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Information about upcoming Halo 3

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by infohalo, Nov 18, 2004.

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  1. Spartan03

    Spartan03 Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    I don't think people would lose interest in two years. It was four years fore Halo 2 came out after Halo 1's release
  2. diablo128

    diablo128 Member

    Nov 22, 2004
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    dear spartan03

    2.cant tell you
    3.yes but cant tell you what they are
  3. frankfrut

    frankfrut Guest

    It was really four years between Halo 1 and Halo 2? Wow. Well two years is still too long
  4. Spartan03

    Spartan03 Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    I agree wit ya on that one! Since now I know there's gonna be a Halo 3, I CAN"T WAIT!
  5. tpsobeck

    tpsobeck Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    dear diablo.
    I dont think you know anything about Halo 3. There's been too many people claiming to work for bungie and too much speculation. Whatever you have stated is quite obvious (such as being able to play as arbiter, and cortana will get back to MC). I apologize if I insulted you, just dont have proof you work for bungie.
  6. diablo128

    diablo128 Member

    Nov 22, 2004
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    hey works for me either way if you dont think I do it will be harder for them to catch me the more people that think I really work for bungie the easier they will catch me.
  7. frankfrut

    frankfrut Guest

    This I where I think the story for Halo is giong to end up (in Halo 3, hopefully)

    I dont wanna go all hard core english on this, but naming the activation device the "ARK" could be seen as symbology. Know of any other Arcs? How about Noah's Arc? im assuming everyone knows what it is and how it saved Noah and a 2 of every animal on earth from a flood. (wow even MORE symbology, i really MUST be a geek). So that leads me to the ARK was a ship that carried the Forerunners DNA and such to earth, to escape the Flood. It would also make sense that the forerunners send the activation key to a weapon of galactic destruction* with the desendants of their race. Why risking leaving it on some random planet with a race that could potentially actiave it and kill everything for nothing. Since the humans were essentially the forerunners (just un educated) they assumed we would eventually find the ARK and learn all its secrets and we would become the soul protectors of Halo and the ARK. Or maybe the forerunners were survivors and figured their desendants would be as well, and fight to protect earth (not even knowing its secrets). Also the atmosphere on the Halo's would most likely mimic the atmosphere of the forerunners home planet, sort of acting like a second place to live and do reasurch on and guard (from other things trying to activate it). And if ya notice, the atmosphers on Halo resemble the atmoshpers on earth. One could guess that the forerunners chose earth because of its similaritys to their home world. Also maybe the reason MC was recognized my Guilty spark was because of his body type and set up, it probably resembled the Forerunner that had to activate the halo weapon the first time.
    but if the Forerunners where so advanced, why didnt they leave their home planet and just colonize a new one...instead of creating a dumb race like us? maybe there fleet was infested with the flood and it would have been impossible to flee, or their civilization was already mostly dead and a few straglers decided to actiave the rings to save future races.
    Weird theorys:
    Forerunners home planet WAS earth and they just hid a select few inside the ARK awaiting the day when they can reveal themselvs to their decendants and be like "yo, we be da people who were here first" (wanna get even more far fetched? could the fore runners have been the inhabetiants of atlantis? saposavly it was destroyed because of a super weapon. maybe it is just hidden...)
    the forerunners come out of hiding every so often to check on their decendants (like how some people belive the pyramids where designed by "gods", maybe the FR were these gods)
    the ruins on the second halo look alot like the myan, incan and aztec ruins in mexico and such. That could mean they were both buildt by the same race of people (FR) (some of the buildings on both rings had a very stonish and aztec castle like build to them, but in metal and with lots of tech wraped into them)
    um someone somehwere mentiond "what was the arrow pointing too next to all the rings in the hologram in halo 2" maybe earth and the rings spreading away from it? becuase it was the home planet and at the center of the blast radius

    anywase thats what happens when i get bored and need a life. yeah i sound like one of them writers for that magzine with all the crazy articles ( remains of that girl from titanic found on titanic life preserver, and she was a vampire!)
    oh and if any of that was in that fake script for halo 3, i didnt read it and dont plan too, AND i didnt read any of the books so if i can be proved wrong, do it.
    opinions? (sorry for the length)

    (i posted that in another forum on IGN under Guido_73, just so people dont think i stole it)
  8. ehdog

    ehdog Member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    halo 3 i think is coming out on fubuary9 2006 and not 2005 because how would they be able to market the game if it came out this year and this is for everyone who says they work at bungie or knows someone who works at bungie you are all full of shit y would they tell you all this stuff about halo 3 if they are trying to keep a secret and if someone else at bungie found out that someone that works there has been giving away halo 3 secrets they would be fired so stop possting stuff sayin you have insider info about halo 3 because you don't and you are full of shit
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2004
  9. lunchable

    lunchable Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    diablo... i have some wuestions about halo 3... i have beaten both games on lengendary and i was just wondering if u could tell me if halo 3 is gonna be harder or easier... and send me some cool links to some halo 3 sites
  10. WartHawg

    WartHawg Member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    If you think Halo 2 was too easy on legendary, then you are crazy.
  11. WartHawg

    WartHawg Member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    well, for people like tpsobeck, which i dont blame for not believing diablo, I guess you will all find out the truth about diablo on February 9th.
  12. WartHawg

    WartHawg Member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Can you tell what kind of online content will be released for Halo 2 first and when?
  13. chief121

    chief121 Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    hey diablo
    can you say if halo 3 will be released on xbox or xbox 2?
  14. svenman

    svenman Guest

    to anyone who knows...... do you think that they will make halo 3 for xbox? i have heard news about xbox 2 but what about xbox? and you can see pictures for xbox 2 by going to google.ca and typing in xbox 2 then look under images.
  15. svenman

    svenman Guest

    ok this is going to sound fucked but i think i have stumbled onto some halo3 pictures reply to me if you want to see them....
  16. frankfrut

    frankfrut Guest

    let's see em'
  17. svenman

    svenman Guest

    some of the pictures are from previous games(halo1) but look closely at some of the other ones such as the tanks and the scenery... it doesnt look too fimiliar. The elite in the 4th pic down doesnt look right either.

  18. svenman

    svenman Guest

    the grunts also have blue guns.... am i right or crazy?
  19. WartHawg

    WartHawg Member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Looks almost like a mix. I think the grunt's gun appears blue due to lighting. Also, unless they brought back the health bar, one shot for sure is the first Halo. One of the shots looks like a drawing. Too bad its not in english.
  20. svenman

    svenman Guest

    yeah it would be good in english.... but look at the tanks they have like flat tops.
    whats up with that?
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