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Intel P4 vs AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by brobear, Sep 23, 2005.

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  1. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Your comments are among the rudest in the thread, is this your way of making your comment true?

    It's true that the motherboard is important but it's only as important as the chip set and bios and yes we covered that some time ago. But that being said a cheap motherboard can match an expensive one in over clocking features, and all that one really needs to know about buying a decent motherboard is which makes tend to be the best.I would repeat your DUH and direct it back toward you but in your case DOH! might be more appropriate. Another point that I would like to make is that this thread wasn't started to inform people of anything but a lot of people got something from it anyway.

    Give an example of where that's been done on this thread!
    Besides if you want to run with the dogs then you had better stop playing with the puppies. If you find this thread too daunting then go to a beginners thread. If you've noticed AD has forums for both beginner and advanced alike and we shouldn't have to apologize to your rudeness for falling into either category.

    While that's true everyones' needs are not the same. Advanced users need a place to gather information too and if it's over your head then you're in the wrong thread but don't expect us to dumb it down for you because that wouldn't meet our needs. I seem to recall helping one advanced user on this very thread save about $1300 by informing him that he was choosing the wrong processors for what he was building. What have you done for others here at AD?

    I gave the remove dust and dirt advice on this thread long ago, try reading back before making a fool of yourself.

    Yes most chips run hot if you compare heat to how human flesh feels it but in the world of chips the new AMD's run cool compared to Intel chips because they use lower voltage settings and leak less current. My Opteron 175 over clocked by more than 450 Mhz is still running more than 10 degrees celsius cooler than any Intel running at stock speeds.

    Didn't you read any of this thread? We did that too and AMD won at stock speeds as well but you can't discount over clocking either. The ability of a chip to be over clocked is as much a part of its quality and value as running it at stock speeds are. If you read back you'll see that Theonejrs and scubabud just to mention two are both running over clocked Intel chips.

    Maybe but I'll bet that the Lion's share of gamers are running AMD chips so what's your point? And being a gamer doesn't make you an expert on PC building and speeds, most probably purchase their machines commercially or from a builder. I have nothing against Intel it's just at this time Intel does not offer the best value.

    Only in so far as where the real source of rudeness is coming from.

    Have a good day and don't slam the door on the way out.

  2. KoOkOo67

    KoOkOo67 Guest


    I find this thread VERY helpfull. THe people in this thread were generous to answer any question I had. Please don't bring that up again.
  3. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Right I think that's probably about the limit. Anyone else want to add their two cents? We could go on about baltekmi's post all day, but after all that's just dignifying complete twaddle with more responses. Leave it be and let's return to the subject of this thread, once again.
    Have we got a date for Intel's 65nm chips yet?
  4. brobear

    brobear Guest

  5. novicebb

    novicebb Regular member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    to Theonejrs: What do you use your Intel system for? I have decided to go with an AMD 939 pin based computer build but seeing your specs and seeing that outpost.com has a special for a 630 2mbcache 3.0ghz cpu and 915 based motherboard for 179.99 and that includes heatsink and fan I am atleast willing to consider a prescott now.

    My purpose for my computer when I build it is mostly going to be for some photo editing, creating podcasts, blogging, emailing, high speed web surfing, pdf formatting, downloading and editing video/audio files and burning disks. I am not really a gamer so those are not my purpose but I do like to atleast have the components to experience gaming if I so choose. So with my above state desires what cpu would you guys suggest?
  6. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Nah, Brobear has the superior Northwood CPU. Avoid the prescotts really, what you want is really a Celeron or Sempron64 for basic stuff like photo editing and messaging. Assuming you won't be gaming they're better, cooler, quieter options. The 630 isn't a great performing PC, it'd probably only reach 80% of the speed of Brobear's Northwood, and it will need some big cooling to keep it in check, hence noise. The budget chips are cheaper, more relevant to your cause, and with a respectable heatsink, quieter too.
  7. novicebb

    novicebb Regular member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    yeah the only problem is that I am not interested in a 754 pin cpu when some of the 939 with hypertransport are under $200. What Nortwood Intel, or AMD Athlon would you suggest
  8. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    The .65 didn't prove to be all that great in tests but never let it be said that Intel is sitting on their thumbs, they've just successfully developed a .45 NM working proto type. This means that not only are we going to see multi core chips but each core is going to get faster as well.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2006
  9. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I'll believe that when I see it. Can you still buy the 3800mhz Intel chip? 45 nanometer chips seem quite a way off too, think how long it was after 130nm that we went to 90... But hey, it it solves Intel's heat problem then they're back in the running big time.
    As for what to buy novicebb, the Northwood stops at 3400mhz, and acts like 3400mhz. However, the 939 Athlons go all the way up to the equivalent of 4000mhz for single core and 5200mhz for dual core, so they have much more potential. Besides, the Northwood P4 is a dying breed now, brobear's chip really was a find. The best value high performance AMD is the A64 3500+, a superb processor in every aspect. I'm sure most of the people in this thread will tell you why.
    The 3500 is $201.00 at newegg.com
    Close enough?
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2006
  10. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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  11. novicebb

    novicebb Regular member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    Well the 3500 is ok but I can't truly consider the 3500+ when the San Diego Core 3700+ is available form Zipzoomfly.com for 215 dollars and you get an extra 512k of cache on that chip compared to the 3500. I think I am going to wait another month and see how far the dual core or the 3700+ goes down in price
  12. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    My money would be on the San Diego core (3700+) for all the things that you just mentioned. But the 3500+ isn't to shabby I was able to get it to run at 2.753 Ghz stable with stock cooling.
  13. novicebb

    novicebb Regular member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    Incredible! What type of board and memory did you have to get those speeds with stock fan and heatsink? I definitely plan to overclock sometime in the future to increase performance but not immediately though. Any other suggestions you have for me Sophocles
  14. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I've posted benchmarks at the beginning of this thread. Go back and check all of the things that we did, it's easy all you have to do is scan for screen shots. I've even posted my settings. I'm still using the same motherboard but I've upgraded to a dual core Opeteron 175 which I hit 2.7 with and am stable at 2.67. I'm bit lower because of the dual cores and a much more aggressive memory settings of 2-3-2-7 Command rate 1T. I'm pretty sure that the AMD 3700+ can hit those same speeds but you'll have to have good memory.
  15. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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  16. brobear

    brobear Guest

    The Nortwoods were a find. especially at those prices, $275. The extreme Northwood 478 Socket can be had for about $950 or so. I got my garden variety cheap, but Dell was asking over $700. So, those Northwoods are pricey to be as old as they are. I went that route because with the bargain priced CPU, I could upgrade from a 2.8GHz CPU up to the 3.4GHz for less than $300. With the Northwood, it was also an extra not having to add extensive cooling as needed with the Prescotts. You can ask theonejrs about that. He went with the big Zalman fan. If I hadn't already had the system, it would have been better to go with another processor.

    I'm limited to 3.4GHz, but it isn't the CPU. I have a locked OEM BIOS on an OEM board. It's even limited to the Northwood processor. If it was on a good custom board, 3.6 to 3.8 should be fairly easy with air cooling. Sophocles had a 2.8 Northwood overclocked that did real well. I wouldn't advise running out to buy a Northwood setup, but if a person already has the parts, it can be some interesting fun. If I don't watch my step, I'll nickle and dime myself to death. With the processor, I thought I'd be happier with more and better memory. XMS Corsair performance 2x1GB was on sale and I couldn't resist. LOL

    I'm still waiting to hear about a VapoChill on a certain Opteron. LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2006
  17. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    New and strange bench marks. As you guys know I've been experimenting with memory settings trying to find the ultimate tweak between that and CPU speed. Which is all that I can really do until I figure out a better way to cool my CPU and especially my boards chip set. When I hit over 7000 MB/S I thought that was the top. Well recently lowered my CPU speed a bit and began using more aggressive memory settings. I lost only a little in CPU performance but gained a lot in memory performance.

    That's right over 10 MB/s

    And I lost less than 70 mhz on CPU speed.


  18. brobear

    brobear Guest

    VapoChill, VapoChill, VapoChill, ... ;)
  19. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I'm looking at one but I want one that includes memory and chipset as well. LOL
  20. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You're way ahead of me on this. ;) I'm just in the planning stages for a custom build and you've been doing all these custom builds and now wanting to get extreme with the cooling and OCing. LOL I'm still wondering how you sneak all that by the wife. I'd almost bet she doesn't know about Sophocles on AD and the expenditures he makes in the name of research. LOL

    People have been saying to others, post your specs. I finally got around to putting some in my sig. LOL
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