Intel P4 vs AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by brobear, Sep 23, 2005.

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  1. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    To: Novicebb,
    I suspect that the 64x2 4400+ should continue to go down in price between now and mid summer. Intel and AMD should both have all their new stuff out by then and the prices on the current 64x2 CPUs should go down. I'm hoping for around $300 for it by then. I'de really like to have the Opteron but I'm not going to lose sleep if I don't get it. Still, it would be nice.

    To: All

    Artic Silver is the best but I don't think that I would get enough improvement in my temps to warrant pulling the cooler and using it. It runs great at 3.60 and the temps are very good for a 20% overclocked prescott. Better than the stock cooler at 3.0. Everything from bootup to running programs and encoding runs much faster! Short of refrigeration or liquid nitrogen, I think I have reached the limit for this CPU. At least with the present memory. I could probably improve it more with quality cas 2 memory or some higher speed PC4400 2.5 installed. With the addition of the fan control for the case fan, it no longer roars! Like I said, I am a happy camper!

  3. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You're probably right. Even at that, AS leaves the others in the dust. That's the first time I've seen the silver content listed by weight percentage and I've read comparison tests as well as browsed around the AS site.

    Something to remember for the next time around.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2006
  4. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    For sure! For sure! I'm gonna post the temp results of my last test as soon as I figure out why I can't get a large enough pic to see and read.

    I have to say I am impressed with the Zalman. Just being able to slow down a very aggressive case fan so it no longer roars was worth the price. Running at 3.60 rock solid with me torturing the crap out of it with no problems, Priceless! I no longer see temps over 60C even while encoding.

    I also have learned a lot and will put that knowledge to good use with my next build. My thanks to everyone who helped along the way.

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2006
  5. baltekmi

    baltekmi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    For what ever reason or way I have got to this forum...I have spent the last 6 hours reading(mostly 2guys) compare AMD TO INTEL. It seemd to me that there is a lot of misinformation. Comparisions are done with different ram, MOBO'S, and most of all OVERCLOCKING OF EACH OTHERS CHIPS(INTEL-AMD). I maybe wrong (and I am sure you will point all of this out) but all of the bull that you so called experts are putting out there is more preference then fact!iT IS LIKE watching the Republicans and the Democrates.. Politicaly!

    #1 To keep it simple, maybe you should inform people that one of the most inportant things to the cpu's performance if the selection of the proper MOTHERBOARD! DUH (i know you will kill me here).Because this is a higly debatable area.
    #2 Do a a side by side comparison of AMD chips to Intel... NOT OC'D.!! With all the confusing numbers and labels for each chip, maybe you could do a side by side comparison( without all the crap).
    So that regular people know about what is in the simailar class.
    Because belieave it or not regular people read AFTER DAWN and most of the answers you leave are either rude or non helpful. Because you leave answers that are to hard for reg users to understand. And when they ask for more info... they get f.....
    In any case maybe I have gotten this place all wrong. I thought that This Forum was for everyone and to help everyone. Not just this section, but all sections.
    Well back to Intel to AMD. All chips run hot... but maybe the info about removing the DIRT AND DUST FROM ALL FANS AND CPU COOLERS WOULD HELP????
    Well enough said here..
    p.s. 1 of the best game players and is on the circuit uses ABIT MOTHERBOARD AND A INEL CHIP..FATALITY
  6. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Alrigh, if you want the real answer?
    AMD. Simple as that. Every application, from word processing to gaming, multi-tasking and video editing.
  7. Phantom69

    Phantom69 Regular member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    baltekmi, that was a little harsh, a lot of members in this thread have been very helpful, asa matter of fact if you had read some of the posts made by brobear and many others the information they gave were not continualy in reference to o'c chipsets and even if this is a debate over user preference its up to them whether or not they debate this issue.

    however there will not be a definite YES or NO answer to the question, it is down to user preference, as brobear had already stated earlier, intel already holds market majority due to its earlier an more public release rather than AMD, you can discuss this topic for a couple of more hundred pages but it is always, no matter what specs a new processor has, it will always come down to user preference.

    however i respect your opinion and just wanted to add my 2 cents, if you noticei have not discussed other users opinions in a judging manner, i am just pointing out ot you this fact.
  8. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    It's still a matter of opinion really, but I, along with many others hold the opinion that AMD is CURRENTLY ahead, whether Overclocked or not.
  9. brobear

    brobear Guest


    And we're rude, insulting and don't care about other members. Get a life. Little diatribes like that one aren't likely to ingratiate you anywhere. This thread is in a tech section and is not meant for everyone.

    When talking about CPUs and platforms, we have discussed both stock and OCed systems. That is our choice to take the discussion where we want. Everyone involved knew or should have known when we were discussing different aspects of AMD and Intel equitpment.

    Any time a newbie requests help, they get it. The only time we get on a person's case is when they're being rude or won't follow the info they requested. Also, if you look around, there's information that anyone can glean from these pages. Just ask theonejrs, phantom or any of the other regulars here. So your assertion that it's a useless thread is incorrect as well.

    Sometimes the discussion veered away from Intel vs AMD to our personal systems. No one was doing anything funny. They were just posting benches, whether stock in my case or Sophocles' OCed system. The OCed times weren't putting down any particular stock system, the benches merely showed what a comparative stock PC runs at. Sandra doesn't have stored benches for OCed systems. You don't seem to have taken that into your reasoning. The discussions on personal equipment were more about sharing with friends what we had done than comparing the work to other systems, though we do like to brag and joke with each other.

    You wasted 6 hours and didn't understand what the forum was about. You can spend the rest of your life and probably not learn how to communicate properly with people. If you want to keep up your negative dialogue, you're more than welcome to leave. Though invitations aren't necessary, I don't remember anyone wanting you here and you've added absolutely nothing to the forum, except a negative attitude. So, if you don't like the forum format, we didn't ask you to spend 6 hours doing a poor analysis.

    You're welcome to your opinion, but as you can tell, not many agree with you.

    Have a nice day.
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest


    Any moron knows you get a motherboard with a chipset that supports the CPU. The quality depends on the eye of the beholder at times and how much money is in the bank. Duh, you killed yourself.

    As I mentioned, it's a discussion thread and we didn't intend it for everyone. There's a number of forums dedicated to nothing but structured system comparisons for various processors from both AMD and Intel. I don't think we need to repeat them, nor do we have the desire to here. To be as rude as you, it's none of your business, if you don't like it, you don't have to stay. Write off the 6 hours and move on. It must have been at least a bit entertaining or you're a moron.

    And yours are better? LOL

    We give answers, however on occasion we get the likes of you and the psycho that got banned. Some people would make a saint want to say something out of the way.

    About the only good assertion you made.

    Besides being helpful, it's a good place for like minded people to get togther and discuss topics of interest. If you notice the forum is segmented according to different topics. A person can go where they wish and aren't required to stay. If you want to discuss a topic, you're welcome to start a thread. This thread isn't required to dum down. We don't mind helping those less informed on the subject, shooting the political bull aside. We would have even helped you. You didn't catch some of the banter as being in fun. But then you're a newb.

    See, even you learned something. Processors get hot, but some run hotter than others and without extensive cooling, some shut down. There, we've helped you learn something new.

    Good. Luckily we didn't have to wait 6 hours to figure that one out.

    So, are you wanting to join in on who has the best chip, AMD or Intel? There you go pointing out the prowess of a beefed up system. And the pot called the kettle black. LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2006
  11. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Another all-star response to an utter n00b. Good call as always brobear.
  12. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    This thread has both, AMD vs Intel side by side comparisons as well as stat's on Over Clocked systems. With the use of Sandra & CPU-Z software it has also given members such as myself a TRUE position to go on when interacting with other members as well as information or system spec's of other members that one can use in their quest for possible build's down the road.

    In other words this thread works for me!
  13. brobear

    brobear Guest

    As it does for most everyone. Just a newb trying to take a crap in our space. Can't believe it took him 6 hours to figure out he didn't like it. LOL I wouldn't read a thread that long unless I really liked it; probably not even then. It would have to be entertaining, then we are that at times. ;)
  14. Phantom69

    Phantom69 Regular member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    like that thread where gear showed up that noob
  15. brobear

    brobear Guest

    When noobs are showing their posterior, all one needs to do is point. It takes no effort to show what they are. They have a tendency to increse their butt quotient. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2006
  16. Phantom69

    Phantom69 Regular member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    lol thats funny stuff brobear...
  17. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Watch out, Sophocles usually points out it's not good to encourage my questionable behavior. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2006
  18. Phantom69

    Phantom69 Regular member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    geez brobear, you and your sophistimicated words.
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Back on topic, does anyone know where the FX-60's source of origin is? It's almost the same price in £ as it is to the exchange rate in $. I'm sure britons will bea ware how something can cost £200 here and be like 280USD. However, comparing £700 to $1300 is quite a favourable rate of exchange, especially for an absolute monster of a processor (albeit one that's rendered pointless by overclocking)
  20. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    The difference between an FX-60 and an Opteron 175 over clocked is only the difference in price.
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