Since thier's been a few things poping around saying that iv'e comeback to AD to create more havoc, it's false. -Doggy_Bot
can a leopard change its spots, probably not so only time will tell if this is the new and improved -Doggy_Bot
Welcome back Doggie_Bot. You can be pretty cool when you have half a mind to be...don't get booted out again!
..and i'll ask Michael_F to politely shrink the sig down also.. trouble over stuff like that if ppl comply with the requests p.s. while it's on my mind, it gives me no pleasure to see my name at the bottom of sooo many threads over trivial or indeed non-trivial things; i really wish (like on most other sites i frequent) that posters didn't have to be cajoled and prompted over these things in the first place
@LOCOENG..."fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." Perhaps, if Doggie_Bot is sincere, he can make up for past mistakes and earn your respect.
He never lost my respect, as I never knew him from before as doggy. I've only heard stories and nothing specific at that, so I've no preconcieved notions about our fine new member Mike_f. I was merely pointing out, well never mind...don't want to upset creaky.