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Intel P4 vs AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by brobear, Sep 23, 2005.

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  1. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Have you had one of these boards??
    Or are you still in primary school?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2006
  2. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I've monitored my system while doing labor intensive tasks such as encoding video. Rarely does the system require over 80% of my CPU function. That leaves me with 20% or more of the CPU function and somewhere around 750MB or free RAM (or more depending on the draw on 2GB) to do other tasks I want. I can surf the net, word process, and other tasks before I start using the "switch". I know it doesn't compare to a dual core, but it gets the job done and I can multi task. LOL I'm doing it now.
  3. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Try it with RB/CCE, and then check to see if it's running two threads at once, CCE is both CPU intensive and multi threaded.
  4. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I was using RB/CCE. I'm not sure if it's throwing the "swithch" as you say; but it's doing the tasks at a rate where I don't notice any interference with performance. As long as it gets the job done. ;)
  5. brobear

    brobear Guest

    And just what does primary school have to do with a motherboard choice? A person doesn't need to be teaching youngsters to tell them that they don't like their choice in motherboards. If you try to do personal attacks on everyone who doesn't like your choices, you're going to be trying to confront a lot of people. It sometimes hurts being a DFI fanboy in the midst of a bunch of Asus fans. The Donald mentioned why he doesn't like DFI. You should say why you like DFI and/or why you don't like another board. Attacking a person personally only shows poor social skills and the lack of a logical defense for their position. I was hoping such outbursts wouldn't happen on this thread. I realize we can get off topic at times, but we shouldn't to the extent of making personal remarks trying to taunt others. We're trying to discuss computers here, if you need to let off steam, there's the safety valve.

    The moderators are the ones who make it livable for all to be on the forum. What if everyone decided to use discussion threads to send a message to MOM? There are forum rules, and one is to post in the appropriate spot. I'd think a PM would cover personal meassages, or Messenger, Yahoo or the like. We appreciate your participation on the forum, but there's no need to try to mess up threads and attack mods when they remind you of the rules. I'm only making a suggestion, arguing with mods is a guaranteed way to cause trouble for yourself.
  6. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Multitasking with RB running, doing a screen capture while using the internet, with AV ware and "whatever" running in the background. I noticed it spike to 86% when I switched to some of the open apps.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2006
  7. 64026402

    64026402 Active member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    You might try turning off HT on the P4. See if the encode times get better as an experiment. Since a single processor will run 100% with rebuilder. On a single proc with a virtual processor you might be loosing some power because AVIsynth is single treaded.
    Dual procs only run at 70-80% so the processor isn't getting fully loaded.
    It could be worth a try. May be a trade off.
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I've been meaning to ask. How do you check to see if you are running 2 threads?

  9. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Sophocles and I discussed that some time back. I'm surprised he forgot. I like it the way it is. Some time when I have a few hours to kill, I may check to see the time difference on this system. Has anyone posted anything on their time differences with and without HT?
  10. baltekmi

    baltekmi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    Thanks for the AMD cpu chips you sent me! I am still waiting on the memory chip To go from 64 to 512. Still reads 400 mgz with the 500mgz cpu, but I can see the difference. the memory will help a lot.
    Again thanks!

    So you think i should go with the asus board that tom's hardware tested with the 805? Will it be able to accomadate the conroe when it comes out in July?

    Intel rules! Maybe not right now, but AMD has as much vapor as Intel. Even If the FX 60 comes down in price, It will still be higher then the conroe.
  11. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    You are more than welcome. Do a google search for your model MB by entering the model # and the word, motherboard. The MB doesn't have to have a brand name, but try that too! Also, as a last ditch effort, try thr computer model. Not the 400, but the model # on the label if there is one. I've found some really old MBs this way, even for companies that are no longer in business. Usually I can figure out most jumpers for the CPU as they are usually a different color and are 2 row 123 settings where they are set to either 1+2 or 2+3. I can usually figure out from the original settings for the CPU what jumpers to change. Try the search first. maybe you will find everything you need!

    Happy Computering,

  12. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    what's going on brobear? i come to read the comments in your thread and i noticed this " brobear Suspended permanently "

    don't know if this was INTENTIONAL by you or simply a mistake...?

    juss passing through...

  13. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Deadrum33, looks like your going to have a great system iam doing the AMD Opteron 175 Denmark in june sometime i cant wait ,BTW what power supply are you going with?

    Hey guys whats the deal with brobear???? this is hard to belive that he just left we need guys like brobear here and cant afford to lose him ,so anyone know whats up??
  14. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Deadrum33: Lol sorry to cause any grief through pushing up your build cost! But

    tbh, those little $Xs add up to a lot more value than without them.

    Sophocles: Yeah I knew what you meant.

    Theonejrs: Of course, but going AMD just makes more sense to me. I'm not going to

    add a gigantic Zalman cooler, I can't bear the thought of what might end up

    happening (I know, if I look after it it won't, but I'm not taking any chances).

    Plus of course there's nothing to stop me OCing a 4200+ either.

    Sytyguy: We all knew AMD wouldn't be sitting on their backsides, i can't wait for

    that one!

    Crowy: Nor am I, but Asus boards typically good to start with! You can take out

    the power supplies included with cases and put your own in!
    Now who's the kid huh?

    How was Brobear Banned????? By the way, Crowy was the member who mentioned

    primary school, not sytyguy. I should imagine he'd be offended by that!
    Nice thread control.

    Baltekmi: Lol you don't make a good case for yourself. "Intel rules! Maybe not

    right now" then they don't, as of the time you spoke. Admittedly AM2 isn't out

    yet, but I have eveyr faith that AMD will deliver before intel, and shortly after

    intel, deliver again.

    aabbccdd: Dunno, what's up. I'd love to know though!
  15. fsujag2

    fsujag2 Guest

    What happened to Brobear?!?!?

    btw: i am getting a 1.8 duel core opteron for my motherboard, i was wondering if i should go wiht that, or a 2.0 X2's? i will overclock either way, i was just asking. And any suggestions on the motherboard, my limit all done and over with for a build is 720.00

  16. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    If I were you, since you're OCing, go for the Opteron. It'll probably end up nearly as fast as you could get the X2 and Opterons aren't going to be around for much longer on 939.
  17. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    sammorris do you think its wise to get the AMD Opteron 175 with the 939 socket then? thats what iam shooting for in june

    brobear probably wasnt banned he may of asked to be put inactive i PM(ed) him about it,hope we find out we need him in here
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2006
  18. BroBear1

    BroBear1 Guest

    The P5WD2-E Premium motherboard is currently under tests to find out whether it is compatible or not with the Conroe's current revision. The 975 chipset is supposed to be compatible with the future processor, but as we all know, just because the chipset is compatible doesn't mean the motherboard will be.
  19. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    brobear or BroBear1
    I did not make that comment, nor would I. I may make stupid comments, but not childish ones.

    And why was your [bold]NICK[/bold] permananently banned?



  20. BroBear1

    BroBear1 Guest

    As I mentioned in a previous PM, I was warned to watch my back and keep my head down. Guess I didn't watch closely enough and my big orange shirt doesn't keep me low profile. LOL There's someone or a group of someones on the staff here at AD who feel threatened by an Avatar. Sort of shows some paranoid and insecure character traits along with a deep seated desire to weild power. Really, banning someone because they don't want to be part of a silly political agenda on a forum. I broke no rules I'm aware of, just didn't brown nose into the right clique. I could see being banned had I been disruptive, but I would like someone to come forward and point out what I've actually done. Not what they think I've done or what someone said I've done, but what I have actually done.

    Other than Andmerr sending me poison pen PM(s) and my passing those on to Dela, I've not had any contact with the staff since Andmerr sent in a complaint that I besmirched Scubapete's name by doing a critique of his old dvdplus guide to ripping. Guess one can't say a revered member who developed cronies on the staff is wrong at anything. I guess I was wrong that posts and guides were to be judged on merit and open for criticism. I didn't criticize Scubapete, I criticized the guide. When people start mistaking informational material that was published on a forum as sacrosanct, then we have some sick individuals who don't need to have a position of power. It's been little political games like these that have been the bane of my stay at AD.

    I have no idea how long this post will stay up. Some staff have a way of hiding posts and banning people without saying a word in public. I do know who attacked me publicly here on this thread before. I suspect he's still watching his chance. That's an old vendetta from another forum. I'll not mention any names. I will point out that there are some moderators that share duties between BurningBits and AD. Some of them are honorable and possibly some come back to AD with an agenda. A person who was never allowed to be a moderator at AfterDawn and who harbors a grudge shares staff responsibilities with some of his old cronies from here at AD.

    Now you know about as much as I do. I went to bed last night and woke up to being permanently banned. I must have been one wicked asinine individual as brobear. Actually I don't remember doing anything serious except occasionally disagreeing with information posted to the forum. A few flamers occurred over the past couple of years, but I wasn't usually the one who started them. I even had a serious disagreement with Sophocles at one time. It didn't take any staff to resolve and we've since worked together without problems. I've been wrong at times and realize it, but I've done nothing to really be sorry about.

    [bold]As I asked before, the staff member who banned my account, come forward and give the reasons. I've done nothing that hasn't been done untold number of times here on AD. I am interested to know (and so do others) what it takes to ban an AfterDawn Addict who has actually been helping others instead of doing a lot of idle chatter.[/bold]
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