since when are there rules in a street fight? i'll kick in the nuts, thumb in the eyes, hell i'll bite your nose off your face, the bottom line is victory, nothing more. and if none of the above work, no problem, i'll wait six months then level every house on your street. again, the bottom line is victory.
LOL sh** level every house in the street!!.. i wont be messing with you darth.. Yeh as you say there's no rules.. BUT where im from you kick a guy in the balls in a fight and you lose..yeh you may have messed him up real bad but you kicked him in the balls, people will show you no respect and respect is important if you wanna get anywhere. RAVS STREET FIGHTING TIPS: No dirty stuff. No weapons thats it, enjoy and may we all have many happy years of street fighting ------------------------------------------------------------------------- S) (for more info on this symbol visit my shoutbox)
LOL @ ireland...always has the right kodak moment!!! :] nate/Ron Popeil would say--Nothing says friendship like a flavor injector.
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@Rav: Rather sounds like the ol' dualing days. Gentlemanly rules of behavior etc. In Philadelphia, the idea of a well fought fight involves no fighting whatsoever; with a well placed bullett in the back, one needn't worry about getting his new white sneakers scuffed. Sad but true.
@Darthnip,When you put it that way...i geuss ball kicking,eye thumbning and nose biting is good @gerry,Philadelphia rules are much better than ours...quick and easy i spose, still when worst comes to worst and your realy pissed off, you have had a bad day and instead of microwaving the cat you want somthing else to take the anger out on...Beat the crap outta some one, the best home remedy(right after microwaving the cat) ;P Parents realy need to stop letting there kids watch UFC, thats why they grow up to be scumbags
@rav009....microwaving the cat! A man after my own heart! I love cat jokes. BTW, you said parents should let their kid watch "UFC"...what is that?
hahaa man you are the greatest....and nice to hear that rose is safe lol but you make me laugh sooo hard lmao =pepsimaxx=
LMAO!! Ireland that was a good one @gerry1, hey dont get me wrong i dont dislike cats, i just think there more use microwaved is all . oh yeh UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship,Its the most violent event i can think of, 2 men in a cage one comes out, no rules hell ive seen a man on the floor getting his face stamped in, he was killed as a result :S check it out if you dont belive me..its crazy.