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Information about upcoming Halo 3

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by infohalo, Nov 18, 2004.

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  1. halomania

    halomania Guest

    Dam dude, you have insulted him, the only thing he said is that his friend told him, he said that his friend is on crack or something, thats why he likes to lie, but i agree joking about halo3 is not cool, i still think that thing with comming february 9th was just to get some attention, some smart ass thought of that and now laughs when people get aroused by that rumoer what a piece of crap.
  2. halomania

    halomania Guest

    Ok, i think this is the last time i will be posting here, not if someone has questions about how to beat halo2 on legendary(i will tell some tips), other then that i will try to find out about them skulls and that february 9th bullcrap, I think halo3 is gonna be out on xbox2 and i think this will not happen till 2006 or higher, i hope they will make a halo movie. Ok this forum was fun god luck guys.
  3. Retodd

    Retodd Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    I think the theory of the halo stories being based on biblical events is absolutley true!! like the ark(Noahs) is the only safe passage though the Flood( maybe mc and the other Spatan are the two of a kind, u no that they brought 2 of every animal) Hmmm, think bout it!!
  4. Russty11

    Russty11 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    that cud be tru retodd, but wud bungie use a biblical event? i mean, cudnt that degrade ppl that arnt christian, b/c they dont kno who noah is or the ark? i dont kno anything about how ppl take something like that, but some ppl care if you look at them wrong
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2004
  5. Retodd

    Retodd Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    I mean come on Guys, Spartan 117. If u read john 1:17,
    (and mcs name used to be John 117, Hmmmm,) In "The Revelation of St. John the Divine": Chapter 1: Verse 17: (revelation 1:17) -> "And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
    (verse 18 - 20 also seemed applicable)
    -> 18: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
    -> 19: Write the things which thou hast seen and things which are, and things which shall be hereafter; (well maybe not 19, :))
    -> 20: The myster of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.

    I know I'm reaching, but I still thought the 17 and 18 verse powerful and seemed to appeal to the spirit of the character.

    Postscript: I'm by no means a scholar of religion so hopefully you will understand if I seem clueless.

  6. Retodd

    Retodd Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    Russty does that prove my point???
  7. TwstRangr

    TwstRangr Guest

    halo 3 is called final death, my friend says it will be like all the other series, birth, life, death...he says masterchief will die in the third, i just hope there wil b a halo 4
  8. georgia

    georgia Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    gosh we got bible boy over here i thought this was a halo 3 chatroom. haha just kidding i see your point...
  9. Russty11

    Russty11 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    i think who ever created the whole halo story, had way too much time (but thats a good thing), i mean, they thought of everything, the bible, and so many ways to use things, ways to make ppl think about it and make up theories, ways to make ppl want the game more than ever.. wow this game is awesome.. but if you're like me, the other thing behind an awesome game is an awesome storyline that makes you think and look into it and be curious about it
    and read a 20 page thread in a forum that takes 2 1/2 hours haha
  10. georgia

    georgia Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    ya well i see what you're thinking, but i guess the creator didn't think long enough when he thought of Halo 2, because it's storyline sucks!
  11. Retodd

    Retodd Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    When I beat Halo the first time, something odd struck me about 343 Guilty Spark's speech. When Cortana points out its manipulation of the Master Chief into nearly destroying the sentient population of the galaxy, 343 says something to the effect of "When you did it the last time, you asked me if I would do it if I were in your position. I have had many years to think on this question, and my answer is still yes." (I'm sorry that I don't have the exact quote, but I am sure many of you will know what I am talking about.) This may mean that 343 has seen a Mjolnir suit before, possibly tying in with Durandal's exploits with his pet super-soldier, who incidentally also wears a suit of Mjolnir armor...
    On that note, do we even know the extent of Durandal's exploration?When you hear the word Forerunner mentioned in the game, is it plural, as in reference to a forerunner race of sentient beings, or is it singular, a title of awe and power for a single entity? From what I have read of the Marathon lore, I have come to believe that Durandal made it to the end of the Universe, reaching some kind of Omega Point, where all information, time, space, matter, etc., became one. Should this be the case, and should Durandal have survived partially intact, he might have launched himself to the beginning of time, and continued with his mischief. At the end of Marathon Infinity, I believe, Durandal ordered his pet soldier to destroy a sun, causing mass destruction. He has an affinity for mass destruction as far as solving large problems. I suppose the cleansing of an entire galaxy of sentient life wouldn't be too large a moral stretch for him.
    Aside from that, the precursor race to the S'Pht seem to have had some serious technology as far as manipulating energy and space. I suppose that their leaving the S'Pht world might have taken them to a place where they would eventually be able to create a device such as Halo. Due to the nature of the device, however, I believe that it would have taken extreme personal peril to cause such a race to create and eventually use the weapon. Perhaps it was that they were at first immune, or had caused the creation of the Flood, so that they felt responsible for its release. Perhaps they were ready to leave the galaxy and move off into a far space to pursue their own agendas, and the Flood have been a tool of theirs which could not have been allowed to run unchecked, but they were unable to effectively cleanse the worlds it had touched, but still left their amassed data and the samples of Flood behind in order to perhaps return to them one day. On a more sinister note, if the Forerunners, assuming they are a race, had planned on returning, would they really want company in what could potentially be their own private galaxy? The Halo-like devices would be an effective tool for freeing up some real estate for their return...
  12. TwstRangr

    TwstRangr Guest

    does that feb 9th thing come after gravemind says i have questions, if it is, feb 9th could be a video clip or something if u have live you can download it and watch what he asks and what cortana says, but actually even if feb 9th comes b4 him saying that, it would work even better
  13. Russty11

    Russty11 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    georgia, thats true, but mayb we only know half of it, it vould be that there is another half of halo 2, we jsut dont kno it, i mean, is bungie that thick to have a terrible ending to the probably most looked-forward too game ever? u wud hope not if so, the halo series is screwed if theres another bad ebding coming
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2004
  14. Retodd

    Retodd Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    what do u guys think???
  15. Russty11

    Russty11 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    i think u type too fast
  16. Retodd

    Retodd Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    my ending point for what ive sed is that we maybe can make predictions based on biblical prediction hmm, i let u no, i need to read the beble ne way(or so i think) ill let u guys no wen i get new information, k.

    P.S. if ne one wants to help me out with a halo 2 clan let me no, i have one but im open for new possiblities!

  17. Retodd

    Retodd Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    haha thnx, i really hate computers, there a pain, they always break on u. Ne one else noticed that?? o well were here to talk bout halo 3.
  18. T-spartan

    T-spartan Guest

    Alright Im a little slow at this but can someone please tell me once again slowly how to get the scarab gun well the most easiest way to get it. I pretty much predict now that Arbiter might be the one to kill gravemind seeing that at the end of halo 2 master chief return back to earth and Arbiter seems to be the closest to high charity I also believe that Arbiter will also be the one to rescue cortana since master chief is wraping up stuff on earth.
  19. Retodd

    Retodd Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    do u mean the robot scarab, because i dont recall a scaab gun, is that a special gun( i thought i knew a lot bout halo) i think you mean the robot that johnson jacks at the end!!! O well tell me and im totally willing to help you!!!
  20. TwstRangr

    TwstRangr Guest

    to that rusty guy, my firned heard about a halo 2.5, but i dont even know and neither does he, he just heard
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