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Intel P4 vs AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by brobear, Sep 23, 2005.

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  1. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Overclocking is always hit and miss but always a good idea as well. Glad something worked out for you.
  2. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    aquamark ran great and i got back to 10,273, however, my graphics went down slightly. got a little lower total 40,059. However, It did appear to be faster though, my perception saw it as smoother. I have 7-zip i got free and it is a compressor tool, but it as well has a benchmark tool that tests memory for instructions and errors. It uses 100% of the cpu too so you can test what your temps are and as well you can set how much memory to use. it is a pretty cool tool and is free. And as well, they have it for x64!!! I just found that out now, you can get it from this link for free. http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
    I cant wait to see what kind of stats i will get on the x64 which is whta ia m going to do now :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2006
  3. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    wow!!! on myt 7200rpm hardrive I am running 7-zip on x64 now and the MIPS is 3035 in comparison to my raptor 10,000rpm xp 32bit which scores 2700 MIPS. Not only do i burn movies (the same movie with the same softwware one emulated it stated on taskmanager) 5 minutes faster on this one computer, but the other things too and on a slower hardrive. And no errors on 50 passes and has been 100% cpu usage and the temp has never gone over 59C yet.

    x64 as well operates so much smoother while multitasking. Right now my cpu has been 100% used and I can do other things smooth, on the 32bit there is a slight latent-jerky operation while running hte 7-zip bench. I am amazed at how smoothly and fast emulated software runs on this x64.

    right now compressing 3474MIPS and Decrompressing at 2618MIPS resulting in 3045MIPS and no errors yet and using 115mb of memory.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2006
  4. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Venice is one fast little CPU when you learn how to pet it just right. lOL

    I've since replaced mine with an Opteron but I'm ordering a new board and I'm going to use the parts that I have laying around to build two more systems.

    Not to be knocking Kingston memory but if you had something that you could beat a little harder you could easily be running at 2.65 Ghz.
  5. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    I could get hypermemory, kingston quality is good and as well if you have an issue they will pay both ways for an rma, their support is good. Abit is good but they are hard to get a hold of, MSI is really good customer care, Asus I just couldnt believe it lol they were the worst, I bought an asus board with a faulty ide socket and they told me to replace the hardrive which I did, then i bought a rpator and put it in and it worked lol, I was like huh? sata work but not ide lol, then i got the ide back from western digital new and fre 50gb and same error, and then i replaced the ram, same error lol, microsoft sent me another windows cd lol still same error, after all that chaos I finally was able to get the board replaced lol. Heck, MSI I told the tech that I had fooled with the ram timings to 1.5 and he offered to rma the board and did I didnt have to ask!!!! They technically coudl have voided my warranty I think. The only reason I went to abit was because I was lookign for 4 dimms dual channel on a board that I wasnt finding with MSI that was nonnvidia. have you tried out the 7-zip benchmark?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2006
  6. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    My Asus board hit 2.753 Ghz with my AMD 3500+ and ran perfectly stable for over 5 months, how did your board do?

    Tomshardware and Anandtech just to name two do most of their benchmarking using Asus boards.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2006
  7. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    I am not stating Asus as a bad product. I do realize the board I received was bad but doesnt represent the rest. I was speaking of the customer service. There wree multiple times with customer service or tech support that was just terrible, never mind the fact they cost other companies money pointing the finger at them. However, their products that are not received in bad shape are good, their customer service is left to be desired.

    I should have stated, "my experience with Asus tech/customer service was the worst", the board i got back is still runing a year later and is a good board. Now, you stated 5 months of stability, did you hae to set the clockspeed back down or did the board burn up? or? Could it be the capacitors that one would have to worry about overclocking? My board last summer and I didnt overclock and I dont overclock that often all of a sudden there was this terrible smell, I unplugged the powersupply. But the smell is a smell you will never forget and it sticks around for days lol. There was stories on capacitors that wree used in abit boards that were faulty, but there are also the same that Intel used on their boards that Dell had to replace. Could it be they were from the same manufacturer?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2006
  8. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I've built too many PC using Abit, Gigbyte, MSI, Tyan, and Asus and Asus always stood at the top of my performance and reliability list. Asus didn't win the top board of the year awards for being a problem but they are like anything made by man, able to fail.

    How do you know that you weren't the cause?
  9. 64026402

    64026402 Active member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    Your buzzing like a moth in heat. Slow down and make more sense.
    Asus is the most rock solid board on the performance market, but they are not for the inexperienced.
    Your problems with support are largely a communication problem caused by impatience.

    Like Sophocles I have used all the major brands in my builds. Tyan and Asus don't fail me in long term use.
  10. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I have to be honest. I'm a do it yourself kind of person and as a result I've never had to call for support on any product, ever. Generally the manuals are enough for me if they're written well and Asus' manuals are among the best, but before I build a system I also research it and its possible issues online. People have problems because they don't look ahead.
  11. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    The socket was bad and I cannot fix an ide socket, I dotn have the manufacturing capabilities.

    I didnt say that Asus is a bad company, they will naturally haev some bad products out there with so many. Teh point I stated was the customer service, on several accounts. i didnt call upset or anything which made it peculiar. However, I had several bad products from one seller, and I came up with the theory that some online resellers possibly could force customers to rma for them buy reselling rmad boards to customers forcing me to have to call asus to get the rma for a product I bought that I received partially working. So, if these companies could have bought bad capacitors or whatever you can see how it can apply. I shouldnt have stated what I stated, I should have known it would have been taken wrong and It is my fault for releasing the thought. But the point still stands, asus tech support cost Western digital money, microsoft money and kingston money because they didnt want to take responsibility lol. I got 50 free gb out of the deal lol, my 250gb caviar was 200gb caviar.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2006
  12. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    All points have been made and nothings changed.
  13. brobear

    brobear Guest

    True, even calling good equipment like Asus crap by accident can cause issues. Then we see a novella in response. Getting to be a bit too much. Mrpsych, you need to lighten up and be more concise with your posts and stop splattering about. We don't mind an occasional long post, but when it's repeatedly the same text with only a minor spin difference, it gets old. Even in your jubilation over learning how to OC you got carried away. Is all that necessary or are you trying to impress us with your keyboarding skills?

    As for the opinions, when you cover old news, most of those you talk to that are informed have already formed opinions. To change an opinion, you need to supply new information, which I didn't see. Venting sessions are best taken to the Safety Valve, but I'm starting to repeat myself...

    This is supposed to be a tech thread. I've seen samples lately, but it seems to keep getting too far off topic.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  14. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Now there's the "kettle calling the pot black. LMAO
  15. brobear

    brobear Guest

    LOL Yes, I know. But you notice I said I didn't mind an [bold]occasional[/bold] long post; especially when there's a point.

    I started a thread especially for those who have had a problem with a piece of hardware. If they want to talk about it, they can list it there and vent about it and get comments on the problem. Could be interesting if anyone uses it. LOL
  16. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    No, I am not trying to impress anyone. However, you are correct, sometimes I dont realize how much I can actually type, so even though I spend little time typing up the idea they can be long and as well needing to compact and to make them fewer is a practice that will improve my online etiquette. I am aghast when I look at my email box ( i am not a spammer lol) and i see i have written 4600 emails in this year. I look at what I hae written and read and i just wonder to myself how the hell i find the time!!! This will be my last post on this topic. However, It goes to show that if you use typing for your everyday activities the activity becomes automatic and once it becomes such it is such an efficient means of communication, it far exceeds what I did on pen and paper. And, I dont tend to edit posts and email communication like I would a paper that I would write which explains some of the miscommunication. I see editing email and posts as 'fake-no, but not fluent- well, i try to keep it as verbal as possible, when you say something in person you can't go back and delete it, so i try to keep it natural as possible'. Thanks for your comments, I have thought about etiqute of online communication for a while and especially regarding these posts. NOt that anything wrong was stated. I knew how to oc for a while, but I am always trying to learn so that is what the basis of my online activity is about. However, your piece about significance has validity, i think everyone seeks it even if it is not explicit. 60 minutes had a segment on how many bloggers are seeking that and I dont think anyone can deny that, most people who have issues of depression and similar emotions often have issues on attention and significance in the world. People who have a sense of significance often are more balanced.

    I think one thing that allows me to write too much on posts is that it is not like an email or a phone call, people can either read it or leave it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  17. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Hmm! But one person's point can seem to someone else to be another person's rant. LOL
  18. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    Well put, relativity and subjectivity is something that is a factor. Dogmatism never does anyone any good. I think that to be human is to be flawed, however, it is the grasping of the idea of imperfection that allows for spiritual growth in a human being. I think it is when people deny imperfection that they get themselves in trouble. And I try to look within that way, but, at the same time not to try to use it as an excuse lol. I think the Middle Path is essential because I used to live either one way or the other and one can see how that can lead to problems. NOt to say i have achieved the middle path lol. One should have watched the skier i forget his name, but he had a great insight about how people with big money often are left for greed on money in an end to itself and how that is a negative. I think that is important because it is from having less that one can fill his or her life and money as an end to itself is empty. I was impressed by his insight and it shows that school is important, but it is not only teh school that teaches. Traveling around in the woods is important because it opens the mind to experience and therefore the brain becomes enriched. I think that technology is great, but in some aspects it can create isolation. This will be my last post on this topic i swear it!!!! lol
  19. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Is their a difference in Dual core & hyper threading
  20. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    I believe hyperthreading uses two 'logical processors' meaning that one is software or compiler as being the second while the other is the physical core. The dual core is two physical cores on one processor. I believe for applications to benefit from hyperthreading that the application has to be written for the benefit. Dual core and hypertransport dont.
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