Thank you Loco and Creaky for understanding.....Creaky has helped me in the past and he knows I can take corrective criticism and if you don't ask then you can't for vballstud (you are not very understanding or have patience for people who ask questions so they won't make the same mistake or error again) My AD friends will tell you that I have learned alot, take their advice, and they have the patience to help me learn and if the Creaky or Loco correct me about something I'm doing wrong I really appreciate it because I can't learn any other way!!
It's the problem child again....Creaky,Loco,iluvendo the problem is still not was ok for a couple of burnings and now I'm getting the same error again and I tried downloading that unlock again and it still won't properly download.......this is the first time nothing is working.........there aren't any other programs opened I even restarted the it possible there's a new free version of ImgBurn or is it because I have the old version of HD Fab along with the new version and should I uninstall the old version? Will check back on Wednesday for and of your inputs....Thanks
Let's start from scratch and post a log from your last burn attempt. The logs can be found from the main Imgburn screen at Help/Imgburn logs. Also describe your process from start to finish.
Hi mumzee, has anyone suggested ccleaner ? It is a registry cleaner and may help. It is free and a link to downloading it is here. Give it a shot.
Thanks iluvendo, I am downlowding it now but how do I use it...also I checked my E drive and it's all blue and used space is 0 bytes 0 bytes and free space says the same....shouldn't it be blue and pink? I know I'm in the wrong thread but I wanted to reply to you and I honestly tried to find the right thread following Loco's instructions but they're all closed and dated 2008 so I hope everyone will understand and I did download the of imgburn and still had the same problem.........will check back later and listen to Loco and Creaky fuss at me LOL but you have helped me before and you know I always try very hard to follow the rules