i might end up banning the idiot depending on what his response to my last post is. he has an attitude problem.
Very classy. A few of y'all mods have made a much tougher statement to me than that, and I didn't gripe. Hell, a few of us have had been asked very firmly to change something and most of us took it like adults, not pestulant children who never learned manners.
check my banlist... and you wonder why the mods are scared of the chat? It can be confirmed that I keep the 2 separate.. completely.. creaky can confirm that as a 3rd party.. I don't think it was even mentioned XD school holiday on monday.. but luckily UK parents are now too skint to buy brats new stuff.. we may be seeing a watershed :lol:
That wasn't what I said XD comments on professionalism are even mis-read here now.. btw.. register your nick or be a noob XD edit probably sorted.. let me log on my server reg lists.. unless anybody wants ops to pick on creaky the noob.. ahhhh sweet revenge *would giggle but that's a shizz.. smiles wih a knowing grin instead* ??? tags are shite on this code.. c'mon rich.. get in there babes *hugs*
gods teef.. what a ***** of a scheme to get red.. retards r us or what? anyway.. I'm not like this as a chanop.. find out.. I'm scarce and precious,, make the most of your opportunity for them wot don't know {profile} http://my.afterdawn.com/varnull/ if you need irc help post here yeah?
Second life, tell him to get a first life, not a second life T-shirt. Not even the wolves would chew on his putrid carcass. Someone like that is graphically challenged to say the least.
Pond life tends to have a rather short life/death cycle.. hahaha usually seasonal /me goes off to consider the mayfly.
I'm so amazing, I don't think i've ever been shouted at... Or have I *hmmm* I'm not much if a rebel but I did get my one and only thread removed, mind. It was within afterdawn's grey area and i did say it could be taken down if any mods felt they might get in any trouble Never knew which mod took it down though.