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Information about upcoming Halo 3

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by infohalo, Nov 18, 2004.

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  1. halomania

    halomania Guest

    And what about the First Amendment???????????????????
  2. XxRyanxX

    XxRyanxX Guest

    umm...so wait....people are gettin band.....people are saying that this forum is going down.....im confused...is and when is this forum going down??lol
  3. ixeos

    ixeos Member

    Dec 1, 2004
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    jeez [bold]halomania[/bold] are you 13? The first amendment does not cover profane language and obscenities. Notice you cannot said bad language on the radio or TV? There are rules to the first amendment, like there are rules to this forum. Also, learn how to type, no one likes to read a meron wo kant spel rite.

    NOW THEN....back to Halo. There are 7 or 8 skulls that I have heard of. If you do a search on google "Halo 2 skulls" you will find links to different websites with the exact number.

    And no, this forum is not going down, but yes, looks like you will get banned if you use profanity. So control your language or get your mouth washed out with soap.
  4. halomania

    halomania Guest

    Lol dude i don't know, i just want some one to tell me how many skulls are there in halo2 when you play it on legendary.
  5. halomania

    halomania Guest

    I went to game winners and they only have 14 skulls, but i think there are more, i think there is like 2 skulls in each level. soap f***ing stings.
  6. halomania

    halomania Guest

    That would be so cool if xbox2 will be able to read pc games. Immagine playing warcraft on xbox.:)
  7. halomania

    halomania Guest

    (Moderator)8=======D 0:(ixeos)
  8. halomania

    halomania Guest

    Now tell me if i broke any rules now!!!!!!!!!!!!????????
  9. ixeos

    ixeos Member

    Dec 1, 2004
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    wow...is that the best you can come up with? Please, my dog insults me worse than that. How would you care for a little 1 on 1 halomania? Any evening this week on XBLive (unless your too poor to get it). Let me know if you're interested in getting your nuts kicked in so hard your butt looks like it has two eyes and a tounge....
  10. T2spartan

    T2spartan Guest

    Hey you guys whats up its me T-spartan

    I changed my name to T2-spatan since Im suppose to be banned but all of you know that I dont go down that easily. Ill try to watch my mouth this time but I cant make any promises. And I hope this forrum isnt taken down on behalf of everyone here.
  11. spartan21

    spartan21 Guest

    I Just finished scanning the article about halo 3 if you want it send an email to NOEMAILSALLOWED@AFTERDAWN.COM and i will send it. P.S. When you send it For subject please put HALO 3 THANX G.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2004
  12. spartan21

    spartan21 Guest

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PEOPLE I JUST PUT UP A NEW THREAD FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS THE ARTICLE ABOUT HALO 3. TITLE IS ITS TRUE HALO 3 I HAVE THE ARTICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLICK IT AND READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. T2spartan

    T2spartan Guest

    Every one get ready cause T-spatan is still here!

    Im out of my famous predictions. Yeah I know I cant be hare cause Im banned out but All I have to say is since this forrum is coming down lets all move to spartan21 forrum and continue this!!!!!!

    Were moving on up!
  14. spartan21

    spartan21 Guest

    Load Them Up then
  15. T2spartan

    T2spartan Guest


    Im completely sorry for my past actions but I was completely unaware that there were rules to forrums. you see I have never joined a forrum before and this is my first. I saw a couple of people using profanity so that led me to believe that anything went in forrums and I could say whatever I wanted. Thats right I admited it Im a first timer at forrums and I only believed what I saw. If you chose to not let me back in I understand but I hope you change your mind and give me a chance. I just found out about the rules and I am completely sorry. Pleace let me back in as T-spartan.
  16. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    halomania has gone bye bye. This forum is for serious discussion and lighthearted fun NOT childish antics and personal attacks.

    I don't know all that internet ghetto crap and have no idea what " (Moderator)8=======D 0:(ixeos)" means but if anyone else wants to push it and piss me off with that kiddie crap they're going to end up like halomania.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2004
  17. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    How am I supposed to believe your apology when your first post under your new nick states this:

    And your second contains this:

    Well I can make a promise that you'll watch your mouth - banned again.

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2004
  18. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    @ spartan21

    You need to look at the forum rules as well - no posting email addies.
  19. T3spartan

    T3spartan Guest

    Hey its me T-spartan


    Please give me a chance to explain myself that post that I did was before I realized that there were rules but now that Ive figured out that they do Ive realized of the great mistake Ive made. Im no longer speaking to you as T-spartan but as the real me from inside my heart let me back in. Do you think Id be going through all of this if it werent true. I want to be back as T-spartan and I promise that unlike the other post Ive made. please send me a private message that you forgive my actions.
  20. neo7333

    neo7333 Guest

    lol, moderaters, your so cool. lol! funny
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