Intel vs. AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by flip218, May 21, 2006.

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  1. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Looks like the "Budget chip" of choice is going to be the E4300. Both are 1.8GHz but the E4300 has some advantages when overclocked compared to the E6300!

    There is a potential overclocking benefit to purchasing the E4300 over the E6300 because of it's low FSB. For it to hit the same speed as the E6300 with a lower FSB means that it has a higher clock multiplier number than the E6300 (9 versus 7). Overclocking the E6300 requires pushing the FSB on the motherboard to it's limits, but with an 800 Mhz FSB you can overclock the chip to a speed that causes considerably less strain on the motherboard.

    The E4300 appears to be an underclocked E6600 with a 2MB cache. I don't know if anyone noticed but in the Anandtech review on the E4300 they had it OC'd to 3.37 or so and the FSB was around 1500. That is with the stock Intel cooler! To accomplish the same thing with the E6300 you would have to raise the FSB to around 2000 and there is no way you could do this with the stock cooler on a E6300! Not unless your computer is in a meat locker!

    Happy Computering,
  2. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I guess the 4300 turns out to be the Core 2 Celeron, so-to-speak. And the new 6xxx series models are kind of like a Pentium 4 6xx series style upgrade.

    Am I seeing a pattern?

    Well, If the E4300 really turns out to be a good overclocker in the mainstream consumers, then it just might be my Core 2 Duo upgrade choice in a few months :)

    Will the E6300 and 6400 be phased out then? The two newer ones seem to fall in sync with their bigger siblings while the older ones seem to become obscure. Things are falling into the classic intel product structure again...
  3. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    The E6300 and E6400 will increase to 4M L2 cache like their big brothers and will be called E6320 and E6420.
  4. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I've acknowledged that... read my post. I'm just wondering if the E6300 and E6400 are going to be phased out completely or if they'll have both kinds.
  5. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Well excuse me. Don't worry I won't bother attempting to answer anymore of your posts.
  6. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I think he was just asking if Intel will be keeping the 2MB cache E6300 and E6400 in production at the same time when they come out with the 4MB cache E6320 abd E6420. Maybe the phrasing could have been better, but I don't see the foul.

    In the past Intel has had offerings of the same CPU with different cache sizes, so for me it would be a hard call.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2007
  7. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    I did again and still don't see it. Too much sarcasm and too little appreciation around here anymore. I can completely understand why kivory666 and Sophocles no longer participates here anymore. Try to help and get a reply like that. I don't know if Intel will continue to produce the E6300 and E6400. Carry on without me.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2007
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    You are saying that, very much "tongue in cheek" I hope? I always wondered if the Celerons were made from the cast offs of failed P4s, like the old 486 XT and ST's were. They sold so many STs for a while that Intel had to deliberatly cripple thousands of XTs just to fill the demand! LOL!!!

    Happy Computering,
  9. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    thats what amd do/did with the athlon/semprons, they just cut out the faulty cache and a sempy was born, but im sure the celeron is a whole different cpu to the pentium. not sure with the celeron d as they seem to do alot better than the older one now.

    the more i read about these 800mhz allendales the more i think i want one, in a nf650i mobo.


    nothing realy from the green camp, they seem to be keeping their heads down after the fx70s/4x4. they have dropped the prices on the midrange (3400/4800) cpus if you buy them by the 1000 by around 10%. they are also bringinng more 65nm chips out. wether these are any better than the 90nm ones is yet to be seen as iv read stuff about them only running ddr2 to 750mhz which truly baffles me (i will add the link l8a if i can find it again) although they use alot less power so, maybe a hit with the overclockers?
  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Yup! It will run just like an overclocked E6300 and more, thanks to the slower buss and lower multiplier. Should take a load off the memory as well, as the FSB would be running almost 500MHz slower at 3.37 or so!

    Sounds like a definate winner to me!

    Happy Computering,
  11. gina4xoxo

    gina4xoxo Guest

    You guys have me sooooooo confused with all this OC talk! I probably won't be OC'ing my system, so I guess we're back to which processor is best for me, the E6400 or wait for the newer ones to come out with the 4mb cache, the ones I posted that article about (E4300, I think)? What are the benefits and disadvantages of each?
    I would like to overclock but would be too scared to do it unless I had someone to talk to who knew a lot about it that I could learn from.
    And then there's still that AMD offer barebones out there..... but I think I'll go with Intel Duo Core as it seems to be paving the way.
    Any advice is really appreciated!

  12. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    The question is, do you want to build a computer now or wait to see what the future brings? If we're lucky advancements will continue. In that case you have to make up your mind at some point to accept what's currently best and go ahead and build.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2007
  13. gina4xoxo

    gina4xoxo Guest

    Let's say I want to build within the next month.... I can't shut my current computer off because something is wrong with the connection and it shorts out... so one day it's just gonna go off and never come back.... plus it's very outdated and I wanted to get something that's going to be good for the next couple of years.... again, NO GAMING!
    Should I wait for the 6320 or 6420 or is the 6400 good enough for me? Anyone hear of what the prices are going to run on these? Would the 6320 outperform the 6400 because of the increased cache?
    I'm trying to learn here..... if anyone wants to help me out or talk, I'd be glad to call and eat the long-distance charges!


    Anyone here in the Chicago area?
  14. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    gina4xoxo, the E6400 will be more than fine for what your doing with the PC if you want to go ahead and pull the trigger. and sure the 4MB cache would be a little better but for what your doing but i don't think you notice that big of a difference. so the call is yours to do it now with the E6600 or wait a bit for the new cores.

    oh BTW i am in Indianapolis and been a huge Bears fan all my life but i think our Colts are going to get it done in Miami in a couple weeks lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2007
  15. gina4xoxo

    gina4xoxo Guest

    Mortie, come back!!!! I'm new here and was learning so much from reading your posts! Please don't let others' comments chase you away. Your knowledge here is highly appreciated and I've only been around a few days!

    Gina :O)
  16. gina4xoxo

    gina4xoxo Guest

    All this talk with the CPU, but what kind of mobo should I be looking for? What is this SLI I've been seeing? What are the key things I should look for on a mobo and also graphics card if I'm doing no gaming. I read somewhere that anything with turbocache is NOT good to get. Would the 7300 be fine for me since I'm doing no gaming or can I go even less than that? I know, dumb questions, but I'm reading and reading and learning and learning..... and asking and asking ;O)

  17. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Here is a very good price on a good all around video card. You might consider going ahead and picking one up while there is still a mail in rebate.

    I'm staying away from any particular one cpu recomendation but do recommend a core 2 duo over AMD X2 at this time. If you're in a hurry and don't plan on doing big time OC'ing either of the E6300 or E6400 will perform well and still OC considerable, the E6400 being the faster cpu of course. If you want a CPU that is more OC'able (doesn't sound like you are into that much), You might want to go with an E4xxx cpu. If you can wait untill Q2 of this year, the E6320 or E6420 would be good choices. I have no idea how the increase to 4M L2 cache will reflect in the price.

    SLI stands for scalable link interface and allows 2 video cards to run togather and produce a single output.

    There are several mobo's available now. I use and have always had good luck with Asus. I hear there is a very good eVGA mobo out now. I'll let somebody else jump in with some mobo recomendations. I chose the Asus P5W DH Deluxe because of it's OC capabilities and the new Intel 975 northbridge.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2007
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Don't feel bad about the questions as the only dumb questions are the one's not asked. My personal choice for a MB considering I don't game would be an Asus P5B,
    Intel E4300,
    with this memory.

    Given todays prices I would get a PCIe 16x 7600GT for graphics, as they are fairly cheap right now and a very good all around video card.

    With this kind of set-up you can pretty much do whatever you like. You can leave it stock or overclock it, your choice. the components I listed should run you about $550, which is not cheap but I've learned the hard way that a computer is only as good as the components you build it with. Always buy the best that you can afford!

    As far as SLI goes, unless you game, it's of no real use. You could pretty much get the same results by using a single 7950!

    Hope this helps. With the components I listed above you would wind up with a very high quality computer that should last for years and do anything you want to do with it. Quality in=Quality out!

    Happy Computering,
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2007
  19. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Mort81, Hey, I'm sorry about that earlier retort. That was very cold of me. I'm really not that bad, I just guess I wasn't thinking how that would be taken.

    I've upset a few people in the last few days... I'M SORRY AFTERDAWN!

    But what I mean on the E4300 is that it will carry on the legendary overclocking potential of the celerons. Lower abilities at stock but with monster OC ability thanks to the lower bus it'll match or surpass the others in frequency ceiling.
  20. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Thank you sir. I probably misinterpreted it to some degree and it caught me at the wrong time. It's all good. Keep up the good work. All is forgiven.
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