Lots of stuff in here today, so thanks for keeping the thread alive. I hosed an install a few weeks ago of a dula boot with Linus and Win98. So at that time I did a reinstall of Windows to salvage my stuff. That part is done. Last night I made 2 mirror backups-- I normally keep an active drive and 2 backups around. Since I have been through this probelm of getting this particular dvd job done repeatedly after cleaning out vid files and and redoing fgrom scratch I think this is also beside the point. But I want to discuss a previous error-- one that had me stumped when i was trying to move the video_ts files from a subfolder to a main folder so that nero could see it. A simple file copy of all files in a folder gave the following error: "A special entry already present in target location-- origianl Joliet or ISO file names can be identical. Cannot move Video_ts.VOB to new location. This repeated with various file names. After using Find to find all the video_ts and deleting them, Nero Express still produced this error. Again, I have had good success using the DVDDecrypter-hrink system on other jobs. Could the original have bad data? The disk runs in play mode fine. Other question that i have is in Decrypter: At what piont can I change the direectory location name to c:/Video_ts from the one it wants to make with a subject name, for example: if DVDD creates the directory in c:/Gone With The Wind/Video_ts, I want the Video_ts folder to be the main folder and not a sub. What I've shown above is the default action of DVDDecrypter.
Did you use jv 16 power tools? Did the reg. have any invalid entries? my guess plus 200 lol? Take care.
One more suggestions, in future if possible use VMWARE software, in which you can use as many as 5 different OS simultaneously, running at the same time, instead of a dual boot. Take care.
Hi again, I ran the reg cleaner prog recommended. It found 650 red hot targets and a few other ones. I wiped 'em all out and rebooted and everything still works. But when I went to do the DVDShrink routine again, it failed even earlier than at the last attempt... Going to check and see if my disk is loaded up with old mirror files...Nope I have 11G of freespace even after the failed Shrink session. So still nothing positive on this.
I would suggest Uninstall Shrink; run JV power tools again, reboot & than reinstall Shrink & give it one more shot. PS: If you have the backups made than why not format & reinstall the OS. Are you using a DSL or a dial up?
Strickly dialup. ;-) Sometimes I can't stand it. Let me ask it this way: is DVDShrink the only option to work on my Video_ts file directory? Or if the main content is really close to the 4G limit, then could less compression (defaultis 56%) be an alternative?
If I did know the exact answer to that, I certainly won’t be a Newbie but a senior member or a moderator lol. creaky,auslander or flip have the knowledge to answer that. Take care & Good luck.
how so jane1, titles mean nothing here.You will find knowlegdeable people in all the ranks and its only because they joined the site late that they are newbies etc. @ lon: your using fat32 arent you?
I certainly don't know who those are. But my current thinking is: old hardware runs old program rather than the latest release of something. Other workarounds might include making avi files to view on computer with Divx or something (?) I don't know I'm just guessing. I'm hitting the wall with this program on this job. Might try another job just to see if that changes anything. Also Linux is more stable or is supposed to be. I know about kb3 audio ripper/burner but is there anything in the Linux world to do these functions? Let me try something.... {time passes, lah dee dah lah dee dah] Nope, the closest thing in the Linux world is a how-to at Ubuntu Linux to get WINE going to use DVDD and DVDShrink. WINE is a program that accesses a Windows partition... that is another one of my projects. No cigar on that either.
Hello, I know that was just kidding. Please don’t take it personally. No offence was intended. Take care.
actually wondering if you want to try something and then post the results. Lets see if you can convert the vobs into something else. try the link below.It will take you to a site where you can download a tool that will convert the vob file into avi/mpeg etc http://www.allformp3.com/dvd-copy-software/vob-to-avi.htm
RE: Fat 32. Yes I'm using Fat32 on Win98SE. I just thought of something I should resist quoting but I'll do it anyway: "Jane, get me off this crazy thing!" - George Jetson
Sure, the chunks are the VOB's or am I missing something? Individual VOB files are less that 4G I've successfully burned longer jobs than this using the same 2 progs to decrypt and shrink. Will come back in here tomorrow.
@lon - let's try something here - the directory that Decrypter has it's files in - is it (in total) less than say 4.3GB or so ?. If so, you don't need to run DVD Shrink on the directory as it will fit as is, onto a blank DVD ??
@lon - ps, your PC would appear to be extremely underpowered, not surprised that Shrink is barfing, under stress!
Hello andmerr, Was the test thrown towards me? If yes great. I know am pc dumb & illiterate, but am a fast learner. I tell you exactly what I did as follows. (But could not complete the assignment, as my pc was required for some imp. professional work. 1.Clicked on Xilisoft. 2.Than File > Add> found the location of VOB file. 3.Down in Profile selected mpeg-2. 4.Destination> Browse> Gave the path. 5.Clicked on Encode & it stared converting the VOB to windows media player compatible mpeg-2 I’ll do it again completely some other time & let you know the results. By the way was I doing the right way? Converting VOB to mpeg-1, 2, avi, WAV, 3GP, avi, DivX , mp3 etc.? Take care.
hi now i am totally lost here? jane is that different to what the guy wants (sorry not back read - hehehe) do you want mp3 from a dvd?