just don't want to burn to the edge. Default for shrink is 4464... so your setting is fine. I set mine to 4300, and Pete likes his around 4279 (his wiggle room).
so if i were to use reauthor and just copy the movie only, that should give me a good clear picture correct? It shouldnt skip or freeze? If the compression is set to low, would that affect the quality of the picture? thanks again
Noinsults, Compression is a funny variable. Different software handles the problem with varying degrees of success. Also, different hardware has an effect. Usually, most hardware isn't going to have a problem down to about 80%. With good software and hardware, 60 to 65% gives a good picture and no problems with skips. With the truly sophisticated software, even more can be achieved. Maybe sophocles can give some pointers there. When recording you have to pay attention to the size of the movie you want to record. Length is not always an indicator, though long movies usually are higher in content. Stay as close as possible to the target size as possible to reduce compression (in the beginning). For a beginner it is best to keep compression to the minimum while learning DVD recording. The one button decoders, though easy, aren't always the best for quality. So, as fast as possible one should learn some editing skills. I am fond of image files, as you may call them. Only I handle them a bit differntly than most and my software breaks them down for editing. A bit more than newbies would want to start with. So, the easy way is to start with files and them learn ISO as you progress. That way you can make an informed choice. Start easy and progress as you can. You'll get bet better results as you become more competent and learn what works best for you and your setup. Unless there are a lot of them, editing out small files changes the compression little. Taking out the documentaries and music videos (large added files) and nonessential audio, will give better video quality. A lot of movies are recorded in different languages and stereo and 5.1 Dolby. Choosing the language and audio format will also lower compression noticably.
BTW, don't get the impression from my words that File mode is simplistic. Using files can be complicated in advanced editing. It is just that it can be easier for the beginner to start with files over dealing with image files.
I almost always rip in file mode unless I'm getting just the movie only then I rip in IFO mode. In fact I used to rip most of my movies in IFO mode just to reduce the effects of compression. With improved encoders however and great editing tools file mode has become my first choice. is b
Noinsults, In case you haven't run into this yet. With a program like DVD Shrink, you have the default option of files, IFO, and ISO. So you are looking at basicly, 3 different ways of dealing with a movie file.
Thanks bear for your advise, I will have to play around with the compression and pay closer attention to the ones done in file format opposed to Image format.. Also I tried to use nero to burn the files, but i wouldnt auto start, i had to go into the disc and select the movie file play, do you have an idea what i did wrong?
noinsults, To get Nero to auto start: Open shrink, click edit then preferences, click File I/O tab and check box to Enable burning with Nero, click ok. Now when you click "backup!", you'll need to change the target destination to your burner.
sorry, i meant the burnt dvd wouldnt auto start, i had to go into the disc and select the movie file for it to play.
Been gone for a few days and no internet connection. Another point of interest here is that autorun can get edited out according to decrypter settings on some programs. Autorun is a one shot deal on insertion of the disc. As flip said, its easier to just open and close the drive than to open the files for the option. As most of my programs recognize the drives, I just use my player controls, or whatever program, to open the movie.