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Intel P4 vs AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by brobear, Sep 23, 2005.

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  1. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I surprised the heck out of the wife the other day. She told me to go ahead and get a laptop of my choosing. I almost had a heart attack, but I reciprocated when I told her I'd rather not right now. I suspect some better offerings coming down the pike shortly.

    Newegg is doing a good job of selling the Corsair. Then it sells itself by being such a good product. Here's what I picked up for my "old clunker". http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145574
  2. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    That's the same memory that I'm using now and for an Intel system it should run solidly at cas2. It also has fair over clocking headroom as well.
  3. brobear

    brobear Guest

    In that case, if you're no longer using it, pass it along. LOL It would be interesting to see what a system maxed at 4GB of RAM could do. With that much memory, could I multitask while encoding? I still have the Micron 2x512, but it will probably go into a regular "work" system or low budget build. The 2 GB of matched memory is better than 3GB that is bottlenecked. My orders are due in this week. It'll be interesting to see what a $450-$500 investment in the "old clunker" will do. Also nice that the quality memory can be used for a better system later.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  4. brobear

    brobear Guest

    The Anandtech read on the Duo Core Centrino was interesting. Seems Intel is addressing those memory issues and that more focus is being given to the Israel team and their Pentium M improvements. The lower temp performance oriented architecture makes more sense than the old Intel brute speed approach. At least they learned that lesson from AMD, or we hope they have. LOL
  5. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    If only we could identify the original manufacturer of your board (Dell farms out)then we might be able to find out it's commercial equivalent, pop out the bios chip and replace it with its original. That would unlock all of the features that Dell locked up (possibly including support for prescotts).

    Did you get the 3.4 Ghz Northwood?
  6. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    There is the dialectical relationship between the two :) Man created society and society created man, they both act upon each other as Peter Berger stated. technology especially was created by man not nature, however teh parts were born from nature so therefore the creation of it was of man. computers are like language you have compiled matter the way you have wanted it just like words. Virtuality is very close to rationality in the mind. That is why cognitive science was always interested in computers. It was two psychologists back in the late 50's who decided to use a processor to compute logic. that is how instructions and organization and so forth came forth. After all, 1's and 0's are only used to designate the two stable states, on and off , they could have designated A and B or + or -. But they chose 1 and 0, so that is how language applies, as well as syntax too,
    System.out.println("hello world,"); that is like language in teh way it is organized and has rules, system is the object and .out is output and printline is the method and hello world is the argument and ; ends it and argument is what the method does and the rules are " ". compiler could be seen as an english proofreader when it comes back wth syntax errors. runtime errors would be if you designed a calculator and you accidentally used + for a - it would still work but it would do + instead of -. I dont know how to write fuly yet in java but I do understand the idea of the language behind it and how it is classified just like words are. Objects and classes can create methods which are actions and there are rules to writing it just like our language :) just like nouns and verbs classes hold objects which hold files so forth. Language is set up like that, letter to word to sentence to phrase to paragraph to page to chapter, you have active and passive sentences.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  7. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    one very last quick statement lol, you have to conceptualize the program before you write it, you have to conceptualize the hardware before you build it :)
  8. 64026402

    64026402 Active member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    This should definitely be in a different thread.
    Try sticking to the hardware.
  9. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Decent article and it was smart of Intel to go after a market that doesn't seem to attract AMD.
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest

    The Northwood is due in this week, as is the new RAM. Nice thing about my PC case; it has the easy open feature, push a button on the top and bottom and the case opens like a book. So going into it is easy and I don't have to plan sessions. Nice being able to just pop in the parts as I get them.

    With the 875 Intel chipset, I'd suspect my problems arose from the locked Dell BIOS, but who knows with them. With the 875 chipset supporting Prescotts, you may well be right about changing the BIOS chip. I've almost given up on Dell parts though, unless someone knows how to track down the info better than I do. For the bucks I paid, I'll be happy getting the system with 3.4GHZ, HyperThreading, and dual channel capability. I'll have the superior Northwood CPU and more and better memory. Want to donate that old XMS Corsair to the experiment? LOL A lot of people still look at the 3.4GHz P4 as a performance processor, but those of us here know better. ;)
  11. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Are you trying to create your own metaphysical environment here? Give us a break and stop making yourself so distracting. We've grown tired of your meandering through your metaphical thoughts in print. Try getting back to Intel and AMD and not just your superfluous thoughts on them and the world according to mrpsych. Even your benefactor, Sophocles, appears to be growing tired of it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  12. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    The main thing is that you're getting some of what you want, not a bad entry into doing it yourself. I don't think that you'll buy another store bought PC though. LOL


    What you're describing has nothing to do with the "dialectic." Socrates developed the notion of the dialectic as a means to develop arguments in favor of the discovery of knowledge. The dialectic consists of Thesis (original idea), Antithesis (opposing idea), and Synthesis (the result when all things are considered and what is left). But, it doesn't end there because synthesis becomes the new starting point.
  13. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    I will drop it. HOwever, you dont have to read what I write, it is not like it is a phone call or an email lol. you have to have the conceptual prior to the hardware. logic has almost everything to do with processors and hardware the way they work with instructions that are written. 1's and 0's are abstractions that are dealt with from hardwarew 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 is logical and it could be ab aa abb aba aab aaa abbb is the same thing. And when you talk about who is going to do what that is more abstract than objective, especially whne you are talking about what direction to purchase or who is going to buy what, that is more abstract than talking about isntructions that processors use or no compilers that the processor opens channels for, the high level language that the compiler brings down to the simpler, this is exactly related, how when you talk about ways to buy that is high level abstraction when you go buy it and use it that is lower just like the System.out.println("hello there"); get brought down to 1's and 0's that the processor opens so that the hardware can talk to the operating system. Intention action, hardware software action same analogy.
  14. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    No you just need to know what the hell you're doing.
  15. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    right, marx and heidegger, but there is another context to dialectic that i used. progression of though from opposing ideas that change into other ones. Weber used ideal types that took two. Berger used it the way that I did.
  16. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    IN order to know what you are doing you have to conceptualize it lol otherwise you are running on intuition and random activity lol. computers were created by man and his mind which is conceptual by organization of ideas and theories into action. YOu hae an intent you organize it and then you put it into action, via the practice comes 'knowing what you are doing'. we aer not drones, thre is a relationship between external and the internal but computers were man created, the processors are created via conceptual knowledge organization. 1's 0's and compiler to language it is all organized, just like the motherboard is organized. YOu cant take out the hardware but you cant take out the mind and concept either lol. Otherwise you could be programmable!

    YOur definition of dialectic is correct, the context to how you used it is right. Peter Berger used it in another context teh way i used it. Dictionaries are only indexes on 'how teh word is used in context' not the law. however, it is usually good to use the average context of it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  17. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I recently purchased a new tower with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+. I did extensive research and found that this lower end chip from AMD outperformed Intel's mid range chip and still was much cheaper. I think AMD does it because they still have alot to prove to the comsumer. They are still just a chick in a single hens house.
  18. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    No, you are running on experience and crystalized knowledge. Concepts are best left in the realms of hopeful ideas.

    Sorry but wrong again. LOL
  19. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    right, and those are conceptualizations, organized crystalized ideas. Like in the brain it is not only the occipital lobe that has visual actvity there are parts across teh brain that do, when you use your long term memory your whole brain is functioning, not just one neuron. It is an organized activity, concepts are organized, prefrontal cortex is the planning, but it is other areas that are being used as well. Like shortterm memory and long term memory. However, I like the working memory model of 'central executive' that delegates between teh visual and the sound and then releases and passes to longterm memory. Very analogous to computers and how the cpu works. organization has to happen in order for you to keep using it. When you remember phone numbers you chunk it, that is how the chess pros do it, it is not that they are any better when having to put chess pieces at random they do just as good as beginners, they chunk they remember more of a moves they remember from past experience- it is all organization :) They hae done experijments by randomly putting chess peices on the board and having them look and put it together and they didnt do that much better than beginners, only known moves were did they outperform the beginners at.

    It is schemas that allow us to figure things out even though we were not taught. Like myself I have built computers for some time now, but only because i remembered a 'schema' to fill it in. However, if computers were all new in arrangment and in everything, you would try to use your schema your existing network and you would run into problems. schema is the framework that exists in your brian like you stated. schema is organized concepts that let you fill in what you miss. We read something we only retain 20 percent but we fill in the rest with our preexisting schema that fills it in via our experience.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  20. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Why impose your meandering thoughts on a tech thread where it is obviously out of place. You should stay true to your word and [bold]drop it[/bold]. Continuing as you are will only bring enmity, it's obvious you don't appreciate being disagreed with. Each time someone does, we're inundated by your thoughts once again.

    You gave us the processor info, now how about the model and brand along with that cost. The latter is just saving us the time of looking it up. Just to show us your success, give us a screenshot of your benches using Sandra, there's a free Sandra Lite. You can even include the comparison benches included in the Sandra app. You can see how it works from those we've already posted. If you don't know how, review pages 37 through 41 for the "how to" on screenshots. The instructions are mixed in there on those pages.
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