Here's a real dandy. The OP must have been toking a bit too much.
Quality console retarded.. for starters .. in the psp topics.. thread title "psp" duh..yeah.. you would guess that was what it was about.. should be closed for just that reason alone... then the quality content..
Should I let you all in on a secret?.. It's a TOY.. now why don't we have some important topics.. like.. my washing machine keeps pissing water out all over the kitchen, and the people who live downstairs are getting angry XD
Easy one, washboard and a sink. Heheh. It makes me laugh because my washing machine took a dump two weeks ago and i've been running to the Laundry-Mat to wash then leaving with wet clothes and drying them at home for a week and half now. Fun.
@7thsinger lol - (grammar aside) yes you can always tell a newbie when they say hack or crack it I like my toys though Washing clothes - tell the neighbors to look on the bright side - at least you clean your clothes and they can save on the water bill if the water is going through the floor
It's the grammar that got me giggling. I'm fairly new at PSP modding (edited as per Binkie7) Binkie already knows.
I'm fascinated - why is it that I have yet to encounter a sane person who owns a PSP? This isn't a slate against the device by the way...
What sane person would actually stare at a little screen like that for more then a few minutes? I don't have the patience for something like that. I mean, if you were stuck at an airport or something, then I could understand it. I don't see how people can watch movies and play video games on those things religiously.
A handheld video device isn't my thing either, but plenty of sensible people own video ipods, so why not PSPs? :S
True, but the iPods sole purpose is to play music. The PSPs is to play games and watch movies. I dunno, don't listen to anything I say - lol. I'm just talking smack.
I enjoy my PSP thank-you-very-much gentleman. Yes the screen is tiny, but it's a helluva lot bigger than my Zunes. I've got quite a few pictures, songs, and games on it. I have yet to watch a movie on it though, don't really see the point to that. Of course, i'm not the model for sanity either.