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Intel P4 vs AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by brobear, Sep 23, 2005.

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  1. ozzy214

    ozzy214 Regular member

    Jul 28, 2005
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    <quote>"Thats higher than even the x800 radeon whcih is a shit card and cause me nothing but problems. Radeon sucks...nividia rules....."

    "amd 3700+ san diego core
    one gig kingston pc2700 ram"
    I'm not even going to say anything, just shake my head...


    I know Im using crap memory, but...but I already had it and spent a hundred locally for it. So Im kinda stuck till I can afford better. I needed to upgrade a hp I was renting and it was all the mobo would handle in the hp.

    The reason I say radeon sucks is this. You can look up my older posts, but basically driver by gt interactive had blue blocks around the tires on the cars and tree...whatever. Got the nividia and its perfect now. Plus I downloaded catalyst center and after I installed updates from windows site it started saying I didnt have permession to change settins in the control panel.

    I called radeon cause they made the card...the same ones that make the gpu. They blatantly had the nerve to tell me it was the way the game was coded and not their fault. Then they also told me it was microsucks fault that i couldnt use catalyst center and tyo contact them for a fix.

    What kind of bullshit is this when I pd 3oo for a x800 pro? That is why I went nividia gpu instead. I tried x700 and x800 from two different stores with the exact same results with same games. Got nividia and now my games run fine. I couldnt even play black anbd white without it bogging and stuttering losing fps.....see my point.

    Okay rant over....but I will never ever touch a radeon again. Not after being told...oh it aint our fault...it was the way the game was coded. Yeah and the guy that gave me the copy of the game has a thunderbird amd 1.6 I think and a 4x agp and driver plays fine on his. So why wouldnt it with mine that is 3x powerful than his. See my point....peace out:>

    Radeon suck....me throws the radeon on the ground and runs it over with his car...he he he
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2005
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    If you let me know where I can find that info, I will send it to you. Is it in Sandra?

    Thanks for the quick response,
  3. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    It's in your bios. When begin to boot the first screen that you see should have a message at the bottom of your screen asking you if you want to enter setup. Follow the instructions and you'll find the info there.

    How are you overclocking if you're not doing it through your bios settings? If you're using software to over clock then that might be your problem.
  4. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I'm using a radeon and quite happy with it, I also have more than a couple of Nvidia cards. I've had no problems with any of the Radeon cards that I've owned, which includes a Radeon 9500 Pro, HIS iceq 9800 pro, and my current X800Xt pro. I don't know a thing about your experience calling ATI for assistance because the truth is I've built over 100 computers and I've never once had to call support for help for any of them.

    So you've had a bad experience with a vid card, my advice is that no one takes advice from you until you get it right. We have a saying where I come from. "If you want to run with the dogs then you've got to stop playing with the puppies." Before you start building PC's maybe you should practice with Legos first.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2005
  5. ozzy214

    ozzy214 Regular member

    Jul 28, 2005
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    Hey for being my first built computer it runs sweet and no problems other than the evil radeon...lol.

    Trust me. I tried everything. Look up my older posts. I tried hacked drivers...different power supplies.....no overclock and overclock. I almost went as far as hacking the bios of the vid card....but decided against it. No matter what I did none of the radeons would work with this comp. Only nividia. So the only thing I can determine is it dont like nividia chipset or its just plain garbage.

    But we are all entitled to our opions. Opinions are like assholes...evryones got one...lol. I will say one thing though. This may be my first built comp, but I work as a mechanicn and I one thing I learned was process of elimation. And trust me I tried evrything to get the damn thing to work. Tech support was the last straw that broke the camels back. The one thing I did figure though was the radeons didnt have a plug built into them for connection direct to the psu unlike nividia which uses a 6 pin connector hooked directly to the psu. So maybe...just maybe the radeon was not getting enough juice through the pci x slot. So maybe it just didnt agree with the components I have. Just a thought. Wish I had the screenshots. I would show you.

    All good now though. Just got to get me some dual channel memory and Im good:>

    Oh and the guy I mention with the amd thunderbird that gave me the driver game builds computers and fixes electronics. He couldnt even figure it out other than radeon sucks. Hes the one suggested nividia gpu.
  6. Triock

    Triock Guest

    OOOOOOOOO. Dang yall just got told.... LOL... Hey i was told that biostar and asrock and abit were shitty boards??? is this true??? and can sophicals send me any crappy parts???? HEE HEE HEE.... ;)
    Im getting the 360, but i dont know what to do with the computer... what do you need a 1.1 gpu for a video card.. the otherones that i was looking at was 360 i think???? BIG difference???
    Thanks for yalls help again... yall never cease to amaze me....
  7. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    He might build and fix them but he's not an enthusiast and an enthusiast will blow a repair tech out the door any day, especially one sporting a T-Bred.

    Opinions are only opinions when they're not facts. What I said was a fact based on experience tried and true. An opinion is if one person says that blue is prettier than red, and then another says nope, red's the prettiest color instead.

    Readeon pro cards do require a good power supply but they're every bit as good as Nvidia cards are, sometimes a little less and sometimes a little more.:)

  8. ozzy214

    ozzy214 Regular member

    Jul 28, 2005
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    Well its okay man. I dont want to start a flame or hate war. I just been tought burned shame on you...burned twice shame on me..ya know what I mean?

    Cause I did try the x700 and x800. It came out with the exact same problems in the game. WHat more than I can say other than it didnt agree with my system or the point it leeches juice out of the mobo instad of a nividia leeches directly off the psu.

    Your probaly right bout an enthusiast ...but no one could figure it out. So now I have a bad taste and im nividia for life. Unless a radeon comes around that can play a game from 1998 with no blue blocks...lol.

    This was the first one i tried that sucked


    and heres the second that als sucked...but cosdt a hundred more


    Unless radeon just have shitty drivers and support cause I still dont understand how a hotfix could restrict access to catalyst center.

    I dunno. Like I said when a radeon comes rtound that can play a seven yr old game with no defects i might try one last third time..lol.:>
  9. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I don't want a flaming war either, I'm just trying to tell you that your experiences don't amount to much in the way of real evidence, certainly not enough to say something sucks because you and friends couldn't figure it out. There are others on this forum who might listen to your malarkey even though they like me got their cards to work with little or no difficulty. [bold]Look at my posted specs[/bold] and then tell me that I should just sit back and feel stupid for buying a card because you couldn't make it work? I'm sporting the card that you openly declared sucks. Does that mean that I'm stupid?
  10. ozzy214

    ozzy214 Regular member

    Jul 28, 2005
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    The difference is though or sporting a saphire radeon. I was using the radeon made by ati. So ati makes the gpu and the card. So maybe thats the why. Maybe saphire modified the gpu so this wouldnt occur. I got a idea. Got a ftp addy? I will upload a iso file of driver.....then you tell me your experience...if you got blue blocks round the tires and whatnot.. Im actually very curious if you experience the same. Then this will tell me if its my pc or the card...or some way that I can pass the game on to you....
  11. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I have many games, which one is that you've had problems with? I'm using the latest drivers that are available on the ATI website and before I use another driver it would have to be XP SP2 ready, and as far as I know only the last two releases are. You do know that ATI pro cards aren't just plugged into the PCI slot but that they also require an addition power connection to work don't you? The games I'll try but your driver I can live without. I'm betting that the problem was with your PC. ATI GPU's are made in the same factory and shipped from there. You're not the first person to complain about a card, I hear some complain about Nvidia and others about ATI and in the end it's probably the user.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2005
  12. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    O.K. I got everything. I had the autos turned on. Thats why I couldn't find the settings. All this auto stuff they have now is different than the old stuff I'm used to. When it's on Auto it doesn't show the settings! I am OCing from the BIOS. Here goes!

    CPU Speed:3299
    FSB Speed: 881

  13. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    So what you're saying is that its working now? LOL

    If so watch your temps.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2005
  14. brobear

    brobear Guest

    ATI Radeon is one of the more popular builders of video/graphics cards. Great product. I suspect the application before I suspect the hardware. With adequate system resources, both Radeon and nVidia are excellent choices. Most of the "shootouts" in the mags and on the web compare the two. They usually jockey back and forth as to which is the current winner according to which did the last upgrade. Usually problems crop up because components aren't matched, sounds like that may have happened here. Then there is always a faulty item, no manufacturer is perfect. That's what warrantees are for.
  15. ozzy214

    ozzy214 Regular member

    Jul 28, 2005
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    No the ones I posted dont have a connection for a external power supply. It leeches of the mobo for juice. See the ones I posted.

    Ni I ment driver. Not a vid card driver....the game is called driver.

    Here is a review with pics... http://www.game-over.net/reviews.php?page=reviews&id=316

    I can upload it to you if you dont have it. Im really curious if you will get blue blocks round the tires on the cars and such.

    Here take at a a look at newegg....


    If you look at the pics you will see there is no where for a connector from the psu. I honestly think this is why the ati sucks. Maybe the different manufacters like your saphhire puts out a better radeon. I honestly wonder if this is why the card didnt run right...not enough juice from from the mobo to run...

    If you want to test the game tell me how ya want to transfer it...

    edit....Also if ya look at on the pic on newegg the card does have a spot for a psu plug, but yet its not utilized. The x700 is the same....hmmm im gonna look up ya saphire...
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2005
  16. ozzy214

    ozzy214 Regular member

    Jul 28, 2005
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    Yeah yours does have a psu connector. So maybe my assumption is right. Since it runs juice off the mobo it cant run right. So maybe ati sucks for card...but good for the gpu?
  17. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Both the X700 and the X800 require a power connector. It's incluced in the box with the card, it's a 4 prong connnector that goes to a molex connector and that's what you missed. If your board supported those cards PCIexpress 16X then you could have powered them and the power doesn't come from the Motherboard it comes directly from the power supply.:)
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    It seems to run fine. Temps run between 47C & 52C. Motherboard Temp 31C to 34C. I was just trying to figure if the loss of memory bandwith will hurt the performance. During the heat it ran all the way up to 68C (AC Broke Down) so I'm not too woried about it. Most of the other benchmarks seem to be about the same or better. At the current settings (10%, Turbo On) it is noticibly faster even though I've lost about 51 MHz of memory speed. Is what I'm showing good or are there other things I need to do? I've only oc'd one CPU in my life and that was back in 97 or so! I upped a 166 Pentium to 185 on a then top of the line Asus MB. While it worked, it would sometimes get disk errors running at that speed. A lot has changed in MB design since then. I use a test DVD for copy times with the same movie being used and check with DVD shrink to see how my times are. This change cut about 3 mins off of the 5% Turbo on settings I used before. Hey, to those who might laugh over the small improvement. I don't expect to see 65. I'm 61 now so every min I save is one I can use for something else to enjoy and appreciate. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Again,

  19. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    You're memory benchmarks should improve even with the lost of apparent bandwidth because everything else is running faster. If the temps you gave me are idle temps they might be a little high which is not uncommon for an Intel based system running a Northwood and especially a Prescott. That's why most Intel overclocks require at least an after market heatsink/fan. That's about another $25 to $40 but with those and a little arctic silver 5 you can reduce your temps by as much as 10 degrees celcius on average.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2005
  20. ozzy214

    ozzy214 Regular member

    Jul 28, 2005
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    Well obviously if you looked at the picture I posted over at newegg you would see the ati x800 dont have a power dongle nor comes with one. It feeds right off the mobo...

    This is eacatly ehat comes in the box

    DVI to VGA adaptor
    S-Video Cable
    Composite Cable
    HDTV Cable
    Driver CD

    So how the fusk do you plug the psu into that when there is no plug on the card.....let me guess...solder it.....this is why ati sucks...go take a look at the newegg site. That is the bullshit card i had...
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2005
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