As the laws of most countries stands.. as soon as you write a song, or make a filn, or write anything.. it is automatically copyright owned by you.. unless you specifically state that it is free for all under some kind of creative commons copyleft system. All you need to enforce that using the courts is proof that your work is original and predates the plagarist. as for the virus idiot.. sheesh.. downloading cracked anti-spyware.. theres one born every minute. I learned a real simple way to deal with shitty xp.. wipe the lot and start again.. every time, because the exploits come back and the malware hides in the unpartitioned space these days... but idiots still have setups with 750 gig C drives don't they... morons deserve all they get XD
How to copywrite something. hit alt-169, done watch © there, copywrite by me. Or, for the less tech out there, sharpies© work really well. Draw a "C" then a small circle around it.
Or.. did the dork mean pointless copy protection? I can write bad data to the first (or any) sector of any media.. that does the trick nicely, but you need to then crack the protection just to use the disk or whatever.. again making it pretty pointless. I make copy protected yamaha disklavier piano disks.. those use the corrupt sector 0 method.. unreadable in a pc, but easy to handle when you know how.. the best protection used is the fact machine will only accept the old DD 720k floppies.. and they come unformatted.. guess what.. lovely XP can't format 720k disks, so it's more cash for me :lol:
Mr Locoeng in the Valentine's day spirit !
vballstud, edit your sig to conform to forum specs ASAP. yours is 284,646 bytes, 160x120 pixels & 2 lines of text. 2. An image-only signature should be less than 50kb in size, and be at most 500 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall. 4. If you want to use both text and image in your signature the image should not be more than 500 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall, and you can use up to three lines of text.
@engage16 Please take a movie of the tongue to capacitor! I need to change my pants. Washing his mother board to clean the static. Yeah that'll fix it for good! A true Moron and he's the guy taking care of the pcs. Love to meet the owner!
i'm/we are going to be investigated by this moron because of this. boo hoo boo hoo!!!!
@Garmoon, I can't take a video and stick my tongue to a capacitor at the same time, might be able to find something stupid like that on youtube though... lol
Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doesn't he know that is illegal in the U.S.? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Works in an attorneys office too...roflmfao But he knows like 20 something of the letters in the latin alphabet and occasionally brushes up against the correct spelling. Ah the dilemma of the legal system.
Good thing I know about the Incoherent thread award thread... I would have otherwise missed this being temp banned.