Now now, he could have poor eyesight and failed to see that I would have no patience for these people - when I first came here I had the crazy idea that it would be fun to have the job of a moderator, now I realise it can be stressful work
And they say racial ignorance is dead, what a nub ~
This thread's certainly died a bit, hasn't it? Anyway, we've seen him once before, it's the return of 101_PROOF; I'm starting to wonder if any of his posts make sense. How does he not understand what "backing up" is when it's what he's asking to do? I'm confused
In this case, "Backing Up" should mean put the rig "Back Up" in the box and take it back to the store and ger a refund. You have no ideas as to what you is up to.
Should be told, "back up, put down the beer, shut down the computer, and never EVER turn it back on!!"
I'm interested in finding out how the guy can browse, sign up, post, start a new thread in more or less the correct section... and completely miss the search bar
Probably the same way so many of them miss the Sticky threads at the top section of each forum.. They totally miss the "Read This First" sticky.