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Intel P4 vs AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by brobear, Sep 23, 2005.

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  1. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    @brobear,I like that one.May I use it?
    Actually I do have systems from both of the big boys and my opinion is that they are both very good...depending on the task at hand.Though I presently am leaning more toward Amd...it could just be "new toy excitement"
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2006
  2. vspede

    vspede Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Heres a quick question.

    So I OC'ed my system, as you can see from my past posts and everything is great. However, sometimes I feel like some times my system is as slow as a Pentium II processor. Is this b/c my memory is now on a divider? I believe its on a 15 divider. Is that the case? And how can I fix it?
  3. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    In doing anything, or just particular tasks?
  4. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    It's most likely being bottlenecked by your hard drive.
  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    If it's ultra slow perhaps not, but that's a definite possibility. Have you defragged recently?
  6. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    All hard disks are bottlenecks compared to CPU and memory and any jerkiness or slowing is most likely caused by it. Even a fragmented Raptor will bottleneck but a 7200 RPM hard disk that's about 40% filled and slightly fragmented will cause it to slow down as well.

    Here's another consideration that most people overlook, the actual swap/paging file can also become fragmented. Windows Disk Defragmenter won't defrag it when your computer is on line. You have to either get an application that defrag's it such as diskeeper, or do it manually by eliminating your paging file, and then defragmenting your hard disk and then recreate a paging file again. If you don't have lots of system memory this can also be done in safe mode.

    Another problem can be a cluttered or fragmented registry but the problem that was described is most likely hard disk related.
    Last edited: May 11, 2006
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Yeah, didn't know abt the page file though!
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I keep telling you that it's dyslexia of the eyes. I just mis-read it. Sorry bout that!

    Happy Computering,
  9. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Feel free to use it. ;)

    Strange you landed on another socket configuration which uses processors with the more efficient 65 nm process specs.

    Those D805(s) are available all day long at a lot of dealers and who would want the $289 AOpen mobo when they could have Asus boards for about $180 to $230 US. Plus, if we're to take Tomshardware to be a reliable source, the only mobos they're suggesting for use at present are Asus and Gigabyte with the D805.
  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    It probably overheated and melted down!

    On the 500 watt PS. That's the current draw on the AC line. The componants draw a fair ammount less from the PS! Not only that, you almost never get a situation where everything is running at once. I just bought another Demon Silver Chrome 480 watt PS for the new one. Even with the 7900GT it won't come close to drawing that. I have a DVD-Rom, DVD Burner, a CD-RW, A Maxtor Diamond Plus ata133 hard drive and 7 fans. One of these days (when I'm not so lazy) I'll stick an amprobe to it and see exactly what it draws.

    Food for thought, tip of the day: "Never pet a burning dog"!

    Happy Computering,
  11. brobear

    brobear Guest

    First it's dyslexic eyeballs and now it's "half-heimers" or "old timer's" memory loss. LOL That quote sort of explained the situation with power supplies (efficiency ratings vs power drain at the outlet). Since I don't like pushing any system to the max (even for a short while, if I don't have to) and like having a nice margin of reserve function, I'd opt for a higher capacity PSU. That's why I've got a 550W Antec in this PC and rarely put much of a strain on it. Actually it was purchased with a more performance oriented system in mind. You're not building a fire breathing dragon like the D805 either. ;)

    More dyslexic brain waves; the Conroe is the ice cube, the D805 is the fireball.

    Food for thought: Tip of the day, don't put the cat in the fridge. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2006
  12. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I think that was a 500 watt draw on the entire system, the actual CPU draw is probably about 150 watts. SThe pre over clock draw was around 95 watts. I believe I stated that I felt certain that my system could take it. I also recall suggesting that even at 3.8 Ghz it would make a hell of a budget system on air cooling. When I get time on the weekend I'll look more closely at the article.


    shifting to smaller die sizes doesn't seem to have helped Intel much. Remember Intel's size drop from the Northwood to the Prescott rendered no power savings of any kind. Evey now and then Intel let's something slip that seems to have hidden potential that remains buried until someone hastens along its discovery. I still have one of the famed 300 Mhz Celeron's that would hit 450 mhz. That's a 50% increase.

    I wonder how well the chip would do in Vapochill case with the chip cooled down to -39 defrees Celsius?
    Last edited: May 11, 2006
  13. brobear

    brobear Guest

    It they hadn't, they could have started another business as an offshoot of the current one, building PC space heaters. LOL
  14. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Here is some food for thought...

    Asus P5WD2-E Premium Motherboard

    $219.99 Newegg this morning
    $247.00 Newegg this evening

    I wonder if Newegg read the article as well? <G>

    They still have a refurbished board for $175 and the CPU is still at $128.
  15. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    By that I assume you mean the heat from the CPU! Barbecue anyone? The meltdown was meant to be a joke, I know the Conroe is supposed to be the cooler chip. I knew what you were meaning about the power supply. I was just pointing out that the draw on it's AC line is considerably more than what the componants draw from the power supply. For what I'm building, 480 watts is more than enough. According to a link someone in this forum supplied my system draws about 315 watts from the PS.

    What I don't understand is that the D805 has to be overclocked from 2.66 to 4.10 to barely beat the stock 2.0 x2 3800+. Look at the average FPS. The 805 does 97 fps at 4.0Ghz while the 3800+ does 93fps at 2.0 (stock). In the max frames the 805 does 220 fps at 4.10Ghz while the 3800+ does 209, stock! These are not significant differences and you have to water cool the 805 to accomplish that! The concept is OK but I for one would not spend $350 or so for the CPU and a MB not to mention big bucks for water cooling to run it just to barely beat the competition. That's not even bragging rights as far as I am concerned! Makes me feel real good about what AMD has coming up!!!

    Happy Computering,

    Last edited: May 11, 2006
  16. baltekmi

    baltekmi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    Looks like i am not the only one the believes in vaporware.
    my 805 is on the way...its been kinda cold in my house, need somthing to warm it up. Oh the zalman 9500 is coming with it too.
  17. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    @baltekmi,What board did you choose,if you don't mind me asking.
  18. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You now appear to be a true AMD convert. Up to about 4.0GHz the Zalman 9500 should handle the cooling. The 9500 or 7000 are custom favorites anyway, so nothing outrageous we wouldn't already be using.
    D805-$128; 3800-$297. Noticable price difference and the 805 is still respectable at or below the 4GHz level. As an enthusiast's OC toy, I'll take Tomshardware's word on the Intel D805 being the new "Dance Queen". AMD can come out with their new super dooper secret weapon later today, but Intel got it's moment back as "King of the Hill" for a few days at least. The D805 isn't the greatest CPU, but it sure is the best bang for the buck for now and the most OC friendly (except maybe for the 300MHz Celeron Sophocles saved).

    Well there's enough other people bragging to make up for it. LOL Where's Baltekmi? LOL

    As for the hot jokes, I caught it. I was just messing with you. ;)

    With Newegg raising the prices, I suspect they are thinking about making some quick profits off the free press given the D805 compatible boards. They're not as altruistic as some people seem to make out. All I've noticed recently is a decent return policy.
  19. brobear

    brobear Guest

    LOL That 9500 will do a good job of spreading the heat for you. Should keep your toes toasty warm. ;) You'll have even better luck if you have some case fans to blow the heat out into the room for you. We don't want you suffering from frostbite. LOL
  20. baltekmi

    baltekmi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    I haven't made up my mind yet. I am a Abit fan, but may get an asus board. It will be awhile, that's all the money I have to spend right now. I got more time than money lol. and even though this is impulse buying, the rest of the build wll have more thought put into it. I like brobears case though!
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