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Incoherent thread award

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by attar, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. vballstud

    vballstud Guest

    Anyone else getting a little annoyed at these people that think Shrink is still the primary program to use to backup dvds? It was last supported in mid 2005... it's now early 2009.

    Yes it still works on some minor new releases, but come on...
  2. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    I agree, and some of these people are still using their Apple IIE for the internet surfing and playing "Leather Goddesses of Phoebos".
    Put DVD SHrink out to pasture, use Nero Recode if you must use a Shrink substitute, better yet, CloneDVD2 and AnyDVD if you want to pay thru the nose, or use one of the newer free options out there...
  3. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    If used simply as a compressor, I don't think there is anything wrong with DVD Shrink, especially for someone that wants to use solely free applications.

    What I don't understand is the ones that have Nero, and use DVD Shrink to compressAND Nero to burn, when Nero Recode could do it all in one . As for those that try to use DVD Shrink as a ripper/decrypter, I agree, not the brightest bulbs in the house.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2009
  4. varnull

    varnull Guest

    recode is way too slow for most people who don't have new dual core excessively pointlessly overblown penis substitute hardware..

    shrink is fine for what it was designed to do.. shrink.. no more.. no less.

    from console "I'm a complete moron.. get me psychiatric help NOW" world I bring you

  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    closed that 1.
  6. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Theres a nice little one waiting in the report box as well XD

    anybody with a brain knows not to boast about those things.. it would be fun to report his ip to the federal authorities eh?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2009
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    banned the idiot & hid that thread, also edited his last post.
  8. ahiah9

    ahiah9 Regular member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    You know... sometimes I am scared to post a thread on this forum. There are people here that make me worried that IF I post something here that is not "techie" enough, I will get posted here, or just made fun of. I'm NOT complaining though. That fear makes me do other things to get help. Google deeper, read other, broader threads, ask friends that are a better help because they can go one on one with me.... I guess in a nutshell, I am envious, lol. I hope that one day I will know my stuff as good as the "wolves". Until then, I wish people would do what I do, and try harder to find the answers. Most often, I do find them without posting a new thread. To the people that DO end up being fed to the wolves... you get what you deserve. This really is a very accepting community to those who deserve it. Thank you all for accepting me, and remember: GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2009
  9. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    People who merely come here to ask questions obeying the rules (unless it's stupid stuff they really could have googled in a minute) should never be heckled. However, people who post bad advice should be corrected.
  10. ahiah9

    ahiah9 Regular member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    I've NEVER felt heckled... just for the record.
  11. varnull

    varnull Guest

    That is the whole point of "the wolves" campaign.. to get people out of this lazy "don't think for yourself.. people will tell you exactly what to do" mindset that they are programmed into by the modern education system (don't learn to think.. learn to do and think how we want you to) and microcrap (click yes yes yes.. never ever think for yourself.. where would you like us to allow you to go today.. as long as we think it is in OUR interest to allow it)

    A few bloody noses and slapped arses along the way and just possibly another person saved from a future as a spoonfed non thinking moron for the rest of their lives... Cruel.. well maybe.. but only cruel to be kind in a way.. we don't help anybody learn by telling them all the answers... I could teach a monkey how to rip and recode a dvd.. but would that monkey understand WHY it has to go through all the steps?
  12. vballstud

    vballstud Guest

    I know I'm completely guilty of being a member of "the wolfpack". Many times too often people waste more time registering, making a post, and waiting for a response rather than just googling or using the search function to get the answer. What irritates me even further is when I know I've seen the answer posted on the forum numerous times and know that the person posting didn't even bother to search and is too lazy to look it up themselves.

    Take these people constantly asking DVD Shrink questions for example... Don't get me wrong, DVD Shrink was a very powerful and useful program back in 2005. It still has some use today, but come on... last update in 2005? Are people really that naive and stupid to not consider that if a dvd came out in 2006 or later that they might have an issue using DVD Shrink as their first line of attack?

    Many times I think that people nowadays just lack common sense.
  13. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    being i was the 1 that started the "wolves feeding time" thing then i must be the alpha male of the pack but i let others have the fun instead being i'm a mod. feeding time only happens when a thead is moved to safety valve & the title edited for the wolves to see it is feeding time. other then that there is no excuse for attacking another member in any other forum except somewhat in safety valve. all members should search 1st before starting a thread or post a question in a "on topic" thread as stated in the forum/site rules. i've seen all members from newbies to even an addict post a question/thread in the wrong forum. all a person has to do is look at the list of forums that everybody can see except for the hidden ones exclusive to mods & above & select the correct forum to post in, not in the news or feedback & suggestions. after about 41k in posts, i think i have pretty well seen it all in the types of posts posted from spammers to porn to proper posts in proper locations. there will always be idiots but there will be a hell of alot more people who just don't know & have to be guided to their answer. remember we are here to teach & learn & i'm still learning.
  14. vballstud

    vballstud Guest

    While I do agree that we are here to teach and learn... I'm also a believer that one benefits more by actually learning how to properly search and find information on their own. Google is a very powerful tool that I feel people severely under use and underestimate.

    My parents used to whoop my arse when I grew up. Nowadays kids have it so much easier. The corporate world can be just as cruel. People will not keep their jobs in this economy if others have to constantly hold their hand and do their work for them... and that's a cold, hard fact.

    If my butting heads with others forces them to look themself and find out for themself, instead of me having to Google the answer and provide it for them... then they learn something more in the process and have to depend less on others.

    I'm still in the learning process on many things as well, but I feel more satisfied when I find answers/solutions on my own or actually take the time to read guides and instructions. A lot of times, just breaking down steps, knowing what happens during those steps, and using common sense goes a long way in finding the solution.
  15. varnull

    varnull Guest

  16. vballstud

    vballstud Guest

    Sex Drive was ok... nothing too special. Teenage guy gets heckled by older brother about being a virgin still. Boy meets girl online. Girl wants boy to meet him. Boy's brother leaves nice car home for weekend. Boy steals brother's car and visits girl. Many mishaps occur on trip. Don't get me wrong, there's some hilarious parts... I guess I just expect more from comedies nowadays.
  17. rtm27

    rtm27 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2008
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    Yeah, I thought Sex Drive had its moments. The 2 sides the idiot was refering to was the R-rating on one side, and the Unrated version on the other.
  18. onya

    onya Guest

  19. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Nope, just more spam, sorted
  20. 7thsinger

    7thsinger Regular member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    After my fantastic advice? ;)

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