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Intel P4 vs AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by brobear, Sep 23, 2005.

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  1. 72morgan

    72morgan Regular member

    Dec 1, 2002
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    My last P4 ran at 3.06 ghz and 100 degrees F. My current machine a P4 3.4 ghz runs at 120 degress F, and almost 145 degrees F when I put it under load and the CPU runs at 100%.

    This plus AMD`s EVP and the much much better tests scores has me leaning towards an AMD for my next machine. This is significant for me, anyhow. I have never owned a non-Intel machine before. This is my 4th P4 and 7th Intel machine that I built or owned in the last 10 years. I have built plenty of AMD machines , just not for myself.

    From this Link : http://www.amd.com/us-en/Weblets/0,,7832_11104_11105,00.html

    Guard your data with Enhanced Virus Protection for Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2

    Download Microsoft Windows XP SP2

    Enhanced Virus Protection, when used with Windows XP SP2, can significantly reduce the cost associated with certain malicious viruses, like MSBlaster and Slammer, worms, and Trojan horses, such as Code Red, MSBlaster, and Slammer, and help minimize the total cost of ownership of AMD64 processor-based systems.

    Enhanced Virus Protection in combination with Windows® XP SP2 sets portions of system memory aside as “data only” meaning that any code resident in these areas may not be executed, only read from or written to.

    AMD’s Enhanced Virus Protection acts as a preventative measure causing the virus to be localized, short-lived, and non-contagious, eventually being flushed from system memory.

    All AMD64 processors, including:

    The AMD Athlon™ 64 Dual-Core Processor
    AMD Athlon™ 64 FX
    AMD Athlon 64 for Desktop
    AMD Athlon™ 64 for Desktop Replacement notebooks
    Mobile AMD Athlon 64 processors
    AMD Turion™ 64 Mobile Technology

    are enabled with Enhanced Virus Protection. With Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), you will be able to fully utilize the security technology*. By providing extra security at the platform level, AMD lets you easily embrace the future of computing. This technology can deliver added protection for the applications of today and tomorrow. As a result, you can enjoy real peace of mind.

    With the power of AMD64 technology, your computer has security built right in. The combination of AMD64 technology with Windows XP SP2 can help your system to better withstand attacks from certain classes of viruses. This can help you experience safer e-mail and Internet browsing, as well as increased network and memory protection.

    AMD Enhanced Virus Protection with Microsoft Windows XP SP2 enables you to:

    Prevent the spread of certain malicious viruses, which are transported via e-mail and instant messaging applications
    Surf the Internet with confidence, knowing you have an extra level of protection against certain harmful web downloads.

  2. denzilla

    denzilla Member

    Feb 26, 2004
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    Intel employs the same security tech into their processors, just under a different name. "No Execute Bit Disable" or something like that.
  3. 72morgan

    72morgan Regular member

    Dec 1, 2002
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    denzilla , Yep you are correct. Go to :


    Intel sounds more technical. That it only works on Buffer Overfow Attacks. AMD works on certain malicious viruses, like MSBlaster and Slammer, worms, and Trojan horses, such as Code Red, MSBlaster. All while you are surfing etc. Well , it is a much more wordy way of saying BUFFER OVERFOW. They are all examples of buffer overflow virus`s. AMD`s version does not do more, they just showed more examples on their website.

  4. denzilla

    denzilla Member

    Feb 26, 2004
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    Very much the same thing Intel did with x64 naming. You can't blame them though for calling it EMT64 instead of AMD64 ;)
  5. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Wouldn't it have been just as simple to say both AMD and Intel have built in virus and trojan protection and to name them? ;) Intel has a bunch of things in the works now. They're playing catch up with AMD and have a bunch of planned new processor offerings for 06. Included in there is more AV built into the hardware and 64 bit support. Publications such as PC World and Computer Shopper have been highlighting the info in articles the past couple of months. I've seen others, just don't remember the articles in other publications. I do a little reading here and there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2005
  6. 72morgan

    72morgan Regular member

    Dec 1, 2002
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    brobear. Yes, It would have been simpler. Sometimes , some people do not take another persons word. Me included. I did not think denzilla was correct until I checked it out. So I included a screen capture and the link to the original website. So others would not make the same mistake I did. Sorry I was too thorough. I`ll try not to do that again!!!

    When a question is asked I will just respond with a YES or No answer. And if they want any more , I will accuse them of being lazy. Let`s keep it simple around here....
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2005
  7. 64026402

    64026402 Active member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    Nothing wrong with being thorough, Brobear is king of thorough.
    The initial snipet and link were plenty. The page of advertising wasn't needed.
    Now if you actually retyped all of the info in your own words, then we couldn't call you lazy:)

    AMD lacks the size and resources of Intel so the success of the past few years has been a pleasant surprise. I didn't think the Optetron/Athlon64 procs would be this big.

    Intel isn't doing as much catch up as just getting back on track. They took a lot of wrong turns for a while and like any huge company has been slow to admit and change things that were hurting them.

    I believe that the P4 was a change for the sake of change to distance themselves from AMD who didn't have the resources to follow with another major design change at the time. Unfortunately the P4 took a lot of effort and mhz to match up to the old P3 and Athlons.
    They were eventually successful in marketing and the high mhz and cache and new instruction sets helped performance wise.

    They would have had a better proc if they scaled up the P3 more and based the newer cores on a similar architecture.
  8. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Call it what you will, "getting back on track", "catch up"; it all boils down to the same thing, Intel fell behind and is now trying to get back in the game. The P3 was becoming dated, even if the initial replacements weren't quite as good. Intel just took the wrong turn in the path, they went with the P4 architecture, when they could have gone with the Pentium M. Word has it the P4s will still be with us, even though other chips will be developed. It's going to be interesting to see how things play out at Intel. Intel is supposed to be working on its troublesome memory issues. I doubt AMD will be resting on its laurels though. So, overall, it should be a fine year for the consumer, if not a confusing one.

    Donald is right, along with him and me, there are a few thorough sorts around here. Sometimes we need or like to get windy. But I'm not against the one liner when it will suffice. Donald was fairly "thorough" in his analysis of the situation. ;) No need for just a yes or no, unless that's what's called for. Have a good one.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2005
  9. Triock

    Triock Guest

    Hey guy's well i found out that i am getting a 2.4 amd 64 with 512 cash and 800 fsb.. I cant upgrade this anymore,so i am stuck with it!
    Um I will send you the link eventually, but it is a total of 530.00 and that includes the gig of ram the case the ps the mobo and the cpu!!!

    That is a good system Right??
    And i dont wamt to oc. I mean, Is their a chance a game will lag?
    And the amd 2.4 64 bit is like a 4.8 on a 32 bit right???
    Thats what my dad told me... Thanks..

    Ps: This comes with the 256 mg nvidia video card.. I am going to have 90.00 Dollars left over, And ideas?
    I want to get sound blaster live, and_____ I dont know, Can you help me choose??
    Thanks again,
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Nope, not even with nitrogen... Though probably a good processor, I don't think there's any comparisons going up to a 4.8GHz Intel. That would really be "smokin".
  11. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    A 256MB nvidia video card?
    if no model is mentioned, then it's probably a 6200, so pretty mediocre. If it turns out to be something better, like a 6600 you'd be fine, but if not i'd spend your extra cash going for a better GPU.
  12. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    You mean scaled down don't you? lOL

    You're are however right, the PIII was a great design but for some reason Intel decided that a .18 micron die size and 256K L2 cache was enough to start with. If Intel would have scaled the P3 down from a .18 micron die to say a .95 or smaller (I think they did get it down to .13) and added a megabyte of L2 cache and upped the core speed to around 2.4 GHZ it would've been quite the CPU. But Intel decided it was better to bury it in laptops under the name of Pentium M. Tomshardware installed a Pentium M in a desktop and then overclocked it and it competed with even the best that AMD had to offer.

    Last edited: Dec 8, 2005
  13. Triock

    Triock Guest

    True it is a bacis as far as i know.. I have 90.00 though so i can upgrade it further befor i order it.. :) And i will have a computer as fast as yalls!!! Yeah!!! And a 2.4 is like a 4.8 in 32 bit ters right????
    And do yall have a myspace?????!!!!!

  14. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Soph, I'll be quite. I'm not going to be "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas". LOL
  15. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    All in all, Next summer should see some interesting changes in computers and computing. With Intel coming out with their new stuff about mid-second quarter and AMD answering about a month later. I think we will see a pretty good drop in prices on the current crop of AMD Athlon64 x2 processors. I know that's the direction I'm leaning right now for a new system. I just hope that I can save enough money by waiting till mid-year to make it worth my while. Right now the vidio cards I want, XFX 7800GTs are right around $300 (USD) at Newegg. I'm hoping for larger 10,000 rpm SATA drives by mid-year as the currently available 74 Gb (WD) is kinda small. The motherboard I want is down to $229 so I am looking forward to some pretty low prices over all!


  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    You might want to move that avatar of your to DVD Hounds because Zentarium might be down for a while. LOL
  17. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Been thinking about that, just too lazy to do it so far. LOL
  18. Triock

    Triock Guest

    I am at school!! Ha ha ha!!! yall have not told me my answer yet!!!

    LOL.. Just get back to me a.s.a.p. Thanks,
  19. Triock

    Triock Guest

    ‘’ The short memos’’

    Jackie -Hey Bob what’s up?

    Bob - Not much Sandra just enjoying my break.

    Bob - O OW, Jesse this coffee is hot! Can you get me a towel Jackie?

    Jackie – ‘’yeah one minute…’’

    Jackie - Well have you noticed anything different with Sandra?

    Bob – maybe, but why do you ask? ‘’Oww’’!

    Jackie – Well I have noticed Jackie has been…..
    Bob – ‘’Will you hand me the towel. Then we will talk!’’

    Jackie - O.K, Fine, Here!

    Bob- O.k. Thanks Jackie, now what did you say?

    Jackie - I wanted to know if you have noticed Sandra slacking?

    Bob -Yeah, kind of. Her memos are different than before.

    Jackie - I thought so!

    Jackie - She has been righting fewer, shorter memos.

    Bob - I don’t understand why.
    Jackie - I don’t know either, but I think we should go talk to the boss!

    Jackie - What do you think?

    Bob - Well, I… Whatever fine..

    Jackie - .Good.

    Bob - Well Sandra I kind of think we could use this to our advantage.

    What do you mean; I thought we were going to tell the boss?

    Bob – I think we could use this to show the boss how good we are.

    Jackie - ..True..

    Bob - ..Good..
    Jackie – I still think we could go and tell the boss, that well she can get fired.

    Bob – Well I think she is cool… Because I think we could salvage, her and give us a lesser load.

    Jackie - But I don’t like her.

  20. Triock

    Triock Guest

    i got the pictures of what i am getting how do i get it on here???
    C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Pictures
    Will that do?? Or go to myspace.. Other than that i dont know how ??
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