Oops, i thought they were all gone back to school? http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/698437#4248124
I'm searching the Toaster forums right now for our Lil' buddy. He's probably posted about getting a knife stuck in the toaster while it was still turned on. Thanks for the heads up Creaky.
Talk about thick. You know it's bad when a mod nominates a thread for here!! I can see he has you loco and ddp scratching your heads....as to what the heck has he been smoking. Edit: Fixed correctly, and mental note to self not to post untill eyes are rubbed clear after I wake up!!
Post edited, strike one, add one, eyes fully open, and now I can see clearly. I thank you for correcting me, lightning master.
@ddp - you are slowing down! Must be running out of lightning! lol! You closed this guy for multiposting, but didn't say anything about the language in his sig: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/698624#4249342