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Intel P4 vs AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by brobear, Sep 23, 2005.

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  1. afire77

    afire77 Guest

    Thanks guys but what will I benefit from with having a proc with more cache? 3800+ = 512k 3700+ = 1mb ?
  2. afire77

    afire77 Guest

  3. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Onboard cache is memory that allows the CPU to read ahead at the same speed as it is running. The result is slightly improved performance but if that's a concern then move up to the Opteron 170, for about a $120 more and it has the L2 speed and dual core. And Opterons are built to a slightly higher standard.


    I prefer the Asus, I've heard mixed reviews about the MSI, but remember that the Asus in SLI blocks two of the PCI slots. Personally if I were to pick up a new board today I would probably go for the A8N-SLI Premium because I don't think that the 32 bit SLI is going to net much in performance and then I would spend the difference on the CPU. But that's just me.

    ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe Socket 939
  4. afire77

    afire77 Guest

    What are the chances? this is a comment off of a asus sli deluxe board owner.

    Had this board for six months & have reinstalled windows XP four times. Seems to have serious problems when I download windows updates or do any number of things I regularly do on other systems. Chipset fan is cheap and noisy and firewall is useless. nvidia IDE controller is a joke. I finally have system working by disabling both. All I do with it is play games & it is good for that but I'm not sure the few frames per second increase is worth all the grief. I can't say if this is an nvidia problem or an ASUS problem but I won't buy another nforce chipset.

  5. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I am an Asus owner but I didn't recommend the A8N-SLI Deluxe, I recommended the A8N-SLI premium which is a different board. First [bold]the Premium doesn't have a chip set fan[/bold] it uses passive heat pipe cooling. so the only noise that you will hear is the dissonance in your head. Secondly while you were at newegg did you read the user opinions on both boards? Everyone liked the Asus board but the MSI board got mixed reviews.

    Secondly no one uses the Nvidia firewall which is why I disabled it from the start, and have never used it, and by the way the [bold]MSI board you asked for opinions on has the same Nvidia NV4 chipset as the Asus does.[/bold]

    Thirdly the motherboard has nothing to do with your Windows XP install failures whatsoever, that's a user caused problem so it begs the question. Do you know what the hell you're doing and what the hell are you talking about? My thoughts are NO!!!

    Lastly you asked me questions and I answered them honestly and politely only to get this snotty response from you. If your only intention was to play games with me then let me say this, you are an a**hole.

    BTW, I've had the board for almost a year now without a single problem. I read about the chipset problem and called Asus and they sent me a replacement fan right away so that it was installed during the build.

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2006
  6. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    What is your question? Dual core verses single core? I own a dual core processor and lets just say i am currently backing up a DVD, listening to music, and here at the same time. I love my dual core and would laugh at the fool that bought a single core processor at this point in time. If anything they are always getting better. AMD got my support in the beggining but now has my dedication till the end. BTW, I was in a popular consumer products store recently and ran into someone that just bought a new computer. I asked if they had bought a AMD and they said yes (not knowing why). I told them good choice and they asked if I worked for the store. I gave them a thumbs up and went on my way, it feel good to help others.
  7. Distorded

    Distorded Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    What is your question? Dual core verses single core? I own a dual core processor and lets just say i am currently backing up a DVD, listening to music, and here at the same time. I love my dual core and would laugh at the fool that bought a single core processor at this point in time. If anything they are always getting better. AMD got my support in the beggining but now has my dedication till the end. BTW, I was in a popular consumer products store recently and ran into someone that just bought a new computer. I asked if they had bought a AMD and they said yes (not knowing why). I told them good choice and they asked if I worked for the store. I gave them a thumbs up and went on my way, it feel good to help others.
  8. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    1. Erm sophocles, there is a single core 3800 as well, which is a bit cheaper, obviously.
    2. Hardware issues can cause issues with installing XP, it's rare but can cause issues. Essentially installing XP is the first acid test to see if your hardware is all ok.
    3. Single core vs. dual core? Apples and oranges. The X2 3800 is far better value than the single core equivalent, but more expensive.
  9. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    We weren't discussing hardware issues in general we were discussing the motherboard as the cause and the motherboard configured properly does not create XP install issues. The hard disk can but not the motherboard if it's installed correctly.

    I may have assumed that he was talking about the X2 instead of the Venice core 38000 but it was never a point of contention and is therefore moot in this discussion. Owning a Venice core I am well aware of its existence.

    Which is why I suggested that he take a drop in motherboard price to make up the difference.

    My problem with the discussion was being asked for and giving advice to someone who had no interest in the actual advice itself but rather in trying to make a snotty point about his likes and dislikes. Go back and read over all of his posts and my responses and you'll see that my time was being intentionally wasted so that it could culminate in his trashing both my equipment and the choices that I suggested.

    I stand by my statement that he is an a**hole.

  10. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    That's just dumb (sorry) but classic PEBKAC ;^)
    You know PEBKAC afire77? I can explain if req'd...
    AMD and nVidia and Asus (and ABit, I like ABit) make the best stuff available today.
    Anyone 'installing XP 4 times' etc. has [bold]issues[/bold], they are clearly stuck on something - who knows if they know what's going on?
    Lately I am using AMD Opteron DualCore 165 (S939) @ 1.8GHz w/ 2MB cache for all my 'power-user guy on a budget' builds.
    $400 bucks (Canadian) not cheap but you are in the fast lane, playin' with the big boys y'know?
    Good price for what you get, and better than any P4EE for 1/2 the price. Runs COOL and not power-hungry - more left for your crazy SLI rigs, LoL :^)
    Don't be dissin' AMD, nVidia or Asus, blamin' PEBKAC on them...
    Hiya Brobear - is this where you been hiding?
    Regards to all
  11. novicebb

    novicebb Regular member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    To Sophocles: Darn on zipzoomfly.com they have listed as socket 939 but I was a little suspicious when I saw on other sites that it was a socket 940 and that a socket 939 1.8ghz Opteron was actually 20 dollars more. Well I am still considering dual core as well so let me ask you. Is there a socket 939 2.0ghz Opteron cpu's? Also do you think I should strongly consider the 1.8ghz Dual core opterons processors and just over clock them to say 2.2ghz each core and should I purchas additional cooling devices to cool the cpu or can the stock heatsink and fan allow me to overclock the Opteron to that speed?
  12. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    The Opteron 170 is 2 Ghz. With decent memory one should be able to over clock the 165 to about 2.4 ghz and the 170 about 2.5 to 2.6 ghz. I chose the 175 because I wanted a guarantee to hit above 2.6 Ghz.
  13. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Opteron 175, VERY nice CPU Sophocles :^)
    $620 bucks (Canadian) my cost - how does that compare in your neck o' the woods?
    I think I need a new Opteron 180, for myself... (or, I could buy a car!)
    My old SocketA hanging in there - for me it's all in the vidcard, anyway.
  14. MESMD

    MESMD Regular member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    Thanks so much for your advice. Could I have, for instance, Tiger Online or one of the other online sellers, build my system according to the specs you have recommended, using the configuration, cpu (dual core amd opteron system), etc. Or do you mean find a local store in my area to build the computer according to the cpu and other specs.?
    Thanks again,

  15. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I'd recommend a local builder so that if anything goes awry you can get in touch with him/her quickly. Make sure that you specify the parts that you want and stick to your guns.

    Have you ever considered building it yourself? It's not as difficult as you might imagine.
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    LOL. I used to live in Canada and I understand your point clearly, but that goes for cars too.

    I was recommending the Opteron 170 but the 165 has hit some good numbers.
  17. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    If you order stuff from Tiger, Miles, you build it.
    If you are not confident with that, you could find a local supplier/shop with qualified people to build & config.
    Your x2 Opteron rig is expensive, so you should have it built if you are not knowledgable...
    But it is important to educate yourself what you want (as you are doing) because Sophocles is not trying to take money off you, LoL :^)
    That's why I am busy-busy - people trust me, word gets out.
    You don't happen to live in Toronto do you?
  18. MESMD

    MESMD Regular member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    I'm a retired , medically disabled physician and a newbie. I can hardly see the small m.b. jumpers, etc. I would pay you to build me the fastest amd desktop system you would configure!!! Otherwise, I do not know any local people or retailers to ask for the construction.
    Tiger has a great reputation for support. Could I not trust them to configure to my specs.for the system you recommend?
    Thanks again,

  19. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I buy only occassionally from Tiger, I generally buy from newegg who also has a great reputation for service(another is manarch). I don't know if either does builds. What area do you live in?
  20. brobear

    brobear Guest

    This is one of the places. Looks to have been busy today. ;)
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