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Information about upcoming Halo 3

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by infohalo, Nov 18, 2004.

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  1. XxRyanxX

    XxRyanxX Guest

    we werent talkin about the e3 trailer
  2. Hunter87

    Hunter87 Guest

    Halo 3 is gonna kick A$$ :) :) :)
  3. lil_boy

    lil_boy Guest

    Im very stupid. I was replying to something on page 1. I LOATH myslf...
  4. lil_boy

    lil_boy Guest

    huh. 4 oclock! its nine over here. England.
    Can someone please give me some solid evidence (besides the feb. 9th thing on the credits) to tel me mateys?
  5. XxRyanxX

    XxRyanxX Guest

    i think the only ones here who can answer you question
    [bold]lil_boy[/bold]is the ones who made it,and the ones who work or knows someone who works for Microsoft
  6. Spartan03

    Spartan03 Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Hey, about the Febuary ninth thing at the end of the credits on legendary. My friend said he beat it and he didn't see anything special. He only played the last level though. Do you have to beat the entire game on legendary or something? or maybe he just didn't catch it er sometin. I 100% believe it's there, cuz everybody online in different places are sayin the same thing.
  7. lil_boy

    lil_boy Guest

    oh deary me. What was that about a scarab weapon. i only just completed halo 2! any cool glitches or secrets any1 can giv me please? cos im lil.
  8. WartHawg

    WartHawg Member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Yep, the scarab gun/cannon is an easter egg weapon that you can find in the level called Metropolis

    Here is a movie of it...

    and here are the directions..

    Ive tried it but havent gotten it yet.

    By the way this post is getting a rediculous amount of posts very fast. =P
  9. lil_boy

    lil_boy Guest

    thanku, any other glitches/easter eggs to speak of?
  10. XxRyanxX

    XxRyanxX Guest

    hey [bold]spartin03[/bold] im not for shure,cuz my xbox screwed up my games,but i dont see why u have to beat the hole thing on legendary,but u might really have to look for it
  11. XxRyanxX

    XxRyanxX Guest

    like,u might have to look,like REALLY look for it,and what i mean by my xbox screwin up my games is that it when i played a game,it got off ballence in the CD drive and put rings around them so i cant play them any more,So my mom is buying 2 more for christmas,1 for my older brother,and the other 1 for me and my 2 brothers (just in case u wannted to know)lol
  12. bgiff1010

    bgiff1010 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    lil_boy. heres a link that has all these easter eggs. ther are certain skulls on the levels and u hav to get them certain ways. the skulls do things to. heres a link. http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/code/33895.html
    check it often cuz it gets updated every day.so far i could only get one. the grunts birthday party. its awsome.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2004
  13. Rifey

    Rifey Member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Let's just cross our fingers and hope for Halo 3 in the near future!
  14. yeyeman9

    yeyeman9 Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    Pat_b_30 I am not saying you are not telling the truth, but you said you lived in Canada(aparently because of the tournament you mentioned) and that your brother works at Bungie. Weird thing is...that Bungie is not in Canada but in the US.
  15. jonymac

    jonymac Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    my therory is way too long to explain but if im rit halo 2 will end by master chief being devored by the flood
  16. jonymac

    jonymac Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    ahhaha i mean Halo 3..ive been doing too much thinking lol ahhaha
  17. XxRyanxX

    XxRyanxX Guest

    no jonymac,actually the story line that the guy let out on like page 3 or 4 or somthing,says that somehow in the end of ALL the missions he lives,here ill copy what he sayd,or the last missions


    If you make it far enough to escape the blast inferno you'll get this ending: The desert is calm with sand blowing through the air in billows. It’s flat and quiet without any sounds. A Pelican soars close to the floor breaking the silence, the pilot talks to his crew. “It should be right around here, he says, slowing down to drop a crew with what appears to be recon equipment. They have a machine, which is tracking an object buried in the sand. They approach the believed area based on the beeping response from the machine and one of them says to start digging. With some sort of sonar equipment they locate what appears to be an armored body underground, and after a few moments of digging using another advanced machine they pry up your body, the body of Master Chief. “Is he alive” one of the men asks, and the other responds “yes, but he’s unconscious.” One of the other’s ask who he is, and the pilot responds: “Our hero.” ""
  18. AlphaZap1

    AlphaZap1 Member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    ok now that we are talking bout the story back at the beginning of the post, i [bold]would not recommend[/bold] reading the story, even if it is fake, if its fake it would make a nice fiction story, but why risk it, if it is real, then you dont want to know this ahead of time, seriously i wish i didnt read it aat all, and if you still want to read it but dont want to be spoiled..... [bold]DO NOT READ LEVEL 07[/bold] that is the major spoiler and dont read that level at all if you dont want to waste a good game's storyline/background ok? thanks for wasting you time reading this post LOL

  19. XxRyanxX

    XxRyanxX Guest

    question: Where and how do i get the "Coming Febuary 9" thing on the last level on legendary?do i have to beat EVERYTHING on Legendary or just the last one on Legendary? And where in the credits do i find it??
  20. T-spartan

    T-spartan Guest

    Hey guys Im back again I bet yal missed me but come on lets think about the flood and what their capable of. If all of you remember correctly the flood and gravemind take over high charity and lets not forgot that they have cortana meaning that there is a possibility that they will try and use her to find the earths location or maybe another forrunner facilty. Not to mention that how the hell will master chief get her back in the 3rd halo.
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