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Intel P4 vs AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by brobear, Sep 23, 2005.

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  1. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Brobear, did StarMicro confirm a shipment for your 3.4 Northwood? I still cannot believe that there were any around...(being a doubting Ted such as I am.) <G> But just incase I did request 2 from them, not for a build, but for selling on eBay! :)
  2. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I have an MSW and a minors in psychology and you didn't see me ranting on about anything and everything with no direction or focus. Your a first year psych student? In the DSM IV that kind of ranting would result in an assessment of(flight of thought)either hyper mania or outright Mania, behaviors that are common to bipolar disorder. Sometimes less is more, try to stay on topic, narrow your focus, and get to the point.

    brobear when are you going to get that Northwood? That and some CAS2 and I think that you'll see some speed gains. Your motheroard should set it to CAS2 automatically. Do a couple of encodes before and after with the same settings.
  3. mrpsych

    mrpsych Guest

    What i ahe stated here in this forum is grounded in research. Making assumptions is not a virtue. I am not here to shout out diagnostics on people, i did come here to discuss AMD vs Intel which i did as well as the language that processors use. I know the DSM so dont try to project and to scare me with how you are attempting to misuse it. The DSM is meant for science and is why it is a 5 axial system and is a statistical manual and is not the person. What i have stated in this forum is related to AMD vs Intel and is grounded in the research. I eat, sleep, dream, think research it is what i do and what i have done for years. The idea that you dont cocneptualize prior to the creation of hardware? What do you think the scientific method is about? My ideas are based on existing research where are yours? A personal statement against myself? well, in all my posts here i have not been making any statements against any person here personally that is a fact, it is about the topic of AMD vs Intel and reasons for marketshare and what is consistent in them. What I have stated here in this forum may have typos but the points i have made are made and if you cant understand the concept maybe you should go back and do some more research in computers and social science. 1' and 0's are abstractions and are used by processors. Advertising is a key issue in the AMD vs Intel debate. You dotn speak well of yourself as a social worker if you are going to pull out DSM lingo to try to cause anyone to feel a certain way. I am not one who holds illusions of perfection, I am real read in the research and as well in Adlerian theory so please dont try to make yourself feel better through projection, because it is only a superiority complex that has sprouted out of your inferiroity complex, which I could make an assumption was behind your choice to become a social worker to begin with. HOw can I say that? Because you dont know me and what i have stated here is on teh intel vs amd and as well is based in research and yet you state blindly 'flight of ideas' and as well how i am a first year student lol, the average person doesn tmake such blind leaps.

    YOu have a mintor in psychology but yet a msw? I really an intrigued by that. When you read you dont remember all of what you read and that is probably as well with my typos why you state there is no focus. Or you just plain dont understand the concept. Because earlier you were stating agianst my idea of concept and that implies you dont understand what a concept means and that implies your knowledge not mine. YOu hae a minor in psychology, well i guess you could be an MD? i really am having a difficult time with that. As well as the idea of science is to come up 1) a theory 2) you then research it (which i hae talked about, how can i discuss research that is existant and yet you dont know of it? i hae provided links to some of it, i have read so muhc research it is harder to come up with the soruce but i have it all, that is just simply what i do lol 3) then you design the experiment and 4) you conduct it 5) you publish and then you replicate it. Hypothesis needs to have an a direction and a independent and dependent variable. It is based on theory which is the mind and the research that is empirically shown afterwards. No direction is your idea. As i have stated I dont edit my posts because it is kept as verbal as possible because it is not a paper i am writing. But I am really baffled by how i have stated existing research and have provided some links on teh topic and they are all foreign to you? You hae a minor in psychology yet you have an MSW, did you get a bachelors in sociology? still that doesnt really rhyme, you aer a doctor? the mind is like that, you dont remember everything you read so yeah you may have missed quite a lot of the point either memory wise or understanding wise. You see my posts as not related because that is what you see it as, i have substantiated my claims on the topic and not being proofread like a paper and having some typos there may be some gliches grammatically. Well, i guess you can have a bachelors in some other field and go into social work that is possible. But a lot of the schools for social work are very restrictive and would expect you to have taken a lot of psychology classes like 1) statistics 2) research methods 3) abnormal psychology 4) cruelty and kindness 5) cognitive psychology I dont see any school of social work not expecting you to have atleast those prereqs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2006
  4. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Why don't you drop it here and meet me in the chatroom at DVD Hounds, I think we can resolve this quickly.
  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    see how kind i am, i've given you the opportunity to get out more. Have fun, but pls don't rabbit on quite so much.
  6. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Good news, StarMicro just contacted my and have 4 SL793 3.4 Northwoods available, so I'm sure you'll be getting yours as well!
  7. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    @Sophocles -

    sorry looks like mrpsych will have to continue discussions at DVD Hounds then, i did warn him :) :O
  8. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I was looking forward to a chat room discussion but alas the writing was on the wall.

    On the upside I just got my new memory stick in and I think that I'm being hypnotized by the LED's. LOL

    As we all know that CAS2 on an Intel system is CAS2 but on an AMD system that's usually CAS3. I read a review however where the reviewer overclocked an X2 4400 to 2.45 with CAS 1.5 settings. It'll be a couple of days before I get some benchmarks back.


    Last edited: Jan 10, 2006
  9. Morph416

    Morph416 Active member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    A moderator's got to do, what a moderator's go to do!

    No need for explanations!! :)


    Yeah, I've had those sticks for some time now...interesting to watch in either single, or dual channel mode. Doesn't do me a whole lot of good, seeing as how we have our tower inside the desk!
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2006
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Sorry, I got my Mods mixed up there, Darthnip was here earlier. Thanks for taking your time to help us out.

    Those LEDs would look nice with a see through case. Put in some colored cables and LED fans and you get a neat little light show while visually seeing the performance of the RAM. Something to think about. LOL And thanks for the input on the testing. Seems we agree on the way to proceed, not just benches, but some real world work with encoding. I should have the memory in by mid week. I'm not familiar with how well StarMicro ships, so hopefully by the end of the week on the CPU as well.

    Seems you answered your own question. If I'd known how scarce the Northwoods are, I might have bought another. If the wife catches me squandering more funds, she may get involved with some of my other planned purchases though. LOL Those 3.4 Northwoods should be an easy sell on eBay.

    Is this a Northwood? http://www.starmicro.net/detail.aspx?ID=556 2MB cache and it's listed as an Extreme version. For the price, it had best be very Extreme. Does $900+ give anyone sticker shock on an obsolete CPU. Now which processor would I buy with $900? ;) Not a single core P4.

    Just an update, I checked the shipping from StarMicro. My CPU is on a slow mule somewhere in the midwest and should be here on Friday, if it stays on schedule. That's a bit slow even for UPS ground shipment from West to East coast. I'm impatient to get the CPU, but I wasn't impatient enough to pay the higher shipping fees for faster service. It's amazing, some of these places will even expedite shipping from their own warehouse for a few dollars more. Bribe the guy to hurry up and ship your order. Will wonders never cease? LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2006
  11. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Here is my CPU-Z screen shot of one core. The other core screen as expected looks the same.

  12. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Now who told you that your chip was a lower end product. According to the naming system at AMD, the 3800+ X2 is supposed to compare to an Intel dual core running at 3.8+GHz. So, your processor is by no means shabby. I also noticed that your 3800 benched out just a bit better than the one in the Sandra comparison. Looks like you've got a nice unit. If the HP board is anything like the Dell, your BIOS may be locked, so OCing may be out on that one. Definitely not shabby for a stock setup though.
  13. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I was noticing, possibly the naming of CPUs at AMD may have gotten a bit off the earlier convention when it comes to the dual core processors. The speed of the 3800+ bench is well below that of the Pentium dual cores at 3.2GHz. That said, the 3800 doesn't rival a 3.8GHz dual core, but is significantly ahead on the Sandra benches when compared to a single core 3.8 Intel. It's getting more difficult to say what is comparable between AMD and Intel. But a 3800+ X2 is definitely not low end.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2006
  14. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I ment lower end on the basis that it is AMD's entry chip for dual core. As for OCing, yes definitly locked. But for the price it got every penny out of it.
  15. brobear

    brobear Guest

    LOL There are lower versions to be had. You're right, you did get a nice PC. Like me though, you've run afoul of some of our custom builders here. They like tweaking those boards and CPUs. I don't blame them, knowing what I know now, there will be no more off the shelf desktops for me, unless I just need a cheap little grunt. With my leftover parts, I could build a decent little PC for surfing word processing and other simple tasks.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2006
  16. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    To try to stick to the subject what all can you get out of a custom built pc. As far as OCing and those types of tweeks. And to stay with the discussion which chip is better at handeling these tweeks Intel or AMD.
  17. brobear

    brobear Guest

    One of the greatest things is not being tied into buying OEM parts. Also, you have more freedom with your settings and can get more performance. You can't just crank it up though, there are limits. Sophocles is one of the better members to talk to on that. He just helped mrpsychman adjust his timing for better overall performance. As an example, just look in the signature section of one of Sophocles posts and go back and look at the benches he's been posting. Currently AMD is better than Intel for accepting the OC tweeks.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2006
  18. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Anything that involves the chip itself including over clocking is part of its quality. Over clocking just allows one to find the true maximum limits of a chip.

    Whoever said that the lite version of ssandra didn't work with 64 bit was wrong. It works and you just proved it.

    I know you've probably mentioned this, but which CPU do you have?

    I'd go back and look but then I'd be faced with all of those extended mrosych posts.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2006
  19. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    HP. Is there any way of unlocking the BIOS to adjust the settings? Would be nice but I have never seen any way.
  20. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Sorry i have an AMD Athlon X2 64 3800+
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