Yeah i got rid of that childish little tit earlier. Thank goodness the school holidays are almost over..
You've no idea how many threads you find along the lines of: "OI! Tell me how to play illegal copies of 360 games online without getting banned now!" 5 minutes later "Noone?" 10 minutes later "This forum's crap, I'm going somewhere where people answer on time!"
Two different dates for mine, eldest starts Secondary school which is a week after youngest. I forget the exact dates though.
Creakster.. I think I just made your day.. previous warning not heeded.. Somehow this problem is news. I keep looking for the blabla.bin file myself, anyone have it?
I think I actually knew what the badbing.bin question was. A few months ago I was trying to update the latest firmware for a Optiarc 7240S that enabled booktyping so I could use the damn drive that was sitting in a drawer. I had forgotten how to deal with the bin files with which to flash the drive. Google is you friend. Damn if I can remember what I did, but I'm sure I wrote it down for future reference, though too much in the future causes problems for this tired mind. LOL
I go back to school on the 7th 'cos I'm entering sixth form (I don't know why, but sixth form goes back a day early) - I bet you'll all be glad to see the back of me In other news; it's my birthday on the 4th! (It's fine, i'm not expecting large presents, just something little from each of you ^.^ Hehe) One last bit of off-topic-ness; how did varnull get her ban?