It always seemed with the options I chose it would take all day. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong. It was a 20 gig avi from the camera. Crunched to 4 gigs for the DVD. Did you do something similar? Did you use Nero or some other program.
64026402 I captured directly from Hi8mm tape, the longest stretch was getting through the time it took to play the tape, they were never more than two hours in length. The conversions took a little more than hour including burning. Where did you get a 20 gig avi from. LOL That would be about 8 to 10 Video tapes.
64026402 I captured directly from Hi8mm tape, the longest stretch was getting through the time it took to play the tape, they were never more than two hours in length. The conversions took a little more than hour including burning.
64026402 All pentiums had a better compression rates than AMD's did back then (especally PIII) but not that much different.
64026402 All pentiums had a better compression rates than AMD's did back then (especally PIII) but not that much different.
I just used Windows movie maker for the capture part. It was 1.5 gigs of MPG or 20 gigs of AVI straight from the camera. The uncompressed AVI looked better so I figured it would give me the best shot at a good outcome. Just an hour and a half of video. I used a firewire connection.
64026402 Yes my tapes were analog tapes of old home movies, I believe I mentioned Hi8. I've been researching Digital cameras and I can't find one that stores 20 gigs on a single media of anykind except a hard disk. But if your shooting straight to your PC then that explains it.
For the record, the quality is very good doing it this way. The digital tape cameras hold a lot of uncompressed video. Probably the main advantage to using tape for digital.
update it for the new 1.01 pro final I recomend starting from scratch as much has changed from the current guide