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Intel P4 vs AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by brobear, Sep 23, 2005.

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  1. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    I dont have an issue at all. And as i included in my replies i gave validation to his ideas. I dont see that anything wrong especially when the language and ideas are clean. And are on teh topic of science and computers and the mind and concepts. It just highlights how interrelated life is and how integration is so important and that one cannot exclude one like B.F. Skinner with the denial of what you cannot see and how that doesnt matter. BF skinner said cognition wasnt important, but cognitive psychology rose back up with the invention of the computer :) Not everything is environemntal. Sophocles he could apply his context of dialectic to computers, hardware and software to virtual reality. That is in a form a dialectic of progression of an idea. Virtual reality came out of hardware and the instructions from teh software the Internet. It is a progression in itself, 1 on 0 off they are opposites, yet they create the very ability for me to express idea and others to express theirs, through opposing on and off and therefore creating the abiltiy to create and use software on teh computer which is different and new from the 1's and 0's that fits perfectly into a dialectical progression! :)
  2. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Think AMD and Intel systems. We're sort of specific as to the direction this thread takes. We'd like to see it remain a technical thread as that is the section of the forum it is located in. Most of us have suggested you take your thoughts to the General Discussion forum and the Safety Valve section. Why abuse an audience that doesn't accept your misplaced posts as having relevance to the posted topic?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  3. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    HP a1250n Cost with a 19" f1905 monitor and new $100.00 printer scanner so on for $1000.00. Sandra shows up with a N/A when showing my computer in the benchmark window.
  4. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    BTW 250gb SATA, ATI X200, 1.0 GIG SDDR SDRAM, anything else?
  5. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You don't select your CPU from the drop down window. You use those for comparisons. Running the test will give the results of your system along with those comparisons. Your system doesn't have to be listed in the benchmarks stored for comparison. I heard Sisoft had updated the Lite, so make sure you're using the latest version. Sophocles has been benching his AMD system, he might give you some better pointers than I can. I have the retail version, so mine definitely covers the newer systems. Oh yes, just out of curiosity, once you get Sandra going, what memory did they put in your system? ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  6. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I understand this but at the top where it says current CPU I get a N/A. It doesn't know what to test against. but when i do a system summary it recognizes all my hardware.
  7. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    this thread really needs to get back to talking about processors and stuff.

    mrpsych - dude, smoke a joint, eat some valium, have a beer. All i see is big spiffy words and quotes from this guy and that guy, this aint psych101, chill out dude.
  8. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Did you click on the refresh command to run the Sandra benchmark? I get the N/A before I run it on my PC. Refresh is the command icon I have indicated in the screenshot below.


    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  9. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    Its cool, i will drop it, but processors deal with 1's and 0's and logic. computers are not an escape but an embrace of logic :) artificial intelligence.
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Thanks for the input.

    Take a hint, you were nicely warned by a moderator. You may want to take it elsewhere. I don't think Darthnip wants anymore of your metaphysical and superfluous thoughts. As we've mentioned, they may let you get away with your meanderings in the General Discussion section... maybe not. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2006
  11. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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  12. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    didnt i just say i would drop it? I understand 1's and 0's in your opinon have nothing to do wtih processors or logic that is fine, i told you i would drop it and i will. But, the idea that it isnt related is a matter of opinion, research for the past years and how it started sugeest otherwise. And the use of the word 'abuse' is kind of stretching it because there were no foul language used and no name calling or anything.

    I do understand you need the last word so i will not reply with your next reply on it. However, it really baffles me how 'is there a feeling that one is forced to read it? Dont worry I wont reply. I sometimes go too far substantiating a point. That is what makes electronic communication differnt than in person communication. It amazes me how we can communicate in virtual space and yet people think of it as real. I dont normally post on forums, i just got a little carrried away on this one. I always get really interested in exclusivism and how people really believe in compartmentalization. It does amaze me how many people do not think psychology has any connection to computers yet psycholgoy ahs contributed so much to it as well as the first one back when in teh early 60's i think it was or 56. the two psychologists wanted a processor to use logic and it was what began as the computer or one of the first the way we see it. I would say that when it comes to handling instructions AMD is the best, their archetecture just makes sense. you guys have a good night,, Part of my idea in psychology is that people often seek science to avoid abstractions but yet they do not realize they are dealign with abstractions just like BF Skinner.
  13. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Sorry about the res. but still new to the imageshack thing.
  14. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    it's not that we dont think it, more like we dont care. we care about things like "my AMD smokes your Intel", or "Your AMD is a calculator compared to my Intel", blah blah blah. Get over yourself and move the hell on, what is this strange fetish of wanting to "wow" everyone with what big words you've learned? You might be stuck in a crappy semester of psych class, who knows, but i dont know one thing, we aren't!
  15. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    Jeeze, I apologize, my language is not that abstract. I didnt mean to cause any disturbance. However, that is precisely why most people I see who have intelligence waste it. It is because they are afraid of pissing people off lol. I see everyday talent in people who actually play themselves off as if they are airheaded. It baffled me for a while until it came to me why. Why? Because people get pissed at those who are easy with words. and the implication is, if you want to get along you either play dumb or shut up because people's ego's get bent out of shape due to insecurity. This has direct implications to technology, because it is those who can break "cliche here= to think out of the box and get out of the narrow mindedness" that make innovations. Dogmatism is good for authority they make good leaders but tehy just canot create because they just need to have things narrowede down to 1) their liking 2) to their specific needs.

    AMD has INNOVATION as their motto, do you think they got their kick ass processors out of needing to make sure that there is only a narrow view? It didnt take creative imagination and conceptualization to create their processors? How about their way of fabricating? The way they make their processors is pretty ingenuitive and I dont think they developed that out of 'dogmatic concretism' it takes openmindedness and creativity in order to do such. And I am by far not stating that I am such. niether have i stated that i am any better than anyone or that my language is that far better which by far is not the case.
  16. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You're a mind reader. LOL You could have added to mrpsych that some self analysis might be in order. True students of psychology don't try to force their opinions on others, much less badger those that don't accept the premise for their analysis of a situation. Psychology may have a place in medicine and explains the way we react and interact, but our PCs won't suffer from Freudian slips unless they're programmed to. You hit it with Psych 101, only beginners go around trying to impress others with what little they've learned. What was being inflicted here was neither good psychology, metaphysics, or computer science. Mrpsych is lucky he's not in class, his grade would reflect poor reasoning and judgment. Professor Darthnip... has a ring to it. ;)

    Doing the capture, the best way is to use the small window and do a full size capture of just the benches, as I did. You captured the whole page and then gave a downsized image with the resolution so poor we can't read it. One thing I think I noticed was that you had only one Intel in comparison for all the comparison slots, add some different ones, I suspect there may be some more Intel processors in there. I think I circled the link choice you need to use for imageshack in my example on page 41 (or one of the pages close by). It's for the direct link to the image.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2006
  17. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I don't complain often but while you seem to be intelligent, you don't need to overwhelm us with your intelligence. This isn't philosophy 101, it's Intel P4 vs AMD.

    I'm where I am today, with my computer running great because of the efforts of this Forum and the extremely intellegent members in it. While you have a lot to say, most of it doesn't pertain to this forum. I visit this forum to learn, not to read senseless blather that won't help me learn anything!

  18. brobear

    brobear Guest

    LOL I don't remember that happening. Intelligence is shown by reasonable, intellectual communication, whether oral or written, irregardless of the medium. Merely trying to overpower with a profuse number of words and superfluous commentary is the mark of an insecure person trying to make an impression. Throwing in big words only proves a dictionary has been used. This was no scholarly dissertation we had forced upon us. If this person were allowed to practice psychiatry, I feel sorry for the patients. ;) Luckily Darthnip has warned him to quieten down with the spiel.

    Distorded has joined us and is learning how to do the benches and captures. Hopefully we're now getting back on track with PC talk. 1, 0...0, 1. ;) As soon as my parts shipments get in, we'll see if an old Intel can't do a bit more rockin'. I'll do the new benches and post them along with some encode times to see how they vary. We already have the base posted. I'll try it with just the better RAM and then with both the RAM and the new processor. Should give a decent picture of how the upgrades work for the typical stock Intel system.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2006
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Wow, well that was a fulfilling read. I didn't mind mrpsych at first. How's your expanded Northwood project going brobear?
  20. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    I am amazed lol. I have actually validated other people's views here when i replied. You read them and i gave validation to the other person's ideas. I did not once call anyone stupid or any implication as what you did. neither did i force any of my ideas, all i did was express them. Neither am i trying to impress anyone. It is you who is resorting to insults, you read my posts and you do not find insults, you actually find my giving validation to the other person point. It just goes to show what ego does and it is sad, because i dont see myself any more intelligent than the next guy and that is the truth. In my posts i have given others validatin for their points. So in true psychology we look insward and if we really feel the way you do you have to look at it as an inside job because it is sad that you feel the need to resort to such. We all grow and learn and even myself, with maybe overdoing teh point. However, you look back at my posts and I gave teh other person validation for his views. I never called anyone's views here dumb or whatever, i gave credit for them. I have never claimed to be an intellectual because i am just someone who learns and puts effort into what he does. That is not the viewpoint or perspective i come from. However, it is sad that even though we live in a country that has freedom of speech really it is not really the case, because people usually do retaliate against those who are easy with words. To tell you the truth, if you have trouble understanding my words you need to pick up a book and start reading because I am not using words that are out of the average. However, the way they are put together could be understandably more difficult to understand, hwoever, teh words in themselves are not really hard to understand. It is sad in this country how the average adult has a reading comprehension of a 6th grader.

    I just love how I am forcing my ideas on people lol, I gave credit for the other person's views who i was replying to. Jeeze i can't believe as well how you feel forced to read it, after all, what i was saying was related just not to your closed minded view. It is an equal aspect, myself yeah I do often speak too freely, but equally brobear what is worse? either needing to make sure one censor's him or herself so he or she wont piss you off or being too expressive with words, which one do you think is worse? Well, personally, I think they are not worse than the other, but your aspect is no better than mine.
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